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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It's definitely not a memory problem for me, I have 32 GB of RAM and 12 GB of vRAM. Even if I am getting the memory leak that the game reportedly has, it would have to leak for a really long time on my system.
  2. For me it's everywhere. The first 2 1/2 - 3 hours I played I got real lucky, it only crashed once, but since then it's just been ridiculous, I had to save before every screen load because it seemed like there's was about a 35-40% chance that it would CTD every time it loaded a new area. For you does it crash in the middle of gameplay or just on area loads, like for me?
  3. I think I'm going to hold off a few weeks on playing this. The game is in rough shape. I've had the game crash at least 30 times so far. It only crashes during loading or unloading (entering a new area, loading a save game), but it's still extremely irritating. I've had the game crash 3 times in a row trying to load a save game. It's not worth dealing with. I'm just going to have to put my current playthrough on hold for now.
  4. Thanks for that! Gonna check it out. I've tweaked it a bit since first uploading it (it's still called the same name). I basically have all the stuff I commonly use with the exception of the hotkeys to select each individual character and the hotkeys to use items; there just aren't enough buttons on the controller to map F1-F7 and number keys 1-0 and do all other basic functions. Pretty much everything else I use is there, though: Mouse movement, left and right click, camera zoom, camera rotate, camera pan, stand, crouch, reload, swap weapon, select group/deselect group, char sheet, log book, map, escape, and enter. I'll likely mess with it some more, maybe adjust the sensitivity of the "mouse" movement a bit.
  5. @Bartimaeus - You might be right about Diablo, it's been a long while. Titan Quest does scale, though it's a limited scale. The first area might scale from 1-5, the next from 5-10, the next from 10-20, and so on. Enemies will scale with you to a point, but will cap out eventually, so if you grind an area long enough you'll reach a point where the enemier stay the same level and you keep getting stronger. By the same token, if you manage to run ahead far enough, you can run into an area with enemies way too powerful for you, and get obliterated. It's the same system its spiritual successor, Grim Dawn, is using. Torchlight definitely level scales, I'm not sure if it's limited or not. Anyway, the point is that I feel it's a necessary evil for those types of games where the developers expect players to farm areas/bosses again and again and again as they try to get certain drops (to complete sets or whatever). Without level scaling the bosses you farm would quickly become childishly easy and the gear you get would be underleveled and thus useless.
  6. Okay, let me try to understand what you are saying (no offense, I understand English is not your first language given your location). What you are saying is that leveling is irrelevant in games with level scaling because enemies scale with you, in this case, I agree completely, level scaling sucks. It is somewhat necessary in a game like Diablo/TitanQuest/Torchlight, etc. because in those games you are meant to run through the same areas again and again to farm and if levels are static then there would be no challenge after the first time. Those games are far more about loot than character progression anyway. As for examples where enemy level/strength is fixed, I disagree wholeheartedly. In my opinion, this is what RPGs should be all about. You encounter a challenge that is extremely difficult because you are low level. You can choose to do it now and surely perish or go out, get stronger, and meet the challenge when you are ready. To me, that's a critical part of video game RPGs, building your characters up until they can meet a challenge. As for what you are suggesting, if I understand correctly, is a game where character progression is not so much due to your character becoming much stronger, stat wise, but by becoming stronger because you, the player, have learned to play the character better. That game exists. It's called Bayonetta (1 & 2) and it's an AWESOME game, but it's not an RPG. Go play some spectacle fighters, it seems to be what you're looking for.
  7. Wow, I didn't expect the Steam Controller to work this well as a mouse. I mean, it's not as comfortable as my trackball for getting around my desktop, but it's shockingly competent. The haptic feedback is really neat. It's subtle, it kinda hard to describe, but it feels "right", for lack of a better word. Edit: I just tried the controller in Wasteland 2 a game that does not have an already existing official Steam Controller setup and made one myself . it was easy and intuitive and the controller config is really robust, quite impressive. I made a scheme that works pretty well for me and uploaded it to public space. If you want to check it out, it's called "Wasteland 2 - Keyrock 1". I'll tinker with it some more in the future. Edit 2: Tried it in Q.U.B.E., a first person puzzle game. I can get a decent setup, one I could live with if mice and keyboards didn't exist, but no way can I see this controller replacing m&kb for FPS. Th config utility for the controller is really great and you can dial that trackpad in pretty well, but it's never going to be as precise as a mouse, that's just not happening. Any isometric game, on the other hand, I can see this controller working great, especially one that's turn-based or one that you can pause. I'm not sure how well it would perform under the time pressure of RTS, but I don't play RTS anyway, so I won't be the one to test that theory. But games like Civ, Age of Wonders, RTwP RPGs, turn-based RPGs, I think this controller will work really well with those. I played Wasteland 2 with the controller, using it like m&kb, not using the xbox controller setting for it, and after a bit of getting used to the controller (it didn't take long), I was quite comfortable with it and honestly didn't miss m&kb very much.
