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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'm a little over 2 hours into SOMA and I really dig the game so far. I have to say that it's been less scary (there have been a couple tense parts) than I anticipated, but plenty disturbing. It's still early into the game, so plenty of room for getting me frightened to come, plus I'm a bit of a wuss, so less scary is not necessarily a bad thing. I'm definitely keen on finding out more about what's going on. Plus, there's no shortage of other scary games for me to play in the coming weeks with the long rumored Linux port of Alien: Isolation becoming a reality in less than a week and Fatal Frame 5 coming in about a month.
  2. That thought definitely crossed my mind, but that almost seems too obvious.
  3. Dragon Age: Inquisition: Maximum Menial Labor Edition
  4. Wait for the twitter hashtag #notallpedos. #JaredDidNothingWrong
  5. And it's been postponed by about a month. Maybe they can use that extra month or so to implement an option for static level creatures in user created adventures? Please? Pretty please, with a cherry on top?
  6. So, Jets good, Colts bad, or a little bit of both?
  7. Not at the very beginning, anyway, but where I left off things just got weird and I could sense unfriendly things were going to be happening. [shameless plug]Check out my first LP video if you want to see how the game begins. I scheduled the video to go up in about an hour (9:30 AM EDT), though it probably won't have a 1080p/60 version for several hours longer and longer than that for 1440p/60.[/shameless plug]
  8. SOMA is out. I played a bit of it this morning before going to work (I like to get up early and have lots of time in the morning so I don't need to rush). It starts out normal enough, well minus the (not much of a spoiler, it's just about the first thing told to you in the game). Then stuff changes... It's not really scary yet, more like wait, what, where? Then again, I only played a little over half hour of the game so far and only just got to the messed up **** is going on here part.
  9. The word round the Cowboys campfire is that Romo won't need surgery and that he's expected to miss 8 weeks. The next 8 weeks for Dallas are: @Saints Pats ---BYE--- @G-Men C-Hox Iggles @Bucs @Fins If Romo's recovery is on schedule and the Cowboys could go 3-4 or better during that stretch, then maybe they can salvage the season. I mean, the schedule is manageable. That bye week is a god send, the Boys will have their top woman beater pass rusher after that week and Dez will hopefully be fairly close to returning by then.
  10. I finished Renowned Explorers: International Society today, finally going through all 5 expeditions and becoming the most renowned explorer. Admittedly, I bumped the difficulty down from "classic" (the default, fairly rough difficulty) to "normal" to get it done, as I was getting slaughtered on classic difficulty. I'll probably play the game some more in the future, maybe bump difficulty back up to classic and do some of the expeditions I haven't done yet. I had fun with the game. It's nothing that's going to win Game of the Year awards, but it's a pretty fun and lighthearted game with a little more depth than it seems at first. In the game that I just completed I wound up going mostly friendly and basically just made buddies with all the enemies when they all realized how obviously awesome I am. This works out pretty well with SOMA releasing on Tuesday as it frees up playing time for me to soil my tidy whities getting frightened. I'm also really close to finishing Crookz - The Big Heist. I think I have 2 missions left to do and will likely finish the game in the next couple of days. The timing has worked out nearly perfectly.
  11. 45 yard Brandon Weeden TD pass? 45 yard Brandon Weeden TD pass. Brandon Weeden's passer rating today is 149.7. We're through the looking glass people. Coke is Pepsi, dogs and cats living together. On a serious note, Dallas won the game and they're in 1st place, but the season may be lost depending on how long Romo is out with a fractured left clavicle. With Romo Dallas was a borderline superbowl contender, with Weeden at the helm I doubt they even make the playoffs. On the other side of the field, the Iggles offense looked atrocious today. Everybody played terrible, from Bradford on down. This was flat out embarrassing. So who's the favorite in the NFC East now? Dallas is not the same team without Romo, Philly has played horrifically and is 0-2, the G-Men have blown 2 big leads and are 0-2, and Washington is 1-1 but very much an unknown.
  12. The Brandon Weeden Era begins. Never have more spine chilling words been written nor spoken in the English language.
  13. We got a puntkkake going on in Philly. The Iggles offense did a bunch of nothing in the first half, but they're only down 6 because the Cowboys offense didn't do much of anything either. Edit: Woot! Blocked punt and TD! If our offense can't punch the ball into the endzone, at least special teams can. Edit 2: And Romo is dead
  14. I play Frictional Games' titles generally in half hour to 40 minute spurts. That's usually all I can handle before I have to turn the game off and walk away for a bit to calm myself down.
  15. "Cyber Violence" I suppose the United Nations is a fitting place for the speech, though, as the UN is famous for a lot of talking and very little doing, and the very little doing they do is largely completely ineffective at accomplishing anything.
  16. The main theme to the greatest spectacle fighter ever made
  17. Well, the rumor is (keep in mind I haven't played the game) that the game slipped many deadlines and was quite overbudget, which is what caused the Konami/Kojima split, so it seems to fit.
  18. My Split Ocelot Passenger Transport The Ocelot started out as a military command ship and recon corvette that was transitioned into a luxury yacht. It's a very fast ship (the fastest TP in the game by a wide margin) that can outrun the majority of heavy fighters, it has shielding on par with an average heavy fighter and actually outguns most heavy fighters (it has super crappy laser generator recharge, but it can mount the ammunition-based Energy Bolt Chainguns which bypass that problem). I'd still probably give an edge to a well armed heavy fighter in a 1 on 1 dogfight, due to the fighter's superior maneuverability and smaller hit box, but the Ocelot can certainly hold its own in a fight. Also, it looks badass (In typical Split fashion the ship is arrowhead shaped. Their ships tend to resemble speartips and arrowheads). Its main purpose in my fleet is as an armored personnel carrier with its generous 40 marine capacity. This will be the ship I use when I go hunting for a Goner Aran in the future. At the moment I'm using it to complete a mission where a guy wants me to take a bunch of people on a sightseeing cruise through a bunch of sectors in exchange for a couple thousand shares in a company (it's part of a long plot where I'm trying to help this poor sod turn his company around).
  19. Sorry to disappoint you, but CDPR has said straight up that we won't be seeing Cyberpunk 2077 before 2017.
  20. The physics based combat system has potential (to both be something awesome and revolutionary or to fall flat on its face) and KING Art's Book of Unwritten Tales series is top notch, albeit in a very different genre. That's enough to at least get me interested.
  21. To be honest, I'd much rather have a Alpha Protocol sequel/prequel/reboot/remake/re-whatever with the same setting. Part of what made that game work so well for me was that it was set in the contemporary real world. We have a metric ****ton of contemporary real world setting shooters, but the contemporary real world RPGs cupboard is nearly empty.
  22. Same. I'm pumped that it's releasing in just a few days. Over in X3: Albion Prelude land I have resumed the shady business plot and am at the point where I'm finding researchers to help with Ho t'sht's experimental engine. I have 2 out of the 3 I need on board, just have to track down the third and convince them to come along (I have to do them a favor). I'm not sure if I'll be able to drop the researchers off in my Tiger because it can't dock with most things, so I may need to bring along a transport.
  23. Heh, you can technically finish FarCry 4 in 15 minutes (roughly). It's also easily the best ending.
  24. Seconded. If you're not under NDA then I would very much appreciate juicy details and impressions.
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