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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Nice triple double for Steph Curry at MSG last night. Also, while this happened a few days ago, I only saw Manu's disintegrating shoe this morning. It might be my favorite highlight of the season. Edit: Also, Ibaka breaking LeBron's nose might have been the worst thing possible for the rest of the league. I thoroughly expect LeBron and the Heat to continue trouncing teams while LeBron wears the Batman mask.
  2. This is turning into The People's Front of Judea vs. The Judean People's Front. Splitters!
  3. They're in your computer spying on you, they're in your phone, they're in your glasses, they're in your TV, they're in your microwave, they're in your toaster oven.
  4. You were expecting to get results for something other than Daggerfall when you searched for Daggerfall?
  5. Will there be a beach volleyball cutscene?
  6. I am very tempted to drop the extra $10 and get in on the game with the new updates. At the same time, I have more than enough stuff to play as it is. Must be strong, must not extend backlog any further, must hold out until actual release. /starts to reach for wallet Noooooo! //slaps own hand
  7. I inadvertently and indirectly introduced Kenny Loggins into this thread. What have I done?
  8. I'm definitely liking Dragonfall so far, there's more ways through situations than previous, which is great, and giving you a steady team with personalities was definitely the right call. I made an Ork Rigger this time. Having some drones along for the ride is almost not fair.
  9. That it does: Also, Tesla Effect update: 2k resolution FMV, pretty snazzy!
  10. I can just see it now... Meanwhile at the Electronic Arts corporate headquarters: Soulless Executive #1 - "What's that noise outside?" Soulless Executive #2 - "It's an angry mob." Soulless Executive #1 - *looks at clock* "It's almost lunch time, is this really the first one today?" Soulless Executive #2 - "As far as I know." Soulless Executive #1 - "I guess we're just not trying hard enough." Soulless Executive #2 - "Well, we're already planing on day 1 DLC for Dragon Age: Inquisition, what else can we do?" Soulless Executive Overlord - *appears in black puff of smoke* "We'll add microtransactions." *disappears in black puff of smoke* Soulless Executive #1 - "That's why he gets paid the big bucks."
  11. Germany = Europe and they censor everything. I thought Germany didn't censor sex but they censored the bejesus out of anything resembling violence? It was my understanding that they pretty much have full on penetration sex scenes in Saturday morning children's cartoons in Germany, have I been misled? Edit: Oh, and as far as the liberals and conservatives thing goes, I can't speak for other countries, but the dirty little secret* in 'Murica is that there's really no difference between the two sides. They both consist of soulless, corrupt, career politicians who care only about getting reelected and pocketing more money from lobbyists. They'll adopt whatever platform they think will keep them in office. *not really a secret
  12. I saw the update this morning and got excited it arrived early. Booted into the game and no Daggerfall campaign yet (doh!), though the fonts in the main menu changed (not a fan of the new BOLD font, but whatever), so I'm assuming the save anywhere update is live. Gotta wait until 1 PM EDT, or about 5:30 PM EDT in my case, as that's when I'll be home from work and done chowing down.
  13. Before you even start playing a campaign? That sounds a bit extreme. I'm not sure if you can save on the main menu.
  14. I'm up to the Meat Circus level in Psychonauts. I won't lie, in the past this level has kicked my ass, and likely will for a while this time around.
  15. I have no clue where it was actually developed, but Septerra Core is as jRPG as jRPG gets, whether it was developed in Japan or elsewhere.
  16. This just further reaffirms how much superior 'Murica is to the rest of the world, as we get all the content on every platform.
  17. On the positive side, it took 12 pages for the thread to jump the shark. That's better than I figured.
  18. What's a platformer without Lucha Libre? Eet E-Eet E E E-Eet
  19. Never had a cloth map on my life. Oh sure, had to one-up me with an even more blasphemous statement. Show-off!
  20. And now, for the most blasphemous statement in the history of blasphemous statements: I honestly don't miss cloth maps in the slightest bit
  21. Digital distribution must be a godsend to game companies, especially small to mid-size. I imagine the money saved with digital distribution compared to burning discs must be quite significant. Heck, even after Uncle GabeN and... (/looks up GOG wiki to see who runs the show) Uncle Guillame take their cuts, it's still gotta be a heck of a lot cheaper than burning discs, printing boxes, manuals, code wheels (ah, good ol' code wheels ), etc.
  22. I'm definitely interested, having played the previous 2 games, it's just that I've got so much stuff in the backlog as it is that Book III isn't a priority. It's definitely on the to-do list.
  23. Yeah, I understand. *sigh* I'd rather it took place somewhere else. Somewhere tropical and exotic. Oh well, it's not a deal-breaker or anything.
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