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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. Mostly nothing, I'll be spending time with family. I'll probably sneak in some Xenoblade Chronicles X in there somewhere.
  2. The Warriors setting records is nice and all, but can we talk about what's really important for a second? How about Steven Adams' caveman look? That's a pretty glorious shaggy hair/porn stache/neckbeard combo.
  3. I'm really happy that it sounds like polearms will be in the game. It would feel weird playing a game in that time period without polearms, plus I get to use my favorite weapon, the pollaxe.
  4. That is one tiny planet. You can clearly see the curvature even when the ship is less than a mile above the surface. At the same time, it's probably not practical to procedurally generate a planet even the size of Earth, which is really small on a planetary scale, in a video game for a variety of reasons. Still, I can't help but notice these things and when I see a planet that's considerably smaller than our moon I can't unsee it, I can't put it out of my mind because sense of scale is so important to me in a space game.
  5. I'd have to buy it, but that could be fun. Word 'round the campfire is that it's going to be free to play on Steam over the weekend.
  6. I hope the voice acting is placeholder because holy smokes it's bad. Still, any game that features Świętowit has my attention. Also, I like how colorful it is with many colors being brighter or a lighter/different shade than expected.
  7. I'm up for Sword Coast Legends co-op, don't care if I'm player or DM.
  8. "Nothing can change the nature of a man. Except MCA. Vote now!" "What can change the nature of a country?"
  9. To me it reads as MCA being tired of the management responsibilities that came with his position and the creative limitations that come with the business reality of maintaining a mid-sized independent development company afloat. Sounds like he wants to be an independent contractor for a while and enjoy the freedom on not being tied to a single company. Of course, as with any interpretation, I could be way off.
  10. Goetia may be the enemy. On the other hand... Before you ask, yes, I absolutely went out of my way to get a screenshot of her ass.
  11. Are we sure he's not just going on "vacation" again?
  12. Finished Bound by Flame. It was a pretty fun game and it took me about 20 hours to finish. I'll probably play it again in the future and make completely different choices and do a completely different build. I went with a full warrior and heavy into pyromancer build, completely ignoring ranger skills. I'll probably do a full ranger build in the future.
  13. Because Shin'en is a Nintendo developer, always has been. They've been around for over 15 years and have done, I believe, 1 total game for a non-Nintendo platform. I wish they'd develop for other platforms too. I'd love to see what they could do for the horsepower of a PC, but it is what it is. As it stands, they used an array of clever tricks to make a great looking game that moves really fast and with a super stable 60 FPS on the limited hardware they had to work with.
  14. I unlocked Supersonic League (essentially 100cc) in Fast Racing Neo. This game sure lives up to its name. Even in Subsonic League (50cc) the game is really fast and becomes a blur when you hit the boost. In Supersonic League your regular top speed is about the same as the boost speed in Subsonic and boost just ridiculous. You kind of have to have the courses memorized because stuff comes at you so fast that it's almost impossible to react if you don't know what's coming up. I can't wait to see what boost looks like in Hypersonic League (150cc), that's going to be straight up ludicrous, but it might take me a while to unlock it. I also reached what I assume is the final act in Bound by Flame. My character is pretty damn powerful now and only boss tier enemies are a real threat unless they have me face a really large number of the strongest regular enemies. Going full demon is definitely the way to go if you want to play a battlemage as before the mana pool was too shallow to effectively pull it off, but after the demon transformations mana regens fast enough that you can use magic liberally.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiPOywK2O5o Hold your head up high Raise your fist up in the air Play metal, louder than hell Louder than hell
  16. I scooped up Fast Racing Neo. My thoughts on the game: It's exactly what I was hoping it would be. It is the illegitimate love child of F-Zero and WipE'out". It's set up exactly like Mario Kart: 4 circuits of 4 tracks each at 3 speed classes. Even on Subsonic (50cc) the game feels holy **** fast. I can't wait to unlock the faster classes. I'll try to get some screenshots, but it's hard because the game is so intense, but the game looks AMAZING. Standing still you can see a good bit of jaggies, anti-aliasing is something they surely had to sacrifice to get the game to look this awesome and run at rock solid 60 FPS on the WII U's hardware, but at speed you'll never see it and the tracks, lighting effects, everything looks freakin' awesome. I don't know what manner of dark ritual Shin'en had to do and how many virgins they had to sacrifice to make a game look this great and go that fast at rock solid 60 FPS on the Wii U's hardware, but god bless them. I suspect they used some motion blur and depth of field tricks to make the game feel like it's moving faster than it actually is, but the feeling is all that matters.
  17. Getting my demon on Cons: I can no longer wear a helmetPros: Massively increased mana regeneration I look awesome Hopefully this is not the full extent of the available transformations. I want to go maximum demon.
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