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Everything posted by IndiraLightfoot

  1. Glad to see that the Codex got themselves a new fitting oracle, to which they can pose their conundrums. Soon. they'll send him votive offerings as well, just to keep those heebie-jeebie fingers typing.
  2. Once again, these are just his view on things, and he doesn't understand all the stuff that's been going on. I'd say he's not trolling, but whatever we should call it, he does cause Obsidian quite some harm atm, unfortunately.
  3. I'm browsing his comments, but I can't find this quote from MCA. Did he really say that? He sure did, repeatedly. See for instance his mentioning of "the curtain".
  4. Where does it say that he lacks accounting and financial qualifications? Chris repeatedly mentioned that curtain, which I interpret as he doesn't know much at all about that. As for Feargus's wife, who's to say she didn't do some consultative work for the firm? Once again, the curtain. Chris doesn't know, but rather he frowns on the little he knew, just like lots of folks in this thread, and probably in those Codex threads as well. ITT: "Chris was an owner and part of management, so he was part of the problem!" also ITT: "Chris doesn't really know anything by his own admission, so his expressed concerns are not based on fact!" If we could at least get our speculation to be internally consistent, that would be great. Agreed, but most weirdly, my edited version of your quote here below is telling in spades about how untenable and weak Chris' side of the story is right now:
  5. Where does it say that he lacks accounting and financial qualifications? Chris repeatedly mentioned that curtain, which I interpret as he doesn't know much at all about that. As for Feargus's wife, who's to say she didn't do some consultative work for the firm? Once again, the curtain. Chris doesn't know, but rather he frowns on the little he knew, just like lots of folks in this thread, and probably in those Codex threads as well.
  6. I'm not sure if it will make you feel better, but please know - remember - that you are not alone in feeling like this. The inability to understand why people would hurt other people over inconsequential things is a question that haunts me in my waking hours, and a major reason why I've been on medication for the past ten years. It's also why I avoid these grand conversations of social order or politics like a plague. The existence of the internet sure doesn't make it any better, especially when one is forced to watch the unraveling of something seemingly as pure in concept as one's childhood heroes. I don't know you, so forgive me if I am missing the mark here, but you're probably a bit like me: both very naive and very idealistic. As such, I wish I could offer you the comfort you need, and I hate myself for being bad at important words when it matters. Still, for me, it feels better knowing that there's at someone like you around. It's not just you against a bleak world - we're out there, people like you, people like me. Don't give up just yet. I wanna give you both a warm, big and sincere hug! Peace, love and understanding is out there - it's just in short supply, so whenever you're in deficit, turn to those who care for you and recharge some TLC.
  7. Surely, this is all basic stuff within the rights of Feargus as CFO? Question it you may, but he's running the company the way he sees fit. And having one or two relatives on your payroll at some time or another in a firm isn't exactly unheard of. As far as I know, Obsidian is one of the longest lasting mid-sized "indie" studios on the map. I rather sense that Chris wanted more power over and in the company, but then slowly realizing that he wouldn't get any, and full of grandeur, he slowly festered, like a blister waiting to pop.
  8. Oh god yes. And dragging other people into it as well. Mostly though, the attitude that he's big enough to ignore his own rules and suggestions further indicates that it's extremely unlikely that Obsidian management was the sole problem. Indeed. Behind all his smoke and mirrors, in a nut shell - Chris was forced off after making himself impossible.
  9. Here, Chris seems to be much clearer in thought and wording. Actually, I reckon this pretty much sums up where the thorn in his side is lodged.
  10. Heh, at least now I reckon Infintron's Final Frontier title is warranted! It feels like Q is going to show up any nanosecond now, in the Fourth Quadrant, after us being transported there via an unexpected wormhole slip up. P.S. Having read Chris' comments once again, I can't help but feeling he's been writing those under the influence. He comes across as positively sloshed.
  11. You misunderstand. Chris is saying these things right now, in the RPG Codex forum thread that serves as the comments section for the interview. His answers in the interview itself are more mild. It's not. The interview started two years ago through correspondence between Fairfax and MCA, but was only finished about two weeks ago or so due to time constraints of the participants. All the people trying to make up conspiracy theories about how it's a ploy to sabotage Deadfire release should probably read the interview, because it's literally in the first paragraph. Ah, thank you. This is what I needed a clarification on, so the Codex is just as taken aback about these MCA blurbs as anybody else?
