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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm really glad I didn't pledge to this game. I mean, I hope it turns out to be great and will buy it in the future if it does, but I can't shake the feeling that Chris Roberts is biting off way more than he can chew here. The track record of games that have tried to be jacks of all trades is not very good. There are exceptions, of course, but more often than not when you tackle multiple game types at once you wind up with some, or all, of them being not very good. Here's hoping I'm wrong.
  2. Because Dark Souls is the soup du jour, everything gets compared to it.
  3. Episode 2 was better than the pilot, in my opinion. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement, but hopefully the standard rising becomes a trend. If so, I'm in.
  4. Costume Quest, and annual Halloween tradition. I'm about halfway through it. After that, Costume Quest 2, then onward to Bayonetta 2. I also scooped up Painkiller: Hell & Damnation plus all the DLC, since it was dirt cheap (I paid $5 for everything). I don't have time to play it right now, but once in a while I feel like playing some mindless old skool shooter goodness, and Painkiller fits that bill nicely.
  5. I'm going full Bruce and say it was an excellent read and everyone should read it. You went full Bruce. Never go full Bruce.
  6. Rose sprained his ankle in the last game. It's not (thought to be at this time) a serious injury and he'll likely only miss a couple games, but this had to have made Bulls fans, who were likely already walking on pins and needles, all the more nervous. It's been a horrible year for superstar injuries so far, and the season just started.
  7. Maybe, that was the game where the developer claimed that Bethesda were deliberately trying to bankrupt them by arbitrarily failing milestones and not paying them so as to buy them out cheaply, so there were definitely two sides to that story. Wait just a minute. Are you suggesting a big publisher threw their weight around in an attempt to forcibly acquire a development studio? How dare you, sir? How dare you besmirch the good name of big publishers?
  8. The world looks pretty, but they definitely have some work left to do on that running animation. That animation looks pretty bad, he looks like he's having a seizure while running.
  9. Finished Bayonetta. I'm going to take a brief break from the series to let my thumbs and fingers recover (my index finger, which I use to hit the dodge button took the most abuse) and engage in the annual Halloween Costume Quest playthrough, this year with double the Costume Quest!
  10. If that person is going to get that worked up and distraught over this then it's probably for the best they step away from this whole thing and take a deep breath. Here's hoping he or she chills out and things come into perspective, maybe then he or she can cheer up.
  11. I've considered this a dead project for years now. When a project goes through the setbacks, wholesale changes, and rumors of cancellation that Prey 2 went through, the chances of it ever seeing the light of day are slim. It's probably for the best, since the few projects with these kinds of troubled histories that have eventually released do not have a good track record of quality.
  12. Karma paying Clayton Bennett and Sam Presti back for being cheapskates and wasting several years of having 2 of the top 10 players in the league in their primes. They got rid of Harden because they didn't want to pay the luxury tax (ironically, shortly after that the cap changed so they could have afforded to pay him and still not go into the tax) and they repeatedly either made no moves or settled for cheap bottom of the barrel guys rather than paying a higher tier guy and going into the tax to make a push for the title. Their reward is likely going to be zero titles and getting to watch both KD and Russ leave for greener pastures when their contracts are up, which is very soon (why would either of those guys want to stay and play for cheapskates?).
  13. Haha! My patience paid off! Costume Quest 2 is 50% off on the Steam Halloween Sale. Some other games are discounted too. It's gonna be a Costume Quest and Bayonetta weekend for me.
  14. No worries, I'm sure that screenshot is just Avellone shortly before choke slamming her through and office table for her terrible tone in her articles. You can stand in line with someone and not be best pals with them. Also, you can be friends with someone and not share all views with them. Also also, let's not wish physical harm on anyone, even if it's in jest, especially given current circumstances. I have no desire to see any physical harm come to Ms. Alexander. Her being exposed for the hack, click-bait "journalist" she is, that's another story.
  15. I'm up to chapter 15 in Bayonetta. I have a feeling this is going to be the second to last chapter (I imagine the last chapter will be a boss fight chapter and this seems like a "regular" chapter). More importantly, I discovered there's a Space Harrier level in this game, because of course there is.
  16. In fairness, that describes a sadly not insignificant percentage of Americans too.
  17. Valkyria Chronicles PC gets a release date and a price tag - Nov 11, $20($18 if you pr-order)
  18. It's got some definite Planescape overtones to it from what I've read. His Numenera license is being used by inXile at the moment for Tides (which Avellone is writing for), and it's possible that he's receptive to the idea of The Strange being used similarly. I certainly wouldn't be opposed to this. I absolutely love the Numenera system, it's one of the most elegant P&P RPG systems ever, IMHO. While I kinda like the Numenera setting too, I have to admit that the setting of The Strange sounds better. By all accounts, The Strange uses essentially the Numenera system with a few modifications. Of course, we've yet to see how well Numenera will translate to a video game and TToN is still a ways away.
  19. I didn't like Dead Island, it was a game I enjoyed for about an hour, maybe an hour and a half, but I quickly grew tired of it because the game was so relentlessly tedious and repetitive. I didn't bother with Riptide when I found out if was essentially a copy & paste of the first game. The one hope I had for DI2 was that it was being handled by a different dev, so maybe they would bring some much needed changes to the formula. Making the game more MMO-ish isn't exactly what I had in mind.
  20. Kickstarter incoming? Anyway, best of luck to them. King of Dragon Pass is a pretty unique game, I'd love to see a sequel.
  21. Whatcha gonna do, brother, when Cerezamania runs wild on you!?
  22. Just sacrifice a few recruits to go push the button and have the rest of the squad standing by to run back. Easy. You heartless monster. No one gets left behind. /slams fist on desk //patriotic music play ///American flag transposed in the background ////an Eagle flies behind me No one!
  23. I'm up to chapter 12 in Bayonetta. I figure I should be nearing the end of the game. The boss fights in the game are really badass. Generally, once I figure out all the tricks the boss has up its sleeve, it's a fairly easy fight, so long as my dodge timing remains good. The first time or two facing the boss, though, I take a pretty good thrashing, on account of not knowing what I'm up against yet. I should finish the game in the next day or two. There will still be plenty left to do in the game, such as running through on a higher difficulty, getting better scores on each chapter, finding all the hidden challenge areas and mastering them, unlocking all the weapons and items, and so on, but I'm mainly interested in getting through the story entirely and jumping into the sequel. I can do the extra stuff at a later time.
  24. Polka dot is in reference to the Polka dance and music which was (and still is) performed in many European countries, Poland included. To be clear, those aren't dots on the woman's dress (it;s a small picture) they're flowers. The women's garb in that region is heavy on flower patterns. Sorry for derailing the thread.
  25. Traditional garb for the region of Poland my family is from (I was born in Warsaw, but my family originates from around Zakopane in the far south of Poland, which by ancestry makes me a Góral): You have my permission to be jealous.
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