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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Rampaging through a chapterhouse full of zealots
  2. I'm going to keep my expectations at zero because the WWP story has been such a sad and pathetic one over the last bunch of years that I don't want to set myself up for disappointment.
  3. If they reinstate one panel, they should reinstate both of them.
  4. It's got a giant sexy snake lady, so that's a plus.
  5. Because I'd still like to play the game I paid for years ago. Not to mention that I've been on this ****ty ride for a year and a half now, I might as well see it through to the end. It would be kind of stupid to go through a year and a half of waiting just to pull out (presumably) a month or two before the prize is available. Had I know what kind of bull**** us Linux users were in from the beginning, I would likely have asked for a refund then, but Sven, although, in my opinion, a piece of ****, is also charismatic, so I believed the lies he fed us when he told us "it will be ready very soon" every time he dangled the carrot in front of our faces. The best part is that, if we are to believe Larian (I'm quite skeptical at this point), we could have had the game around March, maybe April, since they had fixed the issues they ran into and it was just a matter of testing before releasing it to us backers (and the rest of the world), but rather than do that and fulfill your Kickstarter promises first, they decided to shove us to the backburner again to prioritize the more lucrative console ports. An yeah, priorities change, and I get that Sven's us against the publishers bleeding heart story and with your help we can make the game we always wanted to make and do right by you fans spiel was just a bunch of marketing BS, much like Fargo does. Except Fargo actually fulfilled his promises and did right by the backers, all of them, before moving on to do console ports of Wasteland 2. Anyway, venting was therapeutic, I feel better now. I'll move on now and just play the game in 2017 when it comes out for Linux after the Android, iOS, Amiga, Atari ST, Smart Watch, and Archimedes Acorn versions of the game have already been released.
  6. I think so. It doesn't change the fact that they gave us the runaround for a year and a half (and counting) and that they prioritized console versions (a smart decision from a purely business standpoint) over fulfilling their belated Kickstarter duties.
  7. ^ I mean, the game was already in development when they did the Kickstarter, so it may not have been technically feasible to do proper cross-platform development from that point forward without having to retrace their steps, though they had no problem getting a Mac version out, during early access even. Honestly, I don't care at this point. I don't care if it was technical limitations, business decisions, whatever. I don't care to hear any more excuses, I've been hearing them for a year and a half. I was fine with it when Linux wasn't finished for early access, don't care for early access anyway. I was optimistic and supportive when it didn't release simultaneously with Win and Mac, Larian had never done a game for Linux, as long as the Linux version came out in a reasonable amount of time, no big deal (note: a year and a half is not a reasonable amount of time). A couple months passed, I remained positive, these things take time. A couple more months... silence from Larian. A couple more months and finally some news "we ran into some issues with the Linux version, but it's almost sorted, you'll have the game soon" (that was about a year ago). A couple more months pass and we get "Linux issues sorted, but codebase is now out of date, we're doing something 'cool' so hang on, it will be worth it" (turns out "we're doing something 'cool'" was code for "we're porting the game to consoles, so you backers can go on the backburner again"). A couple more months and they announce the Enchanced Edition, when asked if Linux will get it at the same time as other platforms "oh yeah, day 1". Fast forward to a week or so ago and we got the "oh by the way, you Linux suckers that helped pay for the Kickstarter but haven't gotten to play the game yet, you can wait a couple more months because you're an afterthought" announcement. I'm just done; I'm done with Larian. I don't care what the company does in the future, I don't care what games they make, I don't care if they thrive or go bankrupt. They can go **** themselves.
  8. It's a really interesting setting. A lot of people only think of Barovia when the name Ravenloft comes up, because it's the most well known of the lands in Ravenloft, and contains its single most well known Darklord, Strahd (Barovia might as well be Transylvania and Strahd might as well be Dracula), but there are a lot of other domains within Ravenloft, each different, each twisted and perverted by The Dark Powers, and each with its own tragic tales to tell.
