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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm getting ready to do another playthrough after not having played the game for well over a year. I definitely want to heavily invest in CQC this time around. What would be the best weapon skill to complement CQC? Edit: Maybe I should just forget about guns altogether and just max out CQC, Stealth, and Tech, then just kill everybody with my hands? (because that's way more badass than putting bullets in people)
  2. With all the stuff people are suggesting pretty soon it's going to look like this: Helmet Cuirass Pauldrons Couters Vambraces Gauntlets Belt Cuisses Poleyns Greaves Sollerets Cloak Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Earring Earring Necklace Anklet Navel Piercing Nose Piercing Eyebrow Piercing 1 Eyebrow Piercing 2 Subdermal Implant 1 Subdermal Implant 2 I want to spend the majority of my time playing the game, not managing inventory.
  3. I didn't include any jewelry in my 6 slots since I don't consider jewelry as armor, but I'm all for the standard 2 rings and 1 amulet slot deal. I don't think it's really necessary or beneficial to go far (or at all) beyond the standard 6 armor slots I listed above and getting crazy with something like: Helmet Cuirass Pauldrons Couters Gauntlets Belt Cuisses Poleyns Greaves Sollerets Cloak That's just overkill
  4. Armor Helmet Gloves Boots Cloak Belt I wouldn't mind also having a slot to put something over the armor, like a tabard, even if it's just purely for aesthetics. Better yet, tabards could serve the purpose of identifying you as being part of a certain faction, much like faction-specific armor in Fallout: New Vegas, except this way you could wear whatever armor you wanted underneath and still identify yourself as being part of said faction.
  5. I'm still angry about the cake I didn't get to have in Portal. In all seriousness, I'm all for endings with consequences where pretty much any which way you chose somebody has to make a sacrifice or get hurt (possibly killed). You can interpret whether that's a happy ending or not by how invested you are in the certain characters or factions involved.
  6. Impossible, nothing can beat that shining beacon of story telling and artistic integrity. What about five different color explosions? FIVE!
  7. Lemmy Mutton Chops (+2 performance, +4 survival) What Chanter wouldn't want to sport a pair of those beautes?
  8. I'm fine with all possible endings having some element of tragedy or uncertainty if the game is to be part of a series. Leaving off on a sad or uncertain note would add some good tension to the wait for Project Eternity 2: Electric Boogaloo. I didn't vote since I'm not about to withdraw my backing
  9. Stache of Awe (+5 intimidation, 10% better prices on livestock)
  10. The Rollie Fingers stache (+2 defense +3 accuracy with thrown weapons)
  11. The Tom Selleck Magnum P.I. stache instantly adds 5 points of charisma. Combine that with an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt (+6 persuasion, +3 manliness) and any female NPC doesn't stand a chance against persuasion attempts.
  12. Finished Sleeping Dogs. I love the game to bits. It's in my top 2 or 3 games of 2012. It's got plenty of flaws, but I had a super duper good time for the entirety of the 40 hours I put into the game (that includes the Nightmare in North Point DLC, all races in the base game, all drug busts, all favors, and at least some of the open world events). The last 30 minutes or so of the main story is pretty gut-wrenching (pun intended). The rational thing for me to do would be to jump back into GTA 4, since I'm really close to finishing it, but I just can't bring myself to go back to GTA's horrendous and frustrating combat right now. I'll finish it eventually... some day. Instead methinks I'll do another run through Alpha Protocol and also jump back into my latest foray into Fallout: New Vegas (I seem to almost always be playing that game ).
  13. I finished Sleeping Dogs - Nightmare in North Point and have jumped back into the main story (my original plan was to finish the main story first, but then I learned you get the oh so stylish Jiang Shi hat to use in the main game upon beating the DLC, so plans changed). It took me about 3 hours to run through the DLC, and that was with doing (to the best of my knowledge) absolutely everything optional. While it was pretty abrupt, I actually really enjoyed the ending. I thought it was a cool tip of the hat to an iconic video and a fun way to cap off a really goofy and utterly ridiculous DLC in what is otherwise a serious game.
  14. Playing through Sleeping Dogs - Nightmare in North Point. I've put in about 2 1/2 hours so far (I've been doing a bunch of side stuff like hunting down Hell Money shrines and such). It's definitely quite repetitive, but the story is just utterly ridiculous and self-aware enough that it's kept me interested.
  15. If nothing else, that's a mighty impressive tech demo. My concern is that all the tech in the world does not necessarily create interesting worlds and characters. Still, that technology is pretty sweet.
  16. Skipping SoU? HotU is definitely the highlight of NWN. The original campaign and SoU are both decent, but HotU is flat out awesome. I've played through HotU probably nearly a dozen times, it's just that much fun. Altogether I've logged somewhere in the neighborhood of 1000 hours in NWN, including the mountains upon mountains of user created content.
  17. It's not like the story is particularly engaging or important. It's a loot em up, the story is "kill thousands of enemies, pick up mountains of loot". Just be thankful you're not playing Two Worlds. That game still takes the cake for cringeworthy dialogue as far as I'm concerned. Compared to Two Worlds, the voice acting and dialogue in Torchlight 2 is academy award level.
  18. On the plus side, there's not a whole lot of it in the game.
  19. That's great to hear. I scooped it up a couple of days ago but am waiting to finish the main story before playing it. The trailer certainly made it look pretty fun and wacky. Out of curiosity, about how long is it? (If you've completed it) I have just bought Sleeping Dogs and will be playing it after Risen 2. I am glad its getting good endorsements While I have not yet finished the main story, so this is subject to change, I'm strongly leaning toward Sleeping Dogs being my Game of the Year. The game is far from perfect but I've had a blast playing it. I'm 30+ hours in (I've done tons of optional stuff like races, drug busts, favors, etc.) and have loved every second. I find pretty much everything in the game to be fun, even the driving, once I got used to the twitchy and kinda weird driving model. Even after having kicked the **** out of hundreds of dudes, I still immensely enjoy beating them up. I love hauling ass through the city (it definitely helps that Honk Kong is such a fantastic setting). I like singing karaoke. I love getting into firefights on foot and in vehicles. I love on foot chases. I really love action hijacking. I still always have a big goofy grin on my face whenever I play the game, it's just really fun.
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