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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. It's an awesome project, but we're still probably years (yes, plural) from Morrowind feature complete and fully playable with OpenMW. Hats off to the folks working on this, though.
  2. The Hard West patch arrived earlier today so I'm back to playing that. I'm now playing a scenario called Law and Order where I play a corrupt Inquisitor (is there any other kind?). /rubs hands together
  3. I haven't touched Grim Dawn in a year, if not more. I loved the game back when I played it then decided to shelve it until full release, which should be February 2016.
  4. That's no way to address Emperor Ming the Merciless. More to the point, anyone without a Christmas themed avatar is a humbug.
  5. I very much disagree. Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Super Smash Bros., and Shadow of Mordor were all awesome games. Bayonetta 2 was my personal GotY for 2014, that's a 10/10 game IMHO, freakin' amazing. Heck, Bayonetta 2 is my current frontrunner for Game of the Decade, it is the spectacle fighter perfected.
  6. The 1983-1985 version or the 2009 version? About the only good thing about the 2009 version was Morena Baccarin trying her damnedest to save that trainwreck of a series via acting her ass off and looking smoking hot with the pixie haircut.
  7. I stand corrected on my earlier statement about the NFC Least. It seems nobody actually wants to win this division.
  8. I finished Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry. Even with the nearly yearlong wait for the update new game, this still felt like a game that could have used another 6 or 7 months in the oven. There are still some annoying bugs here and there and some of the scene transitions are really rough, though the game is nowhere near as broken as it was in February. Still, I had a fun time with it. It's a really dirty and dark tale of murder and revenge. While you do have the option to be merciful a few of times in the game (I chose to be merciful once and not merciful three times), for the most part you play an obsessed murderous scumbag hellbent on revenge with nary a care about who gets hurt on his bloody path of vengeance. I'll give the game credit for getting more interesting as it goes along and it even has a memorable character, a real conniving smug piece of garbage who you work with for a time. Also, while the final showdown isn't the greatest I've ever played, it's still more satisfying than the finales of the majority of recent games, at least it's not anti-climactic. I'll probably still play some more of the game just to roam the Caribbean and sink some ships. You get a Ship of the Line just before the final showdown (totally unnecessary for said final showdown, but nevertheless appreciated) and I have a savegame around that time, so I'll probably just sail that vessel and spread terror across the seas. I can't resist the temptation of sailing a ship with that terrifying an amount of firepower. Seems a shame to use it for only one battle.
  9. So, I take it a regular patron of this brothel has very peculiar tastes... I'm not here to judge.
  10. Even on an island full of cannibals, you can still stop off for some sightseeing. My badass Man o War.
  11. I've taken a few day break from Hard West on account of a patch incoming in the next couple days. I don't want to start another scenario in case the patch breaks savegames or something. I'm starting to get close to the finish line in Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry. I'm in chapter 4 and games rarely have more than 4 chapters. The game definitely gets more interesting in the mid to late stages, the beginning part is kind of boring. Part of it is, I guess, having a more powerful warship and being able to take part in a lot more battles, which is the highlight of the game for me. Also, there was a section running through a temple toward the end of chapter 3 with a bunch of traps and puzzles which was a nice change of pace. Plus, there are just more interesting characters to meet later in the game. I still have a couple of treasure locations I haven't visited, so I should check those out before starting any endgame scenario, not that I need the gold.
  12. The red carpet has been rolled out for the Giants in the NFC Least. I can't fathom any scenario where they don't win the division. The Cowboys are done, the Iggles are a mess, and the Redskins are, well, the Redskins.
  13. I'd don't give a rat's ass what the holiday stands for, it's the best holiday. I get 2 paid days off from work, I get to visit my family and stuff myself silly on delicious food, and on top of that it doesn't have any of the stresses associated with X-Mas (shopping for gifts) unless you're one of the dumbasses that goes out Thursday night/Friday morning and partakes in the idiocy that is Black Friday (I sure don't). Also, it's November 27th and it's 65°F... In Connecticut! We are 2° from the recorded record high.
