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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The Packers are getting DEMOLISHED by my newly adopted #2 team the Panthers. The Carolina defense is stout, Rodgers and company are getting nothing on offense.
  2. Quite frankly, I am completely appalled by that video. What kind of monster does someone need to be to film in portrait? Stop and think about the harm you are causing before you film in portrait! Also, retweet!
  3. Actually, wouldn't a chaotic good character be the most likely of the three good alignments to be willing to break the law to kill evildoers? Of course, since they're chaotic, I guess they can decide to do whatever they want. It kind of depends on who's law is being followed. I could be playing a lawful good zealot (possibly paladin) whose deity or lord proclaims all duergar are a blight and must be purged from this world, in that case I would be bound by the law of my deity or lord to kill any duergar on sight, the laws of Gracklstugh would be irrelevant to me. I choose to play my chaotic good character as someone who follows their heart on what is right or wrong and is not averse to breaking laws if he feels they interfere with what is right. To the best of my knowledge, that is not an incorrect interpretation of chaotic good.
  4. I'm well aware who the duergar are and how their society functions, this isn't my first foray into the Underdark. Still, I'm not in the business of slaughtering civilians, even if I don't agree with their society. Until a duergar raises their weapon against me or I witness them committing an unspeakable act, they're innocent as far as I'm concerned. I'm not going to indiscriminately murder them for simply being duergar, well, not unless I'm playing an evil character anyway, which I'm not (my char is chaotic good).
  5. I suppose it can't be any worse than a Tyler Perry movie. I bet it will be about as accurate as that FIFA movie that came out last year.
  6. I'm in the Underdark on the outskirts of Gracklstugh and my observation of the Underdark is that people below the surface act a lot more sensibly than on the surface. So, while I was in Luskan, I would barge into people's houses and rob them blind, in the video game tradition. More often than not, there'd be nobody home and I'd just help myself to their belongings, as is standard for a video protagonist to do. On the occasions where there would be someone home, they'd have no objection to me barging into their house and even helping myself to their valuables. I even had one dumbass greet me by saying "My name is so and so, I am a traveler from someplace and was on a journey... yada yada". I'm paraphrasing here, but those were the first words out of his mouth after I walked into his home uninvited. Who talks like that? Anyway, I get to the Darklake district of Gracklstugh and continue with the time honored tradition of breaking into people's houses and robbing them, except here when I walk into someone's home uninvited they say "Who the hell are you? Get out of my house right now!" which seems an appropriate thing to say to someone breaking into your house. I even had one guy walk in on me stealing his stuff while I thought he was away and he was none too pleased about it, attacked me, in fact. Granted, attacking a group of 4 armed to the teeth adventurers by yourself might not be the wisest move ever, but it's an understandable reaction to walking into your house and seeing strangers robbing it. That even managed to deter me from robbing any more houses as I don't want to kill any more innocent civilians, even if they are duergar. Also, derro are awesome.
  7. The Darklake district of Gracklstugh It even has a bakery!
  8. I never said anything about Origins, I never compared the two (not in my previous post, anyway). If you subtract Orzammar, which was legitimately interesting, from Origins, the story was quite mediocre, in my opinion.
  9. The game flows nicely and the story is rather good if you're into those kinds of stories, not to mention that choice and consequence writing is really good in that game as well. Combat is terrible and dungeons might as well not be there, but it's definitely a good Telltale adventure game! *ehm* You and I have wildly differing opinions on what is a good story.
  10. Damn, that's some next-level masochism. Then again, I've played through NWN 1 OC 4 or 5 times, so maybe I shouldn't talk.
  11. Yeah, I saw it was updated, but I haven't tried playing it since the update because I'm still busy with Sword Coast Legends. Once I finish the SCL campaign, I'm going to see if I can play some co-op, either as player or DM. I'll give it at least 1 more patch before I check Wasteland 2 out again.
  12. I mean, the Rust Rats are clearly the coolest team of the bunch.
  13. You can usually pre-order and get the discount until literally seconds before it releases, so maybe some reviews come out before then, with any luck.
  14. You're going to be waiting at least 2 weeks. I mean, I can tell you that I'm interested and that it seems like X-COM minus base management in a wild west plus supernatural setting, but I can't give an opinion until I play it, and it comes out on the 18th.
  15. 1) I bitch just as much, actually more, about Bethesda's crappy writing and complete inability to create compelling characters as I do about graphics. 2) Bitching about graphics does not preclude someone from not liking the writing. 3) Fallout 4 isn't out yet, none of us have played the game and thus none of us have experienced the story. We have, however, seen screenshots and videos showing off how the game looks. We can't really criticize the game's story, outside of making predictions and jokes about it based on Bethesda's previous work, since no one has experienced it. We can criticize the graphics because we've seen them.
  16. I'm about 30 hours in and are making my first foray into the Underdark. I imagine I'm probably 2/3 to 3/4 of the way through the game, that's my suspicion, anyway. Still having fun with the game. Like so many cRPGs, the game has a crapton of filler battles against trash mobs (I really wish cRPGs would do away with this), but at least companion AI is really good so I can control one character and leave the rest of the party on auto-pilot during those filler battles and blast through them in about 20 seconds, so they're not tedious. I only really need to micromanage at all during special/boss battles, and I'm totally fine with that, in fact, I'm quite happy about that. The battle I recently did against a giant demon spider queen was the most taxing challenge I've faced so far. That was really fun and required me controlling all the characters at various times to survive.
  17. You never know what you'll find in the Underdark
  18. Morrowind Animations - Never Forget Meanwhile, 13 years earlier...
  19. Maybe the best video game ending ever, no hyperbole. I had a goofy smile plastered on my face the entire time so wide that it hurt. Video game endings are so often a letdown, that was the polar opposite of a letdown. That was the massage parlor happy ending of video game endings.
  20. As a guy whose team's season has rested on the arms of guys named Weeden and Cassel, I know the feeling. I guess the one saving grace for the Boys is that they play in a **** division, so they might go 0-8 in Romo's absence and still have a chance to win the division.
  21. The first truly epic battle in the game. It lasted at least 4 times as long as the longest previous battle, probably closer to 5, and I burned through quite a lot of potions. Jarhild's greataxe has good stats but also makes her go on a rampage sometimes, which was a problem since I couldn't get her to quaff a potion while she was rampaging.
  22. Who's ready for a brand new Contra game... ...in China on iOS and Android
  23. I guess the answer is no, since I'm not even sure what that means? *gasp* Guess I missed it. It wouldn't be appropriate for any of my party members anyway.
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