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Everything posted by Bryy

  1. Yeah. Stopping at 8 until you max is the best.
  2. $1.5m in pre-orders. Very healthy indeed.
  3. I should have waited until next week to see Tomorrowland. Wasted on Mad Max.
  4. Guys, don't bother with Qis. They think BioWare is part of the anti-Muslim conspiracy.
  5. You're dodging the question. Would you accept an Alien movie with Ripley assigned to a lesser role and played by a much weaker actress than the main male lead? Hardy is nowhere near the same weight class as Theron. I'd say that context matters, almost as much as the script. All I see from you is you going "I personally thought Mad Max wasn't the main character". And that isn't a good argument at all.
  6. You keep saying that, but I still haven't seen that source I asked for. http://www.shacknews.com/article/89004/obsidian-ceo-discusses-pillars-of-eternity-its-early-success-and-its-first-expansion Not only that, but everyone who contributed to the Kickstarter will get both parts (which means assumedly you bought the ExPack as well).
  7. I love the MRA outrage over this film so hard. The tears sustain my lifeforce. .... so are you saying MRAs don't exist or are you saying MRA Outrage is an "Ebil EsJayDoubleYew" conspiracy?
  8. Honestly? Stating they'd not only make an expansion but give it to you as a reward tier was a friggin' risky (and really stupid) move. I don't think I understood you since I didn't say they should give me anything for free. What I said and meant was that I would like them to keep doing expansions and / or sequels for the game. You even quoted me saying that they already charged for the expansion. Well, they didn't charge for the expansion, which was my point. They have always made it clear that the run-off funds and profit from pre-orders would go towards funding the expansion. As for you thinking I was attacking you or whatnot, I did not mean for it to come off as that. I was merely expanding upon your thought. That 'honestly?' was not meant to be hostile.
  9. He would literally have died doing some of those stunts at his age.
  10. Honestly? Stating they'd not only make an expansion but give it to you as a reward tier was a friggin' risky (and really stupid) move.
  11. E3 is next month. We'll see something then. I assume we'll get the ExPack by November. Its one xpack in two parts. I'm expecting 6 to 10 hours per part. Sounds like a frigging DLC-length to me. What else were you expecting? They made the entire game for $6m and the ExPacks were using some of the run-off and some of the profit.
  12. Eh, it wasn't that great. Way long and in some parts, it tried too hard. Amazing design, though. Flat out stunning.
  13. Never underestimate fools and their money. Said the guy with the gold badge.
  14. *sigh* I'm gonna buy this tonight, aren't I?
  15. Act 2's trigger is actually a lot more telegraphed than Act 1's. Act 1 sort of just happens.
  16. This is actually a good point most people forget in favor of war drum beating. It's also an issue in film, as well. Yeah, you can make the best ****ing game in the world, but people will still hate you if you dare make compromises for other platforms.
  17. It... wouldn't be PoE. It would be a D&D Forgotten Realms game. Besides, I think the licensing alone would cost Obs a fortune, and they'd have a third party breathing down their necks approving/rejecting much of what they do, so wouldn't be worth it in the least. Yeah, the entire point of PoE is so Obsidians owns an IP.
  18. 1) That. 2) Loot. It's too good not to meta-game. 3) Fampyr Raedric is hard enough without six bodyguards. Kill all of his future undead minions.
  19. Thanks. EDIT: Wow, is there a reason my signature is not showing up?
  20. Oh, you know, my game got greenlit on Steam, the world's #1 gaming platform. Nothing special. I hear Chris Avellone is in it. But that could be just a rumor.
  21. Should have voted for Romney. I don't know why I expected an actual answer from you.
  22. Um, 1) it's a fictional scenario, dude. 2) only insecure fratboys cry "you're restricting his creative freedom by being disgusted!".
  23. Talk to Hylea first and then talk to the dragon about motherhood.
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