  12. Great post, Ethics Gradient! 'Tis the core of the matter, isn't it? For those in the know: -Did Chris literally make this comments just recently, or were they unearthed from that old Codexian interview, like unreleased comments? -And similarly, did the Codex withhold anything "juicy" deliberately to these days just before the Deadfire release? I haven't bothered wading through the moras.
  13. Like I said, some Chris-bashing here fits right in, as there aren't many Obsidian fanboys here, nor slaving fans of particular devs. It's no surprise at all. Obsidian is a company of dozens and dozens of individuals, fulfilling quite varied roles, so I don't see the point in making simple detrimental remarks of that collective.
  14. I'm not seeing any fanboyism here (Practically all posters you see here are capable of stern criticism of Obsidian and their games, as has been proven over an over again over the years - heck, some peeps here don't even play them, even mods). In fact, it's plain as day that the only fanboy seemingly slaving under some idol is...well...yourself. Sorry, but it had to be said. And since when is Obsidian a political office?
  15. Aren't they saying we'd be the ones to disbelieve it This IS Obsidian's board. That's a fair expectation. But this board seems more apathetic about this subject than anything. I expected to wake up to a much larger thread, but apparently "Chris hates Obsidian" isn't as big a draw on this board as posting "Romance in PoE II". Yeah, this is pretty much *shrug* and expected stuff. Interesting, though, how RPG Codex becomes Chris, him donning their tattered veil of venting trash talk.
  16. It's gonna be awesome!!! I have no other basis for this, other than the backer beta, and all the updates and tidbits of info, but Deadfire will for sure be better than PoE1, D:OS1 & D:OS2, plus Tyranny, combined! And that talking sword, it's the mouthy icing on the cake.
  17. Heck, I can wait two and dish out $50, as long as it's Mask of the Betrayer stuff!
  18. Heh, I read that as Brown Darrows - as in a brand of fancy shoes.
  19. As someone who's been sitting around tables, playing D&D since the late 1970s, sometimes with great DMs, I'd say that I've had a hard time finding a game that recreate that mood (I refer to those intense and exciting role-playing moments - which indeed has the immersion of somebody telling a really good story, in which you can partake and of which you can chance the course of). However, there is another side to RPGs that I adore - detailed fantasy worlds with cool rule systems, and having a party to strategically discover stuff with and fighting monsters and villains with. This latter RPGing, I'd say NWN2 and BG1+2 did a fantastic job of recreating when I played solo. And NWN1 persistent worlds with real DMs, they could sometimes pull off the Holy Grail, the double: Having that intense immersive mood and the cool party system all rolled into one happy marriage. Clearly my most complete RPG experiences via computer! Still, I very much agree with Josh. When I snuck around the first like eight hours in Skyrim, I was really baffled and immersed at the same time, but more like "Wow, I am here, in this location, complete with nice sounds and sights". The RPG system was nothing to write home about, nor was the story (at all). Still, I'd say it's an immersive RPG, as I really don't like the term "immersive sim". Another set of games, which are among my absolute favourites of all time, is Arkane's Dishonored series. That world building is excellent, as I get the feel of being in those cities and houses, and encountering real-ish people to deal with, and even monsters and other strange encounters. The settings are so convincing, elaborate and fun to explore that I hold them up as my best immersive RPGing in a computer game. However, Fallout IV lacked soul and story. It felt like someone flattened Dishonored hot and hard with an iron and placed it in the future, but with broken sneaking and sad systems, and then added Minecraft building on top.
  20. All of the above, plus my being safe in the knowledge that anything like the early PoE1 stronghold won't get repeated, because that was one dry sandwich without butter.
  21. Yeah, and the AI editor is already a mighty impressive and powerful tool. Trust me! I've been enjoying it immensely during the beta.
  22. What I think of when I hear the term "indie" - like it has no substance, it's just peeps horsing around
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