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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. @Enoch - California gets a lot better once you leave Santa Fe. There's a lot more to do in California outside of combat than there is in Arizona. Of course, you can go guns blazing bloodbath style too, if you prefer.
  2. Another "sock puppet" clearly with internalized misogyny.
  3. So in other words, you love it when a plan comes together?
  4. Fun fact: The Bayonetta character was designed by Mari Shimazaki She must be a "sock puppet".
  5. All the "fun" in that game looks like code for empowering the player to kill things.
  6. I personally enjoyed Wasteland 2's combat. It's doesn't quite reach X-COM's level of depth, but I found enough tactical options at my disposal to satisfy me, and putting together a good plan of attack and executing it well was always enjoyable. /shrugs
  7. My God, what a HEINOUS attack! Brianna Wu is a developer, right? What has she made? I'm not asking to be derisive, I honestly don't know and am curious.
  8. Hello, I'm 38 and a white heterosexual male. I enjoy video games, bicycle riding, and camping. I'm generally easy going and... Oops, I think I got this thread all wrong. I'm Keyrock on Miiverse. Hit me up for some Mario Kart 8 multi-player or Bayonetta 2 co-op.
  9. When it's crunch time and the game is on the line, you put the number of carries concerns aside, as far as I'm concerned. You can find better times during the season to get him a breather. Have Randle or Dunbar play an entire quarter during some 3rd or 4th quarter when you're up by 17. When the game is on the line, **** how many carries he's on pace for. In other news, Ron Mexico will be getting the start for the Jets on Sunday.
  10. That was a nearly worst case scenario game for the Boys and they still should have won had they not nearly abandoned the run at the end. They had a bunch of fumbles during the game and general miscues, lost a couple guys on defense (hopefully not for many games), Romo got hurt (thankfully that looks like just a bruise), and, with the exception of one bad pick, Colt McFreakinCoy was playing out of his mind on the other side of the ball. They still should have won. Brandon Weeden comes in fresh off riding the bench for most of the season, Murray breaks a 50 yarder to the 5, then the Cowboys inexplicably go run-pass-pass. Dez should have caught that second ball for a TD, but that doesn't change the fact that they should have just run Murray 3 times from the 5. Sure, that's what the other team is expecting, but the Cowboys have shown all year that even when team are expecting the run they still can't stop Murray. If you're a good running football team, which you are, you freakin' punch it in from there. Then in OT, 1st and 10 Murray runs for 8. Should be an easy 1st down pickup there, right, just run Murray again, he can surely get 2 yards in 3 tries (likely 1 try). Nope, they go pass-pass-pass with a hobbled Romo. You have the best rushing attack in the league, run the freakin' football, especially when the opponent is sending the house against your QB time and time again. Oh well, they're 6-2 and hopefully Romo isn't seriously hurt, that's the positive to take away from this.
  11. The Doop Era has begun in Dallas. /cries
  12. Holy ****, that's great news! I never thought I'd see this on a non-Sony platform. Edit: Here's a non-Gawker link: http://www.pcgamer.com/valkyria-chronicles-may-be-coming-to-the-pc/
  13. Car surfing Just chillin' It's a nice touch that you can raise or lower the face shield on the Varia Suit.
  14. I'm up to chapter 9 in Bayonetta. I got to fight a gargantuan boss well over 100 times my size, race a motorcycle, and do battle on on a highway while dodging speeding traffic. This game and its sequel is going to be the death of my thumbs, but it's worth it. Good times.
  15. The good news is that your team is in a division where 7-9 might be good enough for 1st place, so it's not like they need to be great to make the playoffs, they just need to be competent.
  16. For me the biggest thing I needed to get used to was pressing "U' to toggle between controlling the whole party at once and controlling each Ranger individually. Once I got used to that I had no issues controlling the game at all. It's a turn-based game, so it's not like you need to frantically click or hit hotkeys in real-time during combat.
  17. Misogy-tastic! Before: After: Mmm, serpent lunch! D'aww, so adorable!
  18. So, The Ben had a pretty good night, eh?
  19. Ivory towers, a staple of the fantasy genre... I'm not doing this right, am I?
  20. Cool beans. I hope that winds up being the case. Have fun beating up angels.
  21. Not to sour you on the game, because it's fantastic, but the PS3 version is a notoriously poor port. It may or may not have been patched into competence since it was released years back (I have no idea), but back in the day there were reports everywhere of serious framerate issues.
  22. Carolina just ran one of the most pathetic 2 minute drills I've ever seen. 2 sacks and 2 incompletions, including an incompletion on a screen pass on 4th and 25. A screen pass on 4th and 25! What the **** kind of play calling is that? If the catch is made, what are the chances you pick up 25 yards on that play? 3%? 5%?
  23. I'm up to chapter 6 in Bayonetta. Chapter 5 was brutal, I think I used 7 or 8 continues. There was one particular pair of enemies that took me 4 continues to figure outtheir attack patterns and get the timing down on dodging and when I could chain long combos and when to go in for a couple quick strikes. I had to fight those same 2 later in the chapter, but I got past that second battle in one try since I had them figured out by then. Then I got to battle a giganting flying serpent thingy. Good times.
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