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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. My only issue with the visuals is that the characters look like they're floating above the ground, but it's alpha, I assume that will be addressed.
  2. This is going to be a pretty ****ed up game.
  3. I swung by my own place after work to pick some things up before heading back to my parents' to housesit, so I had a bit of time to play on my desktop rig and played Jotun again. I've come to the conclusion that I'll likely never finish that game. I got to what I assume is the final battle and I simply cannot beat it. I've tried a whole bunch of times and only once did I come even remotely close. I hate to leave it unfinished because I was LPing it and I hate to leave the series unfinished, especially when I'm this close, but I'll probably just put an annotation in the final video explaining why there will likely never be another video to finishe the LP. I got to the point where I was playing while recording in total silence because I was so pissed off that the stream of obscenities that was going to come out of my mouth would be embarrassing, and at that point I just stopped, canceled the video and walked away. I don't play games to get pissed off. The moment a game starts to drive me to a rage I need to be done with it immediately, for my own sanity. I wish the game had an easy difficulty or something, just so that I could finish it, but it doesn't. I don't care about pride or whatever, I would totally chicken out and crank the difficulty down. I did that with Pillars for the final battle. It was such a crazy difficulty spike in comparison to everything before it, so after getting whooped repeatedly, I just cranked it down from Hard to Easy or Casual or whatever the lowest difficulty was called just to beat the game and be done with it. It's kind of too bad, because I really enjoyed Jotun up to that point, and that battle is not necessarily unfair, I know what needs to be done, I just can't do it, I don't have the skill. It's plain as that, I suck too much at the game to beat that battle and I don't care to drive myself into a rage smashing my head against a wall trying to power through it. I'm too old for that ****.
  4. I've been housesitting my parent's house while they're away in Poland, taking care of the cats and such, so I don't have my desktop rig, only my lappy. As such, I can't play some games, at least not at anywhere near max eye candy, plus I didn't bring my 360 controller with me. Also, the qualifiers for the DOTA2 majors in Frankfurt have been on, so I've been watching a lot of that. So, mostly I haven't been playing anything, but I did fire up a game of Might & Magic VI for nostalgia's sake. Right off the bat I got struck by how awful the controls, particularly in combat, are. I guess that back in 1998 an RPG with full 360 movement and real-time combat was a novelty, so I looked past how awfully clunky the combat controls when I was young, kind of how we were all so enamoured by 3D polygon graphics around that time that we blew our loads over how "awesome" those games looked back then because they were the new thing and speshul, but now, in hindsight, those games look like complete garbage, while sprite based games still look great. Anyway, despite the utter <doodoo> controls, I'm having fun with the game <ding-a-ling>ing around and exploiting the crap AI. I doubt I'll do a full playthrough, I won't be able to put up with the <feces> controls for that long, but it's a decent little distraction for a bit.
  5. Japan gets it in December, us westerner peasants have to wait until "sometime 2016". It looks more Persona X Fire Emblem than SMT X FE, but I'm still down.
  6. I enjoyed Retribution the most out of the DoW2 games, all the DoW games, for that matter. While the campaign story wasn't that tight, understandably so, since it needed to be set up so that any faction could be the protagonists, it wound up being lightyears more fun for me than any of the other games because you could play through the campaign as orks (or any other faction) and 40K orks are hilarious. It was worth playing for the hilarious banter of how much dakka is required to stomp the umies (spoiler: the answer is more dakka, the answer is always more dakka) alone.
  7. It doesn't, not in the slightest. I'm not going to be as extreme as Volo and suggest the death penalty for everyone involved, but the justice system definitely failed here and I find the people involved, all of them, disgusting. The kid was 11, that's barely starting puberty for ****s sake. Under no warped, bogus definition of "mature for his age" does that place him anywhere near age of consent.
  8. Gaming OCD almost ruined AssCreed: Black Flag for me. I thoroughly liked that game for about 40 hours, but my desire to collect every one of the useless knickknacks combined with Ubisoft's raging boner for making players climb towers got me heavily burnt out on the game. I wound up taking a 2-3 week break then powered through the final part.
  9. I finally killed that last Jotun, but the game isn't over yet I still have to fight
  10. concussion protocols being what they are, is impossible to say for certain how long sean lee will be kept off the field. Absolutely true, it's unknown how long he'll be out. It's highly unlikely it will be the whole season and the Boys do have a bye coming up soon. Still, this team is decimated. They were already without their 2 best offensive players (Tony Romo, Dez Bryant) and now they're without they're best defensive player too. It's a rough time to be a Cowboys fan.
