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Everything posted by teknoman2

  1. ceap trick in BG 2 you could load 3 offensive spells on a spell triger and use it on an enemy, or put in 3 defensive spells and use them on yourself. same thing was for chain contigency. however most enemy wizards could have 2 defensive and one offensive spell or 2 offensive and 1 defensive spell in a triger or contigency, and auto cast the defensive on them and the offensive on you. ie Draconis: contigency activated Draconis: shielded Draconis: protection from magic weapons Draconis: Ali Da'Zib's Horrid willing-John Draconis: spell triger Draconis: casts stoneskin-Draconis Draconis: casts Death spell-John Draconis: casts Symbol Fear-John not to mention the fact that you could have only 1 active contigency, but ALL enemy wizards had at least 3 or the fact the certain spells, offered more to enemies that what they did for the party... complete imunity offers invulnerability to all weapons except +5 and up. a lich used it, i used Ixil's Spear +6 on him and: Weapon Ineffective
  2. if the fight is part of a quest and you can find a suitable weapon for the enemy you face around the area of the fight, then there is no problem. like magic golems in BG2 that were vulnerable to non magical weapons only. wherever there was a magic golem, you also had a box with various non magical weapons nearby to use against