  9. Ravenloft is a really great setting; this cobbled together hodgepodge of twisted, nightmarish lands.
  10. Alien: Isolation Linux and Mac versions came out today. Steam is downloading it as we speak. /rubs hands together
  11. I'm glad they're making The Bard's Tale 4 in Unreal Engine 4 and that UE4 along with a couple of the other major engines became more cross-platform and cheaper for developers to use, because, quite honestly, Unity 5 seems pretty ****. I've seen a number of games get significantly buggier when they moved from Unity 4 to Unity 5. Sure, the performance may be better, but at the expense of stability, it seems.
  12. Yeah, I wasn't even surprised when I heard that, I've come to expect it at this point. Somebody from Larian gave a bunch of excuses as to why, having to do with console versions having to go through certifications, thus being the lead platforms, then Windows being the base version for the PC versions, or something. The excuses may or may not be valid, I don't much care at this point. I get it from a purely business standpoint, the console versions stand to make them a heck of a lot more money than the Linux version, still stat doesn't ease the sting at all. No excuse or justification is going to make a year and a half alright. I fully expect another excuse come December. Suffice to say, I have lost any and all faith and respect I had for Larian. As far as I'm concerned, they're scumbags. I will never give that company another penny ever again and I will badmouth them any chance I get.
  13. It should easily hit the final 2.5 million goal. I'd consider jumping up to $50 if backer missions reach 60 points and those novellas turn into a full scale novel, but that seems like a stretch.
  14. So long as they extend that same courtesy to everybody, whether it's an indie darling, a big time AAA title that may be advertising on their site, or a little known publisher title.
  15. If they reported on the bug then, once fixed, reported on the fixed version, then that's fine, they're doing their job and I retract my earlier statement. I haven't been following this, so I can only go by what's been stated here.
  16. Damn, that's ****ed up. The only thing unfair is not reporting about that bug immediately. Eurogamer failed as journalists (again) here. You review a game, as honestly and objectively as possible, in the state that it is in upon review and release your review in as timely a manner as possible, before launch, if at all possible, so that consumers can make an informed decision. If a game has a gamebreaking bug, you need to report that bug to the public immediately. You can state that the bug is expected to be fixed soon, if the publisher/developer has expressed that the bug is being worked on, but you still need to report on it. When journalists stop protecting consumers and start protecting publishers, they have failed as journalists and should no longer be journalists (yes, I mean they should be sacked, just so that I am being perfectly clear).
  17. That's the first I'm hearing of this. If true, that's a super scumbag move.
  18. They should just bag it for the rest of the season and try to get that #1 draft slot. Are there any good QB going pro next season? Obviously, we won't know how things pan out for a few years, but it's looking like a rather thin class for QBs. The top 2 current prospects are Jared Goff and Connor Cook, neither of which look likely to be the next Aaron Rodgers or Andrew Luck (Luck might be a bad example to use this year, given his performance). Those 2 seem like the only QB prospects that are likely to be legit NFL starters.
  19. I drove to New York to pick my parents up from the airport. After dropping them off at their house, I nearly had a close encounter of the deer kind. Had it not been for some good reflexes on my part, I'd have significant damage to my car and there would be an obliterated Bambi right now.
  20. The Cowboys offense continues to get more decimated every week. Now not only are the starting QB and #1 WR out, the #1 RB is too. Also, the #1 TE played, but he has a sprained everything. Even with all that, the Boys still had a legitimate shot to win, but Matt Cassel decided to throw it to the Giants more than his own receivers. I might as well come to grips with them being 2-8 by the time Romo comes back, this season is a lost cause.
  21. Against the formidable Jaguars? Yeah, that would have been quite the feat.
  22. I'm playing Sword Coast Legends and the trial version of Fatal Frame 5 (you can play the beginning for free, then decide if you want to pay to play the rest). I'm disappointed, though not surprised (this is Nintendo, after all), about the censorship of the game, especially since this is not a kids' game, this is a game rated M and clearly intended for adults. It's a very dark game that tackles difficult subject matter. Hilariously, they replaced the skimpy outfits with Princess Zelda and Zero Suit Samus outfits; the Zero Suit might as well be completely naked with a thin layer of blue paint, so crazy SJWs will still find stuff to complain about in this game, even with the lingerie outfits removed. Anyway, nothing I can do about it (but complain, which I have) and it's an appropriate game to play for Halloween.
  23. Good luck keeping anything confidential these days.
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