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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. The Ron Mexico Era begins in Pittsburgh.
  2. ^ If nothing else, the soundtrack is great. It's worth keeping an eye on.
  3. I'm 100% with you on Romo. I think that not only is Romo a legit starter, he's an elite starter (fun fact: he led the league in passer rating, yards per pass, and completion percentage last year). I just desperately want the Boys to go approximately .500 while he's out, that way they're still in it when he does return. Today's game was winnable, but the team fell apart in the second half. Hopefully in 2 games, when we get McClain and Hardy, the defense can help out in situations like today, when the offense grinds to a halt and the team needs to desperately hold on.
  4. Milo can be hilarious or infuriating, depending on your political leanings (sometimes he's both). Obviously everything he puts out needs to be taken with a grain teaspoon cup bucket of salt. I've gotten my fair share of chuckles out of him.
  5. I finished Crookz - The Big Heist. It took me a little under 40 hours to finish the campaign and there are the challenge missions left, plus I can replay campaign missions with my fully upgraded team to try to better my scores. Freakin' fantastic game, I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone looking for a tactical stealth game. As I've mentioned before, this is my Pleasant Surprise of the Year. At first I wanted to say that this is not the type of game that you give a Game of the Year award to, largely because the production values, while not terrible, are far from AAA. Then I started to think about it. Why couldn't this be Game of the Year? Okay, so the graphics, while serviceable, leave something to be desired, the dialogue is mediocre, and the story is not going to win any awards. Why do I play video games, though? I play games to enjoy myself, to be entertained, to have fun. I played this for almost 40 hours (I'll play some more in the future) and pretty much the entire time I enjoyed myself, I was entertained, and I had a lot of fun. Then I try to think of a game I enjoyed playing more than Crookz that came out this year and I keep drawing a blank. In the end, for me, everything else takes a back seat to how much fun I had with a game. If a game had great graphics, great voice acting, a good story, made me think deeply about an issue, those are all nice, but they're all secondary to me compared to how much fun I had. With that said, Crookz - The Big Heist is my current front-runner for Game of the Year. Hopefully it gets a sequel.
  6. Dat run by Joseph Randle. HNNNNNNGH! 7-0 Boys. We're going to need a lot more of that from Randle and the offensive line during Romo's abscence. Also, Witten getting **** done with 37 sprained joints. Edit: Meanwhile in St Louis, the pyrotechnics crew is trying to burn the field down. Edit 2: Randle scores again! 14-0 Boys. Shockingly enough, I've so far been enjoying the Brandon Weeden experience. Of course, it helps that he's played against 2 **** defenses, Philly last week and Atlanta this week. Edit 3: That was a heck of a return by "Hold Me Closer Tiny" Darren Sproles. C'mon Jest, get your **** together. Edit 4: Touchdown Darren McFadden! 21-7 Boys. Maybe it really was more the offensive line and less DeMarco Murray last year, because so far this year Murray has done nothing in Philly while the Dallas running game is just fine and dandy. Edit 5: And Weeden throws a terrible pick. I suppose it was inevitable. *sigh* Edit 6: Touchdown #3 Joseph Randle! 28-17 Boys at the half. Horrible pick that led to 7 Atl points notwithstanding, Brandon Weeden has been pretty good so far today. If he can avoid further costly turnovers, the Boys have a good chance to take this game. Edit 7: And the Boys offense has stalled in the second half and their defense (particularly the running D) has fallen apart. Falcons lead. Edit 8: And the injury woes continue. We'll be suiting up guys off the street soon. And game over, Cowboys lose. They just completely fell apart in the second half. The offense did NOTHING and the defense couldn't slow down the Falcons, much less stop them. We can't get McLaine and Hardy on the field soon enough.
  7. I have been cyber violated. You have shattered my innocence and I'll never get it back. /faints
  8. I had tons of fun with Dying Light, abysmal QTE final boss fight notwithstanding. It's the illegitimate love child of Mirror's Edge and Dead Island. I'm looking forward to the DLC that adds vehicles.
  9. Quite possibly the most expansive and, dare I say, important DLC ever made: All joking aside, this stuff better be in the base game of American Truck Simulator when that comes out. I need a bobblehead in my Peterbilt 597. Also, I hope they include the ability to flip people off when the honk their horn at you for the authentic American trucking experience.
  10. I would think cyber bullying and cyber violence would be one and the same. I think cyber violence is just a ludicrous and sensationalized term for cyber bullying, which I deem to be an accurate term (Surprise, people can be ***holes over the internet just as easily as they can be ***holes in real life. In fact, it's easier to be an ***hole over the internet because of anonymity so that cowards in real life can be tough guys and gals on the net [it is my theory that the majority of bullies and trolls on the net are cowards in real life]). I have no clue what kind of nonsense cyber touching is supposed to be. Is that like pinging somebody's computer?
  11. Crazy, right? The whole hoopla over D&D getting people into satanic rituals and making them kill themselves, that was back in the 80s, wasn't it? Edit: Never mind, Amentep answered that question while I was typing this.
  12. I'm subjected to cyber idiocy on a daily basis. I've also been the victim of online trolling more times than I can count. I ask for, nay DEMAND, justice. Also, send money to my Patreon to help with my terribly wounded psyche.
  13. This really is PMRC all over again. Every single form of media has to go through this manufactured sensationalist hysteria crap at some point. The good news is that this crap always fails eventually.
  14. Man, Kirk Cousins was awful last night. That was a winnable game for Washington, but Cousins couldn't hit the broad side of a barn yesterday.
  15. I gotta say, the in SOMA are pretty relaxing so far. Outside of a it's been pretty lovely. On the less pleasant side of things, I finally managed to die once. It was On the plus side, I think I have the mechanics of damage figured out now. I also managed to break the game once. I walked out a door that led to outside the game area and plunged into the abyss while I saw the game area float upwards away from me. It was hilarious.
  16. Allison Road - The game that aims to fill the Silent Hills (R.I.P.) shaped hole in people's hearts.
  17. Holy ****, it's like I just time traveled to a webpage from 15 years ago.
  18. A picture animated gif is worth a thousand words? That's an ice cold stare.
  19. You have a seven fingered hand? Badass! I just hope, for your sake, that you've not done any harm to the family of Inigo Montoya.
  20. She wouldn't be very quiet if she kept talking all the time, now would she?
  21. For me, Frictional does a really good job of constantly weighing on my nerves in their games. They create foreboding really well, in my opinion. I think it has a lot to do with their sound production, which is flat out terrific, as far as I'm concerned. The ambient sounds, the breathing of your character, his heartbeat, the sound effects, even for mundane things like knocking a plastic bin over, they all work really well together to constantly make you feel on edge. I don't much care for jump scares, I find they lose their effect rather quickly (once or twice will get me, after that it's like "another jump scare, whatever"), and Frictional does use jump scares also, sparingly, thankfully, though their jump scares tend to be of the audio variety rather than visual. However, constant tension definitely gets to me, I can only take that weight on my shoulders for a little while before I get real uncomfortable and have to walk away for a bit, which is why I tend to play Frictional Games' titles in short spurts. As for Isolation, I've purposely avoided in-depth reviews and most discussion of the game, since I want to play it eventually, but I have heard from several sources that the game outstays its welcome. I'll find out soon enough, I guess.
  22. Well, I'll probably still find Isolation scary because I'm a wuss. The couple times in SOMA that were quite tense for me. I'm sure for some people it was like whatever, but I was like "nope, nope, nope, nope, nope".
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