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Hiro Protagonist II

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist II

  1. I think people need to take personal responsibilty. If someone decides to leave and not pledge, then so be it. Paypal is still open for those who still want to join.
  2. I'm not really sure about having to find an item that unlocks the next part of the dungeon. It would get annoying that you progress 3 or 4 levels and you can't go further because you need an item somewhere else in the game. Then progress 3 or 4 more levels and yep, no more progression until you pick up something from a city 500 miles away.
  3. I want to see it going deeper underground. With paypal, it's definitely 14 levels. It could even get up to 15 levels.
  4. No underground city. I couldn't imagine a city like Baldurs Gate or Athkatla being underground. It would look out of place.
  5. Inxile only had the $20 digital download on their site. I refused to buy it as I wanted a box copy. I even mentioned to Feargus on the Kickstarter comments that it was disappointing that Inxile didn't have the extra tiers or box copies. In the last week, Inxile have put the box copies up.
  6. It would be great if Obsidian could leave their Paypal on their site open for quite some time. Kickstarter is failry new to a lot of people and I'd imagine there would be people who don't know about Project Eternity. I missed out on the Wasteland 2 kickstarter and wanted the Collectors Edition box after I found out about PE. I was able to buy it a week ago when Inxile updated their site.
  7. Seriously? (I can't find a P:E facebook) I really think that should count towards the next mega dungeon level. Project Eternity Page just under the video has over 44,000 likes which really means nothing. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity need to like Obsidians Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/obsidian Not hard to figure out.
  8. What's worse is over 44,000 have liked the project eternity page but only 20K have liked Obsidians facebook page.
  9. Hire Justin Sweet. Hire David Ogden Stiers. I didn't realise PE was going to be IWD 3.
  10. It's okay. My only concern is his right leg. I did photoshop the concept art to have his right calf coming close to being straight down and moving his foot to the edge of the pciture. It's looks a lot better than the concept art. I was showing the other real life pictures to highlight that Forton's stance is similar to real life but he's posing higher. Just need to change his right calf to come down. I'd show the picture but too embarrased due to my poor photoshop skills.
  11. I didn't misunderstand at all. Which is why I said I would like to see his right leg come straight down. hideo kuze said his left leg should be behind him. I disagree. His left leg is fine. It's his right leg that isn't. I did a poor photoshop of his calf beneath the knee coming straight down and it looks even closer to the pictures I've posted. Perhaps someone with better photoshop skills than me could post his leg beneath the knee coming straight down and move his foot to one side. I actually prefer this than the concept art.
  12. I would consider the Hospitaller a Paladin than a Monk in D&D terms, since the Hospitaller is a Knight. The Monk concept art is okay with me.
  13. meh. I'm not overly concerned with the monk artwork. It looks close to the below stances with the obvious right knee not at a right angle. The monk seems to be posing in a more upright position. I wouldn't mind seeing what the artwork looks like if his right knee was at 90 degrees.
  14. New mega Dungeon picture looks interesting. A big statue of a guy and we can only see his head, shoulder and part of his arm.
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