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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. To compare each class's capacity of doing damage, we need to take Damage, Attack speed, Penetration and some special factor into account. The rough damage calculation format is sometime like Total Damage = Basic Damage * Might * Lash, let's what each class has bonus on: We can see Monk/Berserker almost filled every the blank here, they can get attack speed bonus, a lot damage multipliers, good penetration, AOEs. However, rogue has only sneak attack. The only good rogue build is based on Backstab currently because they really cannot match other striker classes face to face. They can't attack fast, they can't penetrate heavy armour, they don't have aoe at all. I'd suggest to give rogue at least some attack speed and penetration bonus to make them fit their role better. And imo Monk/Berserker is too good now.
  2. 3 second is its basic cast time. Last around 25 second with 20 INT.
  3. Well Fighters/barbarian lack interesting active abilities, Casters lack passive abilities. So if we move the generic talents to a generic tool, of course it will displease warrior fans because casters got their passive now but left fighters not have cool/unique things. I'd rather move these to a generic pool to make build characters more fun, and give fighters cool active abilities. win-win.
  4. Some little thought, how do u pass the enemy frontliners to kill the caster/rangers? The deflection seems really low so in PotD u will get a lot crits, and that is x1.5 of incoming penetration. If you engage a lot enemies that Constant Recovery might not be able to help u stand.
  5. This is special annoying if your character is an Unbroken and one enemy try to break engagement, your character decides to chase him instead of doing disengagement attack, and at the same time lose all engagement to the rest enemies.
  6. So my character is surrounded by 4 enemies, one enemy try to leave my character's engagement range, then my character start to chase him and lose all engagement to the rest 3 enemies. This chase behavior even happens when I disabled the Continue Movement on Engagement button.
  7. Take a look at my screenshot, this buff info is way too long and hard to view. Every buff starting from Fleet Feet is unreadable...
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  8. Actually I DO figure out Terrified enemies will try to escape from caster, this makes the Unbroken/Wizard a funny combo. Engage enemies, cast Ryngrim's Replusive Visage, and enjoy enemies get really big disengagement attacks. Then hook them back with Into the Fray Pick a Fire Godlike and in later game just cast Wall of Flame under your feet, see if enemies will stand in fire or suffer the big disengagement attack. I just hope into the Fray can work in longer range.
  9. After looking at the description of Wizard Spell IronSkin, actually....Gilded Enemy is just a minor version of IronSkin, with a fancy golden spray on it...
  10. Wound shot works, just not in combat log yet.
  11. Isn't Aware Tier 2 Perception Inspiration, Intuitive Tier 3 Inspiration. If something Aware work but Intuitive not, it must be a bug. I think it's probably intended because a 100% miss to graze chance would be very powerful for many abilities. Of course this would have the consequence of making a tier 2 inspiration better than a tier 3 inspiration, so I don't know... This is a bit confusing but the devs explained why Intuitive not working https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/94835-bug-spell-still-misses-when-intuitive-is-on/
  12. Thx for the reply, so I have to be both Can Graze, and 100% Miss to Graze then my spell/attack can graze. A bit confusing but now I get the point. Yeah Aware grant Graze so I think Intuitive should grant it too, since its an upgrade version of Aware.
  13. Because that Terror has Swift Flurry.... and we all know that ability is broken when enemy's defense is low.
  14. Isn't Aware Tier 2 Perception Inspiration, Intuitive Tier 3 Inspiration. If something Aware work but Intuitive not, it must be a bug.
  15. What are the Resolve values of the enemies in the beta? I just had a nightmare where lagufaeth all have 30 resolve Yeah exactly If they all have 30 resolve it not your nightmare but your CC wizard's :D
  16. I'd rather they implement the start movement delay because it feels really robotic in POE1 and POE2 beta.
  17. But I afraid this change may benefit enemies more than players. Imagine a Epic Boss fight where the enemy Boss has such high Res that he will shrug every CC u put on him.
  18. If it's such a non-issue then why oppose it on the grounds of balance/power creep? Make it cost an ability point, just don't give it for basically nothing by adding it to the Weapon Proficiency page. If you gave everyone access to Weapon Focus at the cost of an ability point just about everyone will take it and everything is now easier to hit unless they rebalance enemies. At least my chanter, my support priest or my wizard will not spend a talent point into Weapon Focus? Making an assumption that everyone will spend a point in Weapon Focus is not convincing.
  19. But in late game of BG, AC become useless because u can always hit or being hit because BAB is so high when high level.
  20. Or some accuracy bonus when they attack near death enemies, I always wonder what's the meaningfulness of +damage if u cannot really hit them?
  21. Voted, really like this idea.
  22. For min-max, if an ability is labeled as Full Attack, I will always use two heavy single weapon, like dual sabre. If it is Primary Attack, I will only use Two handed or arquebus/arbalest. Maybe it's easier to balance it by 1) Change all ability to Full Attack; 2) Reduce the offhand damage of heavy single weapon when Full Attack; 3) Rebalance basic damage on every weapon. I feel this is how a lot games do. Like in D&D 3.5 if you use heavy single weapon in offhand u got a penalty.
  23. Side topic, but am I imagining it or was there any other big change to stat effectiveness, with intelligence? In the first game there was a long-term bug, which I don't think ever got fixed, that Int multiplied the radius of the area of effect, not the area. Is it my imagination or is that something they fixed in the backer beta? The int bonus to AoE's feels a LOT smaller. Constitution becomes less worthy because the new Endurance system, without Health it's less important to pump Con.
  24. I feel that both Knock Down and Into the Fray need a little uptune, they kinda weak compare to other classes' abilities. Now fighters just pick/spam Disciplined Strike as a no-brainer ability. Prone is not CC now so that's why knock down feels much weaker. Range of Into the Fray is kinda awkward, 10m seems to be much better for fighters to grab enemy casters into their melee range.
  25. Indeed, I feel Single Class Monk shines because they have all awesome abilities starting from power level III and IV. I'd rather get these as soon as possible.
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