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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I bet they sell Quiet body pillows in Japan. The gif has nothing to do with body pillows, I just wanted to post it.
  2. Well, my game of Star Trek 25th Anniversary is ****ed. The game breaking bug is there and nothing I do, even going back to an earlier save, can fix it. I've followed what I'm supposed to do to the letter and the game is still stuck. I guess I'll never finish it. Oh well, I can watch the last few minutes of someone else's playthrough to see the ending, I guess. Still a bummer though, getting caught out by a never resolved 20 year old showstopper bug. On the positive end of the scale, Invisible Inc. is really good. Turn-based tactical stealth is pretty much right up my alley. The art style is really great too. I can't wait to unlock more agents. Edit: Also, Invisible Inc. is really hard. Catastrophic failure will happen. A lot.
  3. If nothing else, this makes for some hilarious pictures and headlines
  4. 1) The resemblance to Nanshe (I'm assuming that's the Sumerian goddess you're comparing the character to) is passing at best. 2) Pagan gods and goddesses have had characters modeled after them, or even just plain appeared in video games as themselves, extensively pretty much since the beginning of gaming. Even if that character is modeled after Nanshe, this is a drop in a bucket sea. I doubt even the most zealous of religious fundamentalists will notice.
  5. I'm on the final episode of Star Trek 25th Anniversary. Sadly, I ran into a bug, a show stopper bug. If you do something in that final episode in the wrong order, it makes it so that you cannot proceed forward and are stuck. Luckily, now that I know how to do most things in that episode (my last save before the bug was before starting the episode) I can go through it quite quickly and try to finish the game. I also picked up Invisible Inc. It's really hard, and right off the bat. I got wiped on the very first real (non-tutorial) mission. Maybe I should have started on beginner difficulty after all. I understand where I made my mistakes, and they delayed my mission, and by the time I achieved my objective, I had used too much time and security level had risen to such a high state that I was overwhelmed. This seems like the type of game where I will get killed and have to restart missions a lot, at least until I master all the tricks and quirks of the game. I really like it so far, though. The challenge is tough, but welcome.
  6. Oh look, YAEASG (Yet Another Early Access Survival Game). It does look cool, though.
  7. Well, you get to style Geralt's hair and beard, so why not a (un)circumcision DLC pack? If this were any other company, I'd add in "for $1.99", but CDPR would give it away for free. As an aside, Saint's Row games already have a "Sex Appeal" slider for changing boob/dong size. Volition are true pioneers in genitalia representation.
  8. I don't have a problem with Anita, or anyone else, critiquing video games. I have a problem with Anita cherry picking, using half-truths, and sometimes going so far as blatantly lying as part of her critiques.
  9. Gerald? I think you're looking at it the wrong way. Think of the choice and consequence possibilities? Before that fight Geralt could have the choice to either spend time or not spend time with a certain sorceress. That choice would completely alter the *ahem* physics in that battle. I'll show myself out.
  10. Boobs and ass have long been staples of video games, and for good reason, because boobs and ass are awesome. However, it's about high tide that we get equal genital representation in games. I ask for, nay, demand proper dong representation in vidya games. #GiveMeDong
  11. Iga's Kickstarter for Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is now live and unsurprisingly has already smashed its initial goal. Pros: Iga is making a new 2D-ish Castlevania game. Cons: No in-game anything to show, only concept art.
  12. This is just as entertaining and, dare I say, slightly more sane than an Oby thread.
  13. Oh good, an excuse for not being able to get a date/hook up so that people can feel like they are victims instead of facing the fact that they are ****ty people no one wants to be around. This will fit nicely next to all the bogus excuses people come up with for why their kids turn out to be ****ty rather than facing the reality of them being ****ty parents. Reminder: When things don't go your way, you are surely a victim of something (make something up if an appropriate bogus excuse doesn't already exist). You being inept can't possibly be the reason because, remember, everyone is a star and you all get participation trophies. Hugs for everybody.
  14. I'm excited to watch youtube videos of select trailers a few hours after they were shown during presentations. I predict a bevy of marketing buzzwords and people awkwardly standing up on stage and "playing" short demos of games. I predict at least one really misguided "hip and trendy" Ubisoft presentation met with halfhearted applause. I predict Fallout 4 being announced and me being disappointed when it's revealed that Bethesda themselves are developing it. I predict Nintendo making me sad for the umpteenth straight year with a lack of a new Metroid or F-Zero. I'd love to see M&M XI get announced, as I really liked M&M X, but that might be optimistic as Limbic is finishing HOMM VII right now. Hopefully something really exciting comes out of left field.
  15. Still playing Star Trek 25th Anniversary. I like how each act/chapter is presented as an episode of the show, and it really feels like it too. I'm beginning the 5th episode now. I think there are 7 episodes in total (?) Anyway, I'm having a lot of fun with the game. I'll likely scoop up Judgment Rites once I finish this game.
  16. Good, goooooood. All you Windows and Mac folk can beta test Galaxy for me and get all the wrinkles out. Then when the Linux version comes out it will be 100% stable with absolutely zero bugs.
  17. Star Trek 25th Anniversary - It's worth it for the banter between Spock and Bones alone.
  18. 2 tanks, 2 supports, and 7 damage classes. I sense an imbalance here. Maybe some of the "damage" classes are DPS/support or DPS/tank hybrids? From a purely aesthetic standpoint, I dig Necromancers the most.
  19. What about Witch Hunt from Canada?
  20. Yeah, I've put off my second playthrough until the GotY Edition also. I wonder if the changes will make my Supreme Jerk all melee base party playthrough more viable or even more dude, why are you doing this to yourself bonkers?
  21. Proud Member of the Patriarchy Since 1976

  22. Well, I haven't finished the LP, I got maybe about halfway (?). I may return to it and finish it eventually... Or I might not. For essentially a home brew game it's surprisingly professional feeling. It's an old school style jRPG with many of the caveats that come with it. It has its positives but it definitely leaves much to be desired in other areas. The story and characters are pretty charming and it foregoes the whole chosen one save the world from an ancient evil BS, at least initially (it may come to that later, I don't know). It has a "gather" system for powering up abilities that adds some strategy to the game. However, the "gather" system doesn't come into play that often as it's usually a waste of time (literally) to use in most battles, outside of drawn out boss type battles. As it's a jRPG, it's quite grindy and gets really tedious after a while. To make matters worse, there is no way to increase battle speed, which exacerbates the problem by making even super easy battles needlessly long.
  23. Oh, King Art Games, you beautiful ****lords. https://youtu.be/U8_2yBVd2KM?t=1313
  24. For those wondering about the game, I started my LP of 25th Anniversary, so you can see what the game is like for yourself here.
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