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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The 3rd murder has just happened in my game of Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders. Unlike after the first murder, which was seemingly a complete dead end, I have 2 actual suspects after the second murder. At first glance, the first suspect seems highly unlikely to be the killer and can almost be completely dismissed, while the second suspect seems like they are a strong contender to be the killer. However, after thinking about it some, I came up with a highly plausible scenario where the first suspect was the killer. The third murder, which I only just arrived at the scene, has also challenged my initial notion that the murders are unrelated except for alphabetical order, that the killer was picking targets indiscriminately except for the aforementioned going through the alphabet. It may be a coincidence, but there does seem to be a link between victim 2 and victim 3. I do love it when games get my cognitive juices flowing like this and have me coming up with theories. My biggest gripe with the game so far is that it doesn't seem to punish you at all for making mistakes. For example, when you're connecting clues to come up with a deduction, it seems there is no penalty for trying the wrong set of clues and you could, if necessary, get things by trial and error/process of elimination. Other than that, it's a pretty good murder mystery.
  2. Sweet. I'll play through the mini-campaign in the near future, probably right after I finish The ABC Murders.
  3. I will valiantly fight a (losing) battle against the incoming tide of XCOM 2 screenies.
  4. I started playing Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders. So far they've managed to capture Poirot's abrasive, yet oddly charming arrogance fairly well. I like how you can observe people and make observations, piece together deductions, and get to reconstruct the crime, though I wish they'd take the training wheels off and not tell me how many clues there are to find in each scene and also give me more options when making deductions or reconstructing a crime to make it more complicated. Hopefully they're going easy on me now for tutorial purposes and it get much harder later on.
  5. Still slower than I'd like, but otherwise it looks badass.
  6. If the swamp didn't exist I would recommend playing the game wholeheartedly. I can not, in good conscience, tell anyone to play The Witcher without warning them of the horror that is the swamp. The swamp is a terrible place full of frustration that will take you forever to get through. You will come to curse its name. All the other areas are great, though. The combat in the game is garbage, it's basically a rhythm game. You pick the right sword and style for the situation and you click the button when the prompt flashes. The voice acting and dialogue are hilariously bad, too. However, the main story is fantastic and the game has choices that will haunt you 5 hours down the line. Also, you get nudie cards for sleeping with women. It's great.
  7. Xenonauts 2 Announced Scheduled for 2017 release.
  8. Is the murderer supposed to be different from in the book? Just wondering if the game would be anti-climactic to one who has read the novel to then play the game. I'm kind of wondering that myself. Edit: From Steam forums:
  9. Looks like I'll get to use my little grey brain cells very soon. This comes out tomorrow.
  10. Shadowrun: Hong Kong is getting an Extended Edition with 5+ hours of new gameplay and developer commentary. https://twitter.com/WeBeHarebrained/status/693513739023310848 https://www.facebook.com/HarebrainedSchemes/posts/942112145856953 I'm assuming the 5+ hours of new gameplay is the mini-campaign that was promised to us before.
  11. Wait, are there copyrights on tattoos? When you get a tattoo (I don't have any so I wouldn't know) does the tattoo artist retain the rights to that tattoo or does the person getting tattooed have the rights? LeBron is a basketball player, he plays in a a tank top, he's going to have tattoos visible all the time.
  12. Definitely Japan. Not only would I get to experience a completely different culture, I'd also get to go to puro and joshi shows regularly. As an added bonus, I'd get to play Japanese games as they were meant to be, not tainted by the foul stench of censorship for the sake of our fragile western psyches.
  13. I finished Attractio. I was right, I was doing the final challenge before. In fact, I was about 5 minutes from finishing when I left off. Fun puzzle game minus the clumsy action sequence at the end. The ending left it open to a potential sequel. I'd be down for one, especially if they end with an actual puzzle in the sequel. I'm not 100% sure what I'll play next. I'll go back and finish Satellite Reign at some point, but I think I need a few more days break from that game. I may wind up playing Agatha Christia - The ABC Murders. I'm definitely feeling the itch to play a point & click and I'm always down for a detective mystery. Getting to play as Hercule Poirot is an added bonus. The game comes out on Thursday. If the reviews are decent, I'll likely pull the trigger and dive right in.
  14. We now return you to your regularly scheduled GIANT wall of text.
  15. Where there is money to be made fraud will follow. It's the natural progression of things.
  16. Proving once again that cats are the most devious species on the planet.
  17. Not exactly a tall hurdle to clear.
  18. I'm at what I assume is the end part of Attractio, if not, then pretty close to it. For the most part, I thought the puzzles in the game were pretty good. There were a couple of parts where the mechanics were a bit wonky, leading to... for lack of a better term, inconsistent results,something that should never happen in a puzzle game, but overall I thought the puzzles were clever and made good use of gravity, momentum, and friction. Sadly, as is far too often the case, the final challenge of the game, assuming what I'm at is the final challenge, winds up being disappointing. It just seems so unnatural to end a puzzle game with an action sequence. To be fair, there is a tiny bit of a puzzle element to this challenge, but it's mostly action. I had been playing this game for over 8 hours and everything up to that point, which I'm assuming is the final challenge, had been a puzzle. There is a little bit of an element of timing and platforming and quick aiming to these puzzles, slightly more so than Portal, but overwhelmingly getting past the puzzles has depended more on creative thinking over twitch skills. Then I get to what I assume is the final challenge and the puzzle element of it is very much secondary and the challenge is heavily reliant on running, dodging, and quick aiming. It flies in the face of everything that came before it. This is so reminiscent of what also happened at the end of Portal Stories: Mel and how it left a bad taste in my mouth after what was otherwise an enjoyable puzzle game. Is it so hard to end a puzzle game with... wait for it... wait for it... a puzzle? Am I crazy here? Anyway, I got about halfway through it a couple days ago and haven't had the desire to touch it since, but I guess I'll power through it just to finish the game today or tomorrow.
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