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Everything posted by IndiraLightfoot

  1. Extracted (correctly) by Yosharian from Josh's social media/stream statements. Just a simple question, but like with Fassina, does this mean that Conjurer is preselected as level 1, and then I get to choose either Conjurer, Chanter or Druid at level 2?
  2. This is... heartbreaking. The man whose magnum opus is a goddamn virtual novel about the subjective nature of truth and reality should never have to resort to words like "shill", "colossal ****" or even childish name calling. Stop this madness, Chris. You're still my personal hero, but however justified you feel in your crusade, this is not the way to do it. The internet will not let you forget this one. Sadly Shills are a reality despite what someone would believe.. Remember sword coast legends? yes the game that flopped? the last days we had a shill on the forum attempting to gain consensus and bring damage control. But people always think is wrong if someone point out someone else is a shill. Seems like being a shill is more morally acceptable than point out someone is one of them. That makes you think right? I adore this kind of blind reverence to some utterly naïve and redundant terminology and empty echo-chamber remarks. Enjoy the cult camaraderie and amity, all shrouded in esoteric compliance and mutual understanding...
  3. April the 30th, Chris retweets that RPG Codex has done some interviewing with him about a lot of stuff. Then Chris keeps on tweeting like these posts don't even exist.
  4. Oh, Gosh! Imagine the fire and fury if some muppet at the Codex is behind this, like an elaborate ruse. Then the site needs to brace itself for a certain cease and desist letter and unforeseen consequences.
  5. After dozens and dozens of hours in the Deadfire beta, I can at least say that the game will get tougher and more challenging. What you are seeing is early stuff that almost acts like tutorial content. You'll be satisfied, especially if you crank up the difficulty.
  6. He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. You have to sleep off a party before venturing forth.
  7. Here's a question for those who know: If someone does something potentially criminal on a web forum, does the forum owners have to be forthcoming in the case of any investigation, even delivering evidence of that kind, like IP adress or whatever?
  8. It's just me speculating within those parentheses, as should be apparent. The context of that sentence, though, does make such an interpretation possible, given the other stuff he said about the others in that paragraph.
  9. That's...most unfortunate. Hmm, when shall I ever learn? Hope for the worst and you shall never be disappointed.
  10. @Skazz: I agree. This last post makes me willing forth a copy cat, since I have a hard time accepting this is who he's become.
  11. @Messier-31: Chris is dissatisfied with the upper management at Obsidian and with the circumstances and conditions of him leaving the company. First, he focussed on Feargus, but soon he went for the others as well, Parker et al. According to him, they are for the most part incompetent as far as finances, leadership, and organisational skills go. He mentions nepotism and bad planning. Chris mentions a few other devs and writers, and stuff he's not happy with (some rare praise here and there), and some fake praise (like Josh is a good project manager (but not a good game dev?)). Add a few tantrums to this, and you get the picture.
  12. A new, bold, and most likely totally wrong theory: Some hacker has hijacked Chris' Codex account and has been playing us for fools for several days now. Meanwhile, Chris tries desperately to repair the damage of all the stuff his Codex alter ego blurt out.
  13. Wow, Chris needs help, and here we see some of his true colours, I'm afraid. Filled with wrath and entitlement. At least his lingo fits right in with his fanboi choir.
  14. This is also important info that needs to be repeated, I reckon.
  15. Heh! I'm quoting myself, just to remind myself what my plan was! You know, the game got delayed, and this thread is useful, so I hope more peeps enjoy it as much as I do!
  16. Yeah. For my first playthrough, the only reason I'll go internet diving is this - some huge game breaking bug I need to try to resolve.
  17. Soon darkness will fall upon us, in a good way!
  18. A great question. It’s entirely speculation on my part, but the man isn’t shy about relationship with alcohol. Maybe he isn’t as happy and carefree as he would others to think that he is. Who knows. May I ask where do you get that alchohol stuff from?Follow him on Twitter for a while. And IIRC, he wasn't exactly clean during the final countdown during the Kickstarter campaign either. That long clip is still up for viewing over at Obsidian's twitch site, I believe. It'll just take some scrolling to dig it up.
  19. And the graphics is a treat! Way, way better than PoE1, and many NPCs have schedules, there are weather effects, very good positional lightning, terrain effects, and trees, grasses and fronds are swaying in the wind. Really pleasant stuff, overall.
  20. A failsafe prediction of mine: There are things he said that is untrue. The sad result: In court, he's done for. Most likely, Obsidian will prefer to settle over his transgressions regardless, just to deny Chris further loony tirades in court.
  21. Chris burning all the bridges and entire communities! Nice judgment! For a mid-size game dev firm, having landed deals and rights to work with Star Wars, D&D, Fallout, DS and South Park, and then making sure that most of these games have been very successful, it's nothing short of a miracle. Surviving all this time. Whatever the leadership output is, the word "bad" isn't what comes to mind as far as looking at results and products goes.
  22. At least this is better than the NWN2 OC, where your party would reach like level 20 in the last dungeon more often than not.
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