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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It's almost as if the UN is completely useless and inept. That can't be it, if that were true we would have seen evidence of that previously...
  2. Just over a week until spooky waifu horror game.
  3. Styx: Master of Shadows sequel revealed
  4. Same here. As much as I'd love to brutally murder teenage campers having sex, and I would, no single player no care.
  5. It's worth it to put only 1 in skills at start. You'll definitely want more points in skills later, but 1 will get you by at the very beginning in many situations. If you're looking to create a reasonably "optimal" party (as opposed to my crazy, all melee, Three's Company party) you'll want a good mix of ranged weapons and put a point or two down the road in some kind of melee weapon as a back up for if/when you run out of ammo. You'll want to spread your non-weapon skills among your party members, there's no reason to overlap at all, that's wasteful. Pretty much all of them are useful, barter is probably the least useful since the discount isn't all that impressive (only reason I took it for Stanley Roper is that I though it was thematic, and that's partly what I'm going for). Make sure you have a character with first aid (that's RPG gaming 101, but I figured I'd post that for idiot-proofing [not implying you fit that description ]) If you're a serious min-maxer, you can look up the various companions and plan ahead, since companions can and will cover some skills for you. I won't tell you about any of that here (there are plenty of guides around the interwebs) since I don't know if you're into any of that (I'm not) and I don't want to post spoilers.
  6. ^ Yikes. The seeping of microtransactions into full-priced single-player games has been both disappointing and inevitable (especially disappointing in how inevitable it was). I understand microtransactions in a f2p game, the publisher has to make money off it somehow, and I can even stomach microtransactions in a full-priced single-player game, so long as they're purely cosmetic, but when that crap extends to gameplay, that's stepping way over the line. There needs to be a serious pushback from consumers, both vocal and financial, against this. Otherwise, this is just going to keep getting worse and worse. If publishers keep getting away with this, they're just going to keep pushing the boundaries.
  7. Yeah, it's not a huge omission, but I do hope they put the export function back in. Anyway, I'm doing okay in my supreme jerk all melee core rangers playthrough so far, but I know it's going to be tough sledding later on. The battles against robots with melee characters are going to be brutal. I'm going to need to rely a lot on companions and thrown/launched explosives to get through those. I'm only getting started, I'm doing Highpool now, so, fairly easy enemies so far.
  8. I've gotten 1 CTD in 2 hours of play so far, no other issues apart from the weird portrait bug. That's 1 more CTD than I would have liked, but it sounds like I've been luckier than others. Maybe it's more stable on Linux, or I've just gotten a lucky roll of the dice. Either way, hopefully stabilizing fixes are incoming. As an aside, I've seen a decent number of games get significantly less stable when the move from Unity 4 to Unity 5 happened. Maybe the changes in the engine were more significant than devs anticipated?
  9. It's on sale quite often on GOG, so you can get it for like 5 or 6 bucks if you're willing to wait a bit. Otherwise, yeah $20.
  10. For anyone that runs into the weird custom portrait bug I ran into, switch your gender, then switch it back, that seems to clear up the problem for some reason. Edit: The camera hotfix is perfect. It zooms way out like before but you can zoom way in like with the previous "new" camera.
  11. My new Desert Ranger squad for my challenge playthrough. Challenge rules: 1) Supreme Jerk difficulty 2) Only melee weapon skills on all my 4 core Rangers (companions can use any weapon) Obviously, I can't make them exactly like they were on the show, but I tried to keep the spirit of all the characters at least a bit. Jack has low coordination because he's a klutz, has kiss ass because he's a ladies' man, and brawling because he used to box. Janet has high intelligence and smart ass because she's the brains of the team. Chrissy has low intelligence because she's a stereotypical blonde, fairly high charisma because boobs, and the thick skinned trait because she's usually too dense to understand when people are insulting her. Mr. Roper has hard ass because he's, well, a hard ass, barter skills, and low awareness because he hasn't caught on to the fact that Jack's not really gay.
