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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. **** it let's make a game in a fantasy Mesoamerica with giant magic snakes, Jaguar mounts and general Aztec dickery. Count me in. I'd definitely be very interested in an RPG set in a mythical Mesoamerican setting.
  2. The point is, the correct course of action would be to attempt to deflect the asteroid just enough so it misses us, rather than breaking it up into pieces. Assuming we detected it early enough and sprung into action quickly, we might only need to change its trajectory by a degree or two.
  3. You know, if an asteroid was headed toward earth the last thing you would want to do is blow it up. That wouldn't be heroic at all, even if it was Bruce Willis and/or Ben Afleck. That would only spread the damage over a larger area of the world. We'd still all be ****ed.
  4. "Generic fantasy" is just a much shorter way of saying "yet another Tolkien-esque pseudo-medieval Europe fantasy setting".
  5. Agreed. Far Cry 2 also is great in allowing you to approach things from different angles and using different strategies, but the respawning checkpoints get ridiculously annoying really quickly.
  6. No, not similar, it's the same cave again and again and again and again. I would more describe it as a relatively short and rather narrow sandbox which you get to run back and forth in about a hundred times.
  7. Interest level rising. While I'm not particularly thrilled to see yet another game in a generic fantasy setting (seriously, there are countless other potential settings that haven't yet been beaten to death, or even explored), I just hope you're not the "chosen one" on a quest to find the "legendary artifact" so that you can stop the "arisen ancient evil". If that winds up being the case, even the name Guido Henkel couldn't get me to pledge.
  8. Y2K happened. All the computers rose up and started killing people and burning down houses. It took the entire year and countless lives to put down the rebellion of the machines. Don't you remember?
  9. Well, I do suppose Dragon Age 2 does resemble a shooter more than it does an RPG, but I don't think anyone would call it sandboxy.
  10. The colors are more vibrant in the 360 version. For whatever reason, they went with a more washed out bluish look to the foliage in the PS4 version than the vibrant greens in the 360 version. The PS4 definitely has better shadows, lighting effects, and particle effects, as well as significantly better textures on the characters. The difference were never going to be monumental. With each new console generation the difference in graphics is less pronounced when compared to the previous generation than with earlier jumps in tech.
  11. Turkish Star Wars Training Montage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cufQD5Y31ZA
  12. I can definitely see a difference, pretty much as much difference as I expected to see. How much of a difference were you expecting/hoping for?
  13. Because the internet is on the mutha******, the New Orleans Pelican is already a meme. Here are a few of the highlights: Source: http://www.uproxx.com/sports/2013/10/expected-internet-field-day-debut-new-orleans-pelicans-mascot/
  14. Signed, Duke Nukem Forever, Daikatana, Uru: Ages Beyond Myst
  15. TressFX is brutal on the resources. I was able to play the game nearly maxed out on my lappy as long as TressFX was off, and it ran fine. As soon as I put TressFX on the game became a slideshow. It's a decent enough game if you're looking to play a cover shooter.
  16. That is disturbing on so many levels. I'm probably missing something but I have no idea what game that bear is from, care to enlighten me? You honestly don't know about Pedobear? Read this.
  17. Here's the New Orleans Pelicans' mascot:
  18. yeah, somewhat disturbing Any better now? *Twilight Zone music* Oh dear lord, you've turned it into crappy MMO character name format. Well, at least it's not xXRaNdOm ViDeO gAmE nEwSXx, that would have been the absolute worst.
  19. FMV games can be very enjoyable, you just have to embrace the cheese. Don't be afraid of the cheese. Take in the cheese. Be one with the cheese. Let the cheese fill your pores.
  20. Ah, The 7th Guest, the game that sold thousands of CD-ROMs. I thought the game was more hilariously cheesy than scary, but I enjoyed it and The 11th Hour back in the day.
  21. You can, but it's illegal in at least 20 states. I'm not sure about other countries.
  22. Shroud of the Avatar Developer Commentary: http://www.ign.com/videos/2013/10/31/shroud-of-the-avatar-developer-commentary Other than the (hopefully placeholder) animations, particularly the hilariously stiff running animation, I think it's coming along nicely.
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