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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. To be fair, if you can outspeed our enemies it does give you an advantage. Marching speed would be best, I think. Care to explain? I've never played any of the Wizardry games.
  2. Pickpocket! I'll rob everyone blind. Lockpicking, but it's a no-brainer, my first character is always a thief. Speech - when I feel like playing a silver-tongued rogue. Streetwise - whenever it's available, which sadly doesn't happen very often. I don't care about crafting at all.
  3. Yeah. Why sign up for the beta if you don't want to spoil the experience? There aren't any such places in Skyrim. The only one I can think of is Blackreach, but you're spoiling the related quest, not the location itself.
  4. Keep in mind that this is an isometric game and you won't be able to see details of your character's armor.
  5. Baldur's Gate. Something important is happening, but we don't really know what and why we should be involved. What's more, while we are a chosen one - sort of - there are others just like us. I'd like to see this in Project Eternity. Even if we are unique and the fate of the world depends on our choices, we don't necessarily have to discover it 5 minutes into the game.
  6. We are legion Frankly, I don't even know if you can edit the poll, thus my question. There seems to be a clear preference towards walking, though... Aha. As I see it, running would be used mainly in two situations: fleeing from the enemy - because they're too powerful or we're battered after our last fight. Either way, the whole point is to survive, so if we lose stamina we're even more likely to get smashed if we happen to stumble across a random encounter. Out of the frying pan and into the fire? quickly moving through a map we previously visited. If the map is cleared, then it's fine. If enemies respawn or we're coming back for a boss we didn't manage to vanquish last time, then once again, we're not going to run lest we get killed by a wandering band of goblins. This can be partially countered by sleep mechanic so we can swiftly traverse the map and then rest before we move on.
  7. I think walking speed in Baldur's Gate was just right. Sure, it could be annoying when you had to backtrack a whole location, but it wasn't a big deal on a non-continuous map. I don't like the idea of cost-free running. In every game that allows it I just toggle "always run" and forget that walking ever existed - and I'm not the only one. It would be great if we had some sort of fatigue mechanics; short sprints being all that our character can do. It shouldn't deplete stamina though: remember that stamina acts like a healthpool in this game. I'm not sure how to vote in the poll. I usually prefer running, but I'm not against walking with a decent speed. Wulfic, would it be possible to edit the options to something like only walking walking and running, no restrictions walking and running, exhaustion mechanic?
  8. Err... Then they'd have to release all text strings too. Would you really want to spoil the game this way?
  9. I don't care either way, I like both systems. With a slight preference towards turn-based, maybe...
  10. Finnish: Hanke Ikuisuus Hungarian: Terv Örökkévalóság See? Now we can talk about difficulties in second language acquisition (you don't happen to speak Finnish or Hungarian, do you?) Update #16 - "We also plan on releasing localization tools to let communities around the world create localized versions for languages we are not translating Project Eternity into."
  11. I'd like to see this break down because it lies in the field of my professional interests and I'm curious what it would look like. Unfortunately, people are right - malicious bickering would ensue, so it's better not to make this public. What about a very general list? Like this:
  12. I don't see why not. It would be nice relationship dynamics - through our actions we shape our companion's view of the world. As already mentioned, KotOR had this and isn't this exactly what happened with Viconia and her alignment change? I'm not sure if a father figure can work out - if we create out character, we can choose for them to be very young themselves. They could still influence others with their strong personality, though.
  13. Yes, nobody ever, ever comes to hate somebody they once loved. That's why divorce rates are so low. That's not what I meant and you know it (I hope ) It's different when you watch your character fall in love with someone and then (as a player) get bored of them 15 hours later and try to explain it with "well, people get divorced". This, however, is seeing a stranger and reading "here, love of your life, live happily ever after". But you don't feel any emotional connection to this person because you just met them. Imagine creating a character, inventing her backstory, believing - knowing - that her loved one died years ago; then suddenly 10 hours in you meet a long forgotten love and all you think is: WTF?! This is all wrong. That's not what happened.
  14. Wrong interpretation of my words . I meant most (higher tier or addon) already put down money to get the expansion. So they obviously need to make one, since we paid for it. It doesn't have to do with their 'using profits for the x-pack' money... You didn't pay for it. You're receiving it for free if you pledged more than $XX (don't remember now) or added $20 to a lower pledge. Thing is, they're bound by the Kickstarter rules to deliver all pledge rewards. So if they promised an expansion pack (be it free or not), they need to make one.
  15. The Witcher is a terrible example. Both romances felt forced, especially to people who read the books and knew that Geralt loved Yennefer (who was nowhere to be seen, much to my disappointment). Besides, having an "old flame" essentialy means that my character loves someone and I have absolutely no idea why. I don't even know the person! If I end up hating them and the game insists on telling me that my character loves them (or even used to love), I'll be angry. This can work in a game with a pre-defined protagonist, but not in one with customized character creation. On topic: I'm all for romance, but please, no marriage, kids and family life. I don't want The Sims in my RPGs.
  16. I take it you didn't visit Skyrim General at Bethsoft forums in that dreadful time when 8 new threads about Malukah were created every day?
  17. I support this for morbid curiosity's sake. Projekt: Věčnost FTW! I don't see how that's so radically different from Проект Вечность. The difference is that for the life of mine, I can't read your version.
  18. Then they offered a backup copy on GOG for everyone who bought the game Take that, publisher!
  19. "It’s not that controversial to say that Obsidian is a name almost synonymous with rushed or buggy games. KotOR II, Fallout: New Vegas, Alpha Protocol and Neverwinter Nights 2 all featured a number of bugs on launch, prompting many gamers to question whether the company ever did any kind of QA." For the thousandth time: the publisher is responsible for QA, not the developer. And "rushed"? Who decides when to release the game? That's right, the publisher. People at Obsidian know their reputation. They realize that if this game turns out buggy/incomplete/broken in any shape or form, they'll be the ones to blame. I believe they'll take it seriously.
  20. The question is: why? What would werewolves and vampires add to the game? How do they fit into culture, mythology and the whole soul-thingy? If they add them because "everybody likes them, duh" - then I don't want them. However, if there is a good - and original! - explanation of their existence, then I'll be fine with this decision. Instead of regular werewolves I'd rather see something akin to skin-changers. Stealing a soul of animal, fusing with it, maybe even having your own soul stolen. I don't really care about vampires. I never understood what's so great about them.
  21. Obsidian will send surveys to all backers - I believe that's when you'll be able to explain the situation and send additional money for shipping.
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