  12. If you zoom all the way in you get pretty close now, almost 3rd person game perspective, If you zoom all the way out you're maybe half as far away as fully zoomed out before. Ideally, they would extend the zoom range so that fully zoomed out would be the same as original fully zoomed out and fully zoomed in would be the current fully zoomed in.
  13. In fairness, dual wielding SAWs would be badass as hell.
  14. I'm with Malc on this one. If you're making a realistic military game with realistic military hardware, you should probably do your research and know the proper nomenclature. I'm pretty anal retentive about little details like that and they bother the **** out of me if I catch them. Heck, I'm by no means a military buff and even I know Mk stands for "mark".
  15. It looks a lot like VALKYRIE PROFILE to me, both in having to traverse maps and the TALES-ish combat. I liked Skullgirls a lot, so this interests me as I thought the first VP game was one of the better games to come out at that time (the sequels I played were, IMO, rubbish). I haven't played any VP games, so no comment on the comparison, but they do list it as one of their inspirations.
  16. On Steam it's essentially a completely separate game, rather than an update to the original W2. I'm not sure if that's how it works in Galaxy (Galaxy doesn't exist for my OS yet). Another note, a lot of people don't like the new camera and the devs said they are going patch in the old camera angle soon. Also, the issue with custom portraits (which may or may not be limited to just female charactes, I'm at work now so I won't be able to try until I get home) is also now known by the devs and being looked into.
  17. I wonder if it's a bug, but in the Director's Cut I was able to make 1 character with a custom portrait, then subsequent characters it wouldn't let me select custom portraits. I'm off to work now, I'll search forums on break to see if anyone else had this problem, then I'll try again after work.
  18. While you do make good points, I guarantee that were AMD more competitive in the mid-high end desktop market, and by more competitive I mean competitive even in the slightest bit, you would have seen significantly higher IPC gains over the last several generations of CPUs. Yes, technical limitations and other technologies are holding CPUs back, but were there pressure on Intel they'd find ways around those limitations. As it stands, there's no reason for them to do so, given that they are competing with themselves.
  19. Indivisible - A Metroidvania/RPG from the makers of Skullgirls. There is a playable demo of the prototype you can try for free. The combat is like a bit of a marriage of jRPG attack meter style combat with fighting game combat. As for the RPG part of it, I didn't see anything resembling that in the demo, but that's what they're calling it. I guess your character will level up and stuff.
  20. I mean, the graphics card is far and away the most important component when it comes to gaming. The truth is that CPU performance, in terms of raw horsepower, has seriously stagnated over the last half decade+. Much of the problem comes down to AMD's complete and utter inability to compete in the mid-high end desktop sector (aka The Bulldozer Botch), so Intel has has zero impetus to push IPC gains and has instead concentrated almost fully on energy efficiency. The difference in raw horsepower between an i5 or i7 from 4 generations ago and a brand spanking new i5 or i7 is shockingly small.
  21. I was just looking at that...not 100% sure but it made me pay attention at least. The Allison Road Kickstarter just kicked the bucket. Eh... They got picked up by a publisher, Team17, hence why they cancelled the Kickstarter. That, and it was pretty clear they weren't going to make their goal. Edit: Ninja'd
  22. I feel your pain, even as a Wii U owner. I just hate exclusives in general. Us North America peasants don't even get a physical release, just digital, which really sucks as it's reportedly 16 GB. It wouldn't be a problem if the Wii U didn't come with such a pathetically small HD. I'm glad I have the 32 GB Wii U, I'd be boned if I had the 8 GB version (or would have to buy an external HD). I guess the series has traditionally done poorly in NA, which is why only digital release here (meanwhile Europe gets a sweet collector's edition box). *sob* Oh well, I guess digital is better than nothing.
  23. It was quite the experience, even if some of the dialogue was a bit ham-fisted.
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