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Everything posted by Keyrock

  1. I'll be up for co-op once I finish the campaign in solo, but that likely won't be for at least a week, seeing as I'm halfway through at most right now.
  2. I applaud her for saying what we're all thinking, but most people are afraid to say out loud. In that same sense I have some admiration toward Donald Trump. Don't get me wrong, the guy is an asshat, but at least he actually speaks his mind, mostly unfiltered, for better or worse. That's a rare quality these days, an an admirable one, in my opinion. The world would be a hell of a lot better place if people just said what they truly meant, feels be damned.
  3. Back in my day (damn I'm old) this was the mother****ing jam. I wonder if DJs today still sneak this classic in? Do the kids still listen to jungle?
  4. How long did the campaign take you? I'm about 15 hours in (I play slow, though) and, I guess, early in Act 2. I wonder how much more campaign I have left? I'll say this for the game, 15 hours and no crashes, no glitches that I've noticed, no problems whatsoever. It kind of shines a really sad light on the state of video game development as a whole where a game releasing rock solid is remarkable.
  5. Update: Sir, You Are Being Hunted is gone. Still left (Steam keys): Planetary Annihilation (not TITANS) Gone Home
  6. I came to that same conclusion a few days ago. Luckily, I have Storm Coast Legends keeping me busy, so it's not a big deal, so long as InXile fix most of the issues in a relatively timely manner.
  7. Chaos a pre-order incentive? What the ****? Chaos is a critical part of the setting. Any version of this game that does not include chaos is flat out incomplete. This is really low, even for SEGA, they just keep finding ways to become an even scummier company.
  8. InXile has filed a trademark for Autoduel. Filing a trademark, of course, doesn't guarantee a game will ever get made, or when it will happen. Also, I admit that I never played Autoduel, so I don't really know if it's an IP worth reviving. Still, as a fan of Steve Jackson's Car Wars, I'm interested in whatever becomes of this, as it may produce something that at least somewhat approximate the Car Wars experience.
  9. It's John Woo: The Video Game, the only thing missing is doves.
  10. I can't really disagree with that impression. 11-ish hours in and the game is very paint by numbers. It's enjoyable, but it's taken precisely zero risks so far and it's trying it's damnedest to tick off every single item on the fantasy RPG trope checklist. [shameless plug]If you're looking to see a video of it, I'm doing an LP of the game. Here's a link to part 1. It's rather non-spoilery as it's just character creation and the tutorial at the beginning. If you proceed to part 2 and beyond, then you'll be getting into spoiler territory, as that's the game proper.[/shameless plug]
  11. Catacombs, what would a fantasy RPG be without them? Original? Refreshing?
  12. Bruce's wet dream of a totalitarian world where we're all told what to do, where to go, who to associate with, what to believe, what we can and can't say, what we are allowed to eat, what time of day we are allowed to take out regimented 3 minute shower, and what color of issued uniform we are allowed to wear, for the greater good, of course, is one small step closer to reality. Rejoice!
  13. So long as the esteemed Mr. Fargo doesn't pull a Curt Schilling, I see this as a good thing. Given Mr. Fargo's extensive experience in video game developing and publishing, I think he'll do just fine.
  14. This video is a couple months old, but I don't think it was posted here. If it was, my apologies.
  15. The simplest way of explaining my (admittedly limited) experiences with Sword Coast Legends is that this game is a lot more Dragon Age: Origins than it is D&D.
  16. Yeah, I'm enjoying it more than Pillars combat, probably largely due to it being less cumbersome and flowing better. Not having to babysit every character every second of a battle does wonders for my sanity. Agreed 100%. I don't want to turn barks off completely, but having the character bark every. single. time. I click to move to a spot is driving me mad. Edit: Looks like they added an option to turn barks frequency down, it's supposedly in the audio options. I'll check it out when I get home. Edit 2: The option to lower the frequency of barks is called "Command Sounds". I initially though it was controlling the volume of barks, but if you mouse over it, it tells you that it governs the frequency of barks.
  17. I'll give the game credit in that department. The companion AI has been impressively competent in my experiences so far; I can mostly control one character and the rest of the party don't act like complete idiots when I leave them to their own devices.
  18. McDonalds is a loose interpretation of the term restaurant, technically it is a place where you can order a meal, though it's closer to mass produced food you can buy at a supermarket than the freshly prepared food people generally associate with "restaurant". Sword Coast Legends is a loose interpretation of D&D, technically it is a game in a D&D setting using a really loose interpretation of D&D rules. Hence my analogy. Okay, maybe my analogy isn't the greatest. The point is that the game takes a lot of liberties with D&D rules. How much that bothers you will have a great impact on how much you will enjoy the game.
  19. I've had fun with it so far, granted, it's still early in the game, I could certainly still grow to hate it. Basically, don't look at it as a D&D game and your chances of enjoying the game will rise significantly. If you're dead set on an authentic D&D experience, this game is not it and you will be disappointed. If you can get past the fact that this game is about as D&D as McDonalds is a restaurant, then there's fun to be had here.
  20. Confession: I spent entirely too long triggering that goblin torture device. Sure, it was just shooting flame at a shackled skeleton, but it was still satisfying.
  21. I was pretty underwhelmed by the trailer. I guess my inner Star Wars fanboy died a long time ago, killed by the poison pumping through my black heart, also Jar Jar Binks, also also Emo Anakin Skywalker.
  22. I started the game up this morning. I didn't have much time before work, so I only did character creation and the quick tutorial at the beginning. The game has an alarming lack of orcs, so I was forced to choose the next coolest fantasy race, which clearly is dwarves, and made a cleric (class selection is pretty limited too). So far I've seen a few swords and there was some mumbo jumbo about some elven goddess crying, because those skinny, pointy-eared bastards always gotta be overly dramatic like that, and a tear falling to the ground, or some junk, so I guess that counts as a legend. I've yet to encounter any coasts, but I barely started the game. When I get home from work I'll set off on my quest to find a coast to fulfill the ancient prophecy game's title. Too early to say anything about the quality of the game. I will say that the lack of screen edge scrolling is a bother. How do you not implement that in an isometric game? That's pretty standard.
  23. It's not, what's out there is still a pre-release build. The final build comes out tomorrow.
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