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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The core series breaks down into two parts: M&M 1-5: Turn-based M&M 6-9: Real-time Then there are the spinoffs: Heroes: Turn-based strategy Crusaders: Garbage Dark Messiah: Action, first person
  2. The goat sounds are hilarious. Also, I love the 3 Amigos outfit. I'm really loving how this game is shaping up.
  3. Game of Thrones is the video game Pabst Blue Ribbon.
  4. The only thing gold is useful for is buying horses to sell on AH, but even that isn't that good anymore since too many people caught on and the market got saturated.
  5. I need to move to either Washington or Colorado.
  6. You mean Lords of Shadow? I'm not a fan either. I prefer my Castlevania to play like an actual Castlevania, not God of War.
  7. In that same vein, I'm going with "Guru Meditation"
  8. Nice come from behind win for the Sawx tonight. No matter tomorrow's outcome, they'll take this series from the O's, but if they can sweep, they can effectively eliminate the O's from the AL East race. Hopefully the Lester that was super dominant the last 2 times out shows up again for that game.
  9. Well, the US is now on the verge of dragging itself into another costly conflict it has NO ****ING BUSINESS taking part in. I'm sure some a-holes are going to profit from this, it sure won't be the common man. We'll be footing the bill for this, both in terms of taxpayer dollars and blood.
  10. Nintendo announces 2DS I wonder why they went away from the clamshell design for this. Is it really that much more expensive to make it clamshell? That thing ain't fitting into too many pockets.
  11. Agreed, given a single game scenarion, a Japanese team could conceivably beat any MLB team, because **** happens. I'd even give them a somewhat reasonable chance to beat a team like the 'Stros or Marlins in a 7 game series. They'd get smoked in a 7 game series by any of the contending teams.
  12. As impressive as that is, they cut the gif off too early. I want to know whether she threw a strike, or even reached the plate. Yes and no (high outside) Full video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVeo6QMcbW4 She was South Korean (rhythmic gymnast Shin Soo-ji's) not Japanese Nice, thanks. That's a lot better than most people do throwing out the first pitch conventionally.
  13. As impressive as that is, they cut the gif off too early. I want to know whether she threw a strike, or even reached the plate.
  14. Microsoft started crumbling long before the XBOne fiasco. XBOne isn't even their biggest problem. Microsoft's biggest **** up was missing the mobile boat. Once upon a time Microsoft had, for its time, a halfway decent phone OS and a small foothold in the market, albeit far behind Symbian and Blackberry. Then Apple showed up with their trend/hype machine and blew the mutha****ing market up. Mobile exploded and Apple went from afterthought to industry leader practically overnight. Google jumped into the fray while the market was still exploding, gained a foothold, skyrocketed, then eventually took over as the new boss in town, relegating Apple to their familiar #2 role. Meanwhile, in Redmond, Microsoft was slow to respond then stumbled again and again and again in their effort to get Windows Phone 7 out the door. Had Windows Phone 7 arrived a year earlier, they could have caught the tail end of the market explosion and gained a foothold, instead, by the time it arrived the market explosion was effectively over, Android had been established as the far and away market leader, iOS settled into a distant, but solid #2 spot, Blackberry was fighting for its life to remain relevant, and everybody else was scrambling for a meager few percentage points of the market. Since then Microsoft has been trying to get a foothold in the mobile market and been for the most part unsuccessful (I think they managed to surpass Blackberry for the VERY distant #3 spot). They still dominate the desktop, though their dominance there is slowly starting to slip (Windows 8 certainly didn't help), but desktop is a shrinking market, mobile is where the real money is right now. They still have Windows server, but even with their victory of finally supplanting Unix as the #1 server OS they weren't able to completely dominate the market because Linux made significant inroads and effectively took over where Unix had fallen. So now they're left with a strong position in server, Office, a slowly slipping dominance of a slowly, but steadily, deteriorating desktop market, an uncertain future with XBOne, and an uphill battle to become even relevant in mobile.
  15. The Sawx just completely demolished the O's with Victorino having a monster night (2 HR, 7 RBI). Another good sign is Napoli heating up as of late. He's well known as a streaky player and this certainly wouldn't be a bad time for him to go on a hot streak. The starting pitching has been really good lately too, even in the 1 loss in San Fran and the 1 loss in LA. The Rays loss was a bonus I was not expecting. Still a month to go and things are too close for comfort. It's going to be an exciting September. On a side note, hopefully Buchholz fares better in his second rehab start today than he did in his first. The most important thing is no setbacks, though.
  16. Meanwhile, in Florida, a man was arrested for masturbating outside a convenience store while rotating in place. Pretty fantastic mugshot too.
  17. I'm liking the sound of Jadepunk. I love me some wuxia and I love me some steampunk.
  18. Same here. The patch that dropped this morning seemed to have caused a whole host of issues. Volition is working on a hotfix right now. I guess I'll play some Might & Magic X for the time being.
  19. Dread lords all shop from the same clothing/armor catalog. It's convenient, they get discounts depending on how many souls they've enslaved, and they usually get free shipping.
  20. That's a bit of a departure from his look in TW1:
  21. I've backed off playing mainly because SR4 is taking up all my playing time, I pretty much expected alpha testing. I'll jump back in when this patch goes live as the weapon/armor breaking was my biggest frustration and causing me to reload saves constantly, and I don't particularly like to meta-game like that. No fix for the goblin chef but I understand there are much more pressing issues to solve first. I'm pleasantly surprised at just how many of the issues the first patch will address.
  22. https://mightandmagicx-legacy.ubi.com/opendev/blog/post/view/521b9074e754b64a72000000 Sweet, sounds like many of the glaring bugs are being addressed in the next release.
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