  14. The Dallas Cowboys' 2015 season summarized in one gif: Me during the Dallas Cowboys' 2015 season:
  15. I found the Ardennes Assault expansion campaign more exciting than the campaign of the base game, but that may have had something to do with me playing a lot of multiplayer which that campaign owes more to (and even on normal can be a kick in the ass if you're not already well-versed on the American faction). The campaign of the stock game was a more directed experience you can play at your own pace more often than not and has its moments (such as trying to take down a Tiger I with only PTRS rifles and creative employment of smoke grenades and demolition charges). Thanks. Adrennes Assault is not available on my OS at this time, so it's not an option. At less than $10, getting the base game isn't much of a risk, so I may just do it. On the pirate front, I have now fully upgraded my Man o War. I am now sailing on essentially a floating fortress. My ship is so powerful it's ridiculous, I'm nearly unsinkable, I'd have to go afk for a couple minutes during a battle. The firepower of The Serpent is staggering. I fought a battle against a galleon and a frigate and it was over in less than a minute. Also, all the speed and maneuverability upgrades I've invested in have made the ship cartoonishly agile. Under no circumstance should a ship of this size be able to turn 180° in under 10 seconds, and yet it can. Basically, anyone that gets into a sea battle with me is ****ed. You can't sink me, you can't stand up to my firepower, you can't run from me, and you can't outmaneuver me. Hopefully they have some epic ships for me to face for some kind of challenge, or at least throw like a dozen frigates at me at the same time.
  16. Question for people that have played Company of Heroes 2: Is the game worth getting for the single player campaign alone? The reason I ask is that it's on sale. I don't usually play RTSs, as I'm flat out terrible at them, but I've heard the CoH games are quite good. I have no interest in multiplayer because I'm awful and will just get massacred (also, no need for others to witness the shame of how awful I am at RTSs), but if the campaign is good then I figure I can just set the game on easy difficulty (assuming it has one) and play that.
  17. I went through a dream sequence in Vendetta: Curse of Raven's Cry, because of course I did. It's as if a memo went out about 5 years ago: "Dear developer or publisher, After long deliberations and much discussion it has been decreed that all games must now include at least one dream or hallucination sequence, effective immediately. Your cooperation is appreciated. Best regards, Bartholemew J. Humperdink Chairman of the Game Homogenization Committee"
  18. I don't have a Steam Link, so I can't confirm whether you can reconfigure the controller through Steam Link, I would hope so. My Steam Controller has essentially made my 360 Controller obsolete, I love it. At the same time, it might not be right for everybody. If you have thick thumbs, I could see the face buttons being so small and close together being an issue. Also, it requires a bit of time to rewire your brain to get used to it (it took me about a half hour to get kinda comfortable with it and a couple days until using it became second nature). The amount of customization you have with it is pretty insane, though. If you have a BestBuy or a GameStop or whatever near you, maybe they have one out on display for you to try out?
  19. Complaining about shoddy refereeing is nothing new and blown calls have been happening since the beginning of officiated sports, but this year has been absolutely brutal and last night might just take the cake. I'm not a fan of either team, so I had no stake in the outcome, but damn that was a shockingly bad job of officiating.
  20. I got hoodwinked into an ambush and found myself facing 2 frigates and 2 schooners out on the open sea. All 4 of those vessels were smaller than mine, but 4 on 1 is still a pretty bad situation to face, even when you're at the helm of a powerful warship. I gotta give the enemy credit, they opened up on me with quite a few salvos of grapeshot and decimated my crew, which severely hampered the reloading speed of my cannons, reducing the rate at which I sent 32-pounders at their hulls. The serpent, she took quite a pounding during that battle and it cost me a pretty penny to get 'er fixed up, but I got the satisfaction of sending all 4 of those bastards to Davy Jones' Locker. The next step is to track down the guy who set me up and stick a blade through his belly.
  21. Escaping can still take a while, frustratingly long in some cases. Sometimes it's useful to come at your enemy in a bid to escape if that's the way the wind is blowing, then you'll have a head of steam as you go past them and they'll take a while to turn to catch the wind and pick up speed. It's useful to max out the skill that lets you spot ships from further away early on while all you have is a schooner so that you can avoid sea battles until you get a more powerful ship. I'm cruising the seas in a Man o War now, so fleeing is not something I even consider any more, it's the other ships that need to try to flee before I put 'em in Davy Jones' Locker.
  22. Did they fix the awful sea battles where you had to wait for 5 minutes for your ship to turn around because of the wind? The sea battles seem like they're the same as before, as far as I'm concerned they didn't need fixing. Are you expecting a frigate or a galleon to turn on a dime? I think the ship movement is fine, ships require some time to turn around, particularly larger ones. I can turn my Man o War 180° in less than 30 seconds if I slow 'er down, that seems reasonable enough to me. Sure, if you're going full sail it takes longer, but that's kind of how physics works.
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