  11. Then I guess I'm the 0.1% who thinks you're all overreacting... The reason why everyone is appalled by it, is also the reason why it won't do much damage. Everyone knows that it's just a platform for making BS claims about people, and will disregard any information on it accordingly. On a professional level, I concede you are most likely correct, I can't see businesses using this as a tool. On a personal level, though, I can still see it being used to torment people, particularly those of fragile psyche and young people, who tend to be more influenced by peer pressure, gossip, etc. than adults. I do hope the article Ganrich linked to is correct and those changes are for real.
  12. I read about Peeple, it is FRIGHTENING. IGN had an article about it about a week ago and the weirdest thing happened. If you've ever seen the comments section on an IGN article, you know what it looks like, it's not pretty, it's filled to the brim with arguing, trolling, and flaming. For once, and I've never seen this happen in IGN comments sections, pretty much everyone was in agreement. 99.9% of the comments were in agreement and they all basically said "Oh my God, this is a horrible idea, this needs to be stopped before it goes live". I got a kick out of Cordray's response to criticism that the aim of the app is not to attack people. What a hilariously see-through smoke screen to hide behind. I refuse to believe she's naive or stupid enough to truly not know how this app is going to be used (spoiler: it won't be positive). If I set out with the specific intention to make an app tailor made for trolls and the internet outrage machine to attack and torment people, I would be hard pressed to design an app more suitable for the job than Peeple. It's a troll's paradise. If this actually goes live, the people behind this should be tried for manslaughter after the first person commits suicide because of the bullying they receive as a result of this app. I do wonder about the legality of this. I'm not intimately familiar with various privacy laws around the globe, I imagine they vary from country to country, but a program that opts you in without your consent or even your knowledge and has no way for you to opt out has to be illegal in some countries, right? I would hope it would be illegal.
  13. One Jotun left to kill, the storm Jotun. Rough fight, I've gotten my ass whooped 3 times so far. Unlike some of the other boss battles, this isn't a battle where you can escape damage early on, you're pretty much going to take damage on a fairly regular basis, right from the beginning. There's just too much lightning flying around everywhere to dodge it all. It's a matter of minimizing the damage and making sure you dodge the really damaging lightning strikes. I think I need to save all my Mjolnir and Gungnir charges for the final part of the battle. As per usual, the battle becomes exponentially more difficult at that point, so it's imperative to burst the Jotun down as quickly as possible at that point. Gungnir is particularly good because you can hit from far away and it homes in on the enemy (because Gungnir never misses). It's tough though because I've usually burned through all my heals and shields by the time I reach the latter portion of the battle and I desperately need them at that point.
  14. I don't want SC to crash and burn. Sure, the schadenfreude would be pretty glorious, but I'd much rather have a great space sim than a schadenfreude fueled boner. That said, I'm not giving Roberts any money in advance.
  15. And the inevitable Sean Lee injury happened. At least it's not season ending.
  16. That was a pretty exciting game between the Iggles and Skins, even if it was kinda ugly at times. They're both division rivals of my Boys, so a tie would have been ideal, still I was happy with the Washington win, since I perceive them to be a lesser threat than Philly for the division, though I might just be giving the Iggles too much respect given their performance this year.
  17. Even with its **** combat, TW1 is really great, but I can't see myself replaying that game ever again. Every time I think about playing the game I remember that I'll have to go through the mother****ing swamp again and my brain goes "oh hell no". I like most of the other areas of the game but I can't stand that swamp.
  18. For any shmup fans, one of the best games in the genre (super kick ass soundrack by Machinae Supremacy aside).
  19. Okay, I've saturated this thread enough, no more Jotun screenies after this, I promise *fingers crossed* I lied, I promise NOTHING! MUAHAHA MUAHAHAHAHAHA MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  20. To the best of my knowledge, I've gotten every "item" out of every area in Jotun and I've now killed 3 of the 5 Jotun(s) (I'm not sure if Jotuns is correct, I have a sneaking suspicion that Jotun is both the singular and plural form). That leaves 2 Jotun(s) to kill, then... not sure. Maybe I gain entrance to Valhalla, maybe there is a final boss, maybe there is a new area, who knows?
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