  8. I can dress my waifu up as Princess Zelda or Zero Suit Samus as I have her trudge through spooky suicide mountain.
  9. I posted pictures of mine in the hardware section, I'll link to the post here.
  10. SCANDALOUS sexy unboxing pictures (taken by a really ****ty photographer - me): WARNING: FULL HARDWARE NUDITY! PARENTAL GUIDANCE STRONGLY SUGGESTED.
  11. Update: Serious Sam 3 is now gone from my giveaway cache. Still available (Steam keys): Sir, You Are Being Hunted Planetary Annihilation (the original, not TITANS) Added (Steam Key) Gone Home
  12. @Gromnir - Thanks for the advice, it's appreciated, but I don't min-max, I'm not trying to make completely optimized melee builds, I'm trying to see if I can make it through the game on highest difficulty with a rather sub-optimal party. I mean, I'm having some characters sink points into Luck and Charisma and Barter. As an aside, I like Luck, it's not useless, it's just unreliable. It's certainly not a value stat, you get a lot more bang for your buck out of other stats, but high luck will help you out during the course of the game, you just can't count on it, you don't know when it's going to happen. The yang to that yin is the Unlucky trait, which can be hilarious or maddening. I've so far had it screw over my own party more often than the enemies. I've even had it go off twice during one battle, one hit an enemy and the other almost killed one of my party members. Holmes was lying bleeding out after getting struck by lightning and I couldn't get my medic over to him because his mangled body was near a pod person. I finished the battle and stitched him up with nary a moment to spare after the battle, I think he was 5 or 6 constitution away from death. Good times.
  13. Yeah, I figure those will be some of the roughest fights. I'm going to need explosives, lots of explosives. Those don't actually use any weapon skill, so I don't technically violate my own rules if my core 4 are lobbing grenades.
  14. No kidding. After my first playthrough using a sensible party on ranger difficulty, I wanted a challenge for my next playthrough, for ****s and giggles. I originally thought about supreme jerk difficulty and everybody pure melee, companions included. Then I thought about it and realized certain sections, Ag Center being only one of them, would be straight up impossible. So, I softened the parameters to only melee combat skills on the core 4, companions can use whatever weapon skills. This should still be a pretty brutal challenge, but I'm pretty sure it's possible.
  15. Sooooo, Ag Center on supreme jerk difficulty with 4 core melee characters... not pleasant. Those infected pod people are a real pita. Luckily, I now have 2 companions, both of whom have guns, otherwise those battles would literally be impossible. I have to resort to cheesy kiting; stashing my 4 core melee rangers far out of the way and having Angie and Vulture's Cry each take a shot then back up, take a shot then back up, lather, rinse, repeat. Not the most exciting way to do battles and certainly not the quickest, but I gotta do what I gotta do, since I have damn near the worst possible party for the situation.
  16. Oh man, that's terrible, really sad news. I hope he somehow beats the odds. My wishes go out to him, Genna, and his family.
  17. That's just ridiculous. It seems weird that you can trademark an existing word. Diesel is a thing, it's a type of engine and also the type of fuel that is used in said engine. Is every gas station that sells diesel fuel infringing on the rights of a clothing company? I hope that had the devs fought this they would have won in court, but they (correctly) decided that the costs involved would not be worth it. It sucks that these large corporations get to bully people around, but that's how it is.
  18. I agree Affirmative Action wasn't created out of spite and that it was intended to do good, but I still think it's wrong. To me, the best way to stop discrimination is to stop discriminating rather than to discriminate against those that previously did the discriminating in an effort to "even the playing field".
  19. Absolutely, it's only going to get bigger. VP is a solid tier 1 DOTA2 squad (DOTA2 is the only esport I regularly follow), they've just always been the second best Russian squad for the year or so I've been following DOTA2. They were second fiddle to Empire for the longest time, then when Emipre dropped off and began their struggles is when Vega rose to prominence and leapfrogged everybody in Russia (possibly the world, Vega is so strong right now).
  20. Too bad he invested in the second best Russian DOTA2 squad. Although VP does a lot more than just DOTA afaik.
  21. Afaik, yes. Not to mention that there are scholarships and loans based solely on ethnicity. Discrimination - Apparently perfectly fine so long as the right group of people are being discriminated against.
  22. For once, I wholeheartedly agree with something written in RPS. Alpha Protocol is my favorite Obsidian game ever and I consider it one of the most underappreciated games ever made. For all its faults, and there are plenty, that game is freakin' brilliant. I keep praying that someday we get a sequel or prequel, preferably starring SIE. It's clear SEGA is never going to do anything with the IP, because SEGA, they should just sell it to Obsidian nice and cheap like.
  23. I've always been against Affirmative Action. it's literally trying to make a right by doing a second wrong.
  24. I finished up Highpool with my Three's Company party. This was actually my first time doing Highpool, I mean the Highpool if you do it first Highpool. It's kind of the opposite of Ag Center in terms of combat; getting into Ag Center was easy, but combat got harder once inside, with Highpool getting inside is the challenging part, once inside it's a piece of cake, even on supreme jerk difficulty.
  25. One of the 2 games that launched this year that gives me legit Windows envy (MGSV is the other). I hope some day this gets ported so that I get to play it.
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