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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Betting my money on they will still release Enhanced Edtion patch later after the release Of course, it wouldn't be a CDPR game without an Enhanced Edition some 9 or 10 months later. Broadwell? That should be Q4 2014, and would indeed work out well time wise. I may do the same, or I might splurge for Haswell-E, though the more I think about it, the less attractive Haswell-E becomes.
  2. And it's been pushed back to February 2015: Well, it's not like they ever actually set a firm date (beyond 'sometime in 2014') in the first place. Oh well, however long it takes to get it right is fine by me.
  3. Agreed. They're attacking a label. Even if they manage to 'ban' the label it will solve nothing since it doesn't address the underlying problem. A different label will simply get used.
  4. Finished South Park: The Stick of Truth last night. Great game, I had a blast playing it throughout my 23 or so hours with the game. I think the length of the game is just right. It feels like playing through an entire season of South Park, I can't really ask for more than that. My only complaint, like so many others, is that the game is just too easy. Also, I know there are reports of bugs on the console versions, but the PC version is solid as a rock. On my mid-range lappy the game ran perfect. I did not encounter a single bug, not even so much as some artifacts or visual corruption or audio clipping issues.
  5. I knew this day would come, but I was still not prepared. Edit: Spite pledging/purchasing sounds like the most brilliant thing ever. "Hey guys, I bought this ****ty game and now I'm out twenty bucks. Ha ha, joke's on you!"
  6. Costume Quest 2 coming this Halloween. My reaction:
  7. I see you got "The Hoff" rhinoplasty. Worth every penny. I like the comments females sometimes make when you pass by.
  8. Sarkeesian does the thing that's unfortunately all too common these days (always?). She makes some valid points and has some meaningful things to say, but then she exaggerates and engages in theatrics to draw attention to herself.
  9. I've seen the big behemoth sites like IGN (and the smaller sites too, for that matter) pimping the **** out of South Park: The Stick of Truth. Maybe not pimping it quite as hard as Final Fantasy XIII: Dress Up Quest or Titanfall, but it's been getting tons of coverage both before the launch and after. Plus, I've seen ads for it on TV.
  10. I'm playing as a Jew. The Stone of David special ability is such a force to be reckoned with, especially when fully maxed out. And it costs so little power points. Wait until you get the plague summoning ability. Nothing says good times like raining frogs down on your enemies.
  11. Rig the ballot boxes. Use the Floridian hanging chads!
  12. Pfft, women will never be equal with us men because we can pee while standing up. /puts on flame proof suit
  13. That is the most difficult fight I have encountered so far. That dude is super cereal.
  14. It is true that the F-22 was prohibitively expensive to manufacture. I wouldn't say that makes it a bad fighter, just an impractical one.
  15. Fox News I was tempted to write that Oby lost any shred of credibility the moment he posted a pic of Fox News, but that would imply he had some credibility to begin with.
  16. That trailer does look quite pretty. Not that it's a surprise, as we already know Frostbite is a very capable engine, but BioWare certainly seem to be making good use of it in the environmental flyover trailer we got.
  17. Dark Souls 2 PC Release Date Announced That's 1 day before my birthday.
  18. RPS isn't all bad, though. I will give them credit for giving a lot of coverage and bringing attention to smaller indie developers who get mostly ignored by the behemoth sites in favor of yet another Final Fantasy XIII Dress Up Quest "article" or OMG Did See That Call of Duty Trailer? Let's Overanalyze The Bejesus Out Of It type crap.
  19. There's reporting legitimate wrongs and then there's going out of your way to find things to get outraged about so that you can score moral justice crusader brownie points. To me it seems like RPS tends to engage in the latter.
  20. Ironically, it's precisely RPS' incessant white knighting that puts me off more than anything else. I can usually put up with it (read: skim over it as best I can) because I enjoy their cheesy puns and they do have insightful things to say from time to time. Like with any other reviewers, we don't always (or even often) see eye to eye when it comes to taste in games or things that nag us and things we let go, but that's all part of different people having different opinions, and it's not enough to make me stop reading their work. I don't think I've ever truly felt like they had an agenda... Well, except for their clear desire to score moral justice crusader brownie points.
  21. Which is ironic since the consensus seems to be that the PC version is the most bug-free of the 3 versions. In my almost 6 hours with the game I haven't encountered a single bug, not even so much as a glitchy texture or an audio clipping issue. I agree the lack of key rebinding is unacceptable, even if it doesn't affect me one bit, as I'm playing on a 360 controller.
  22. So much win in those pictures. I find something else awesome every time I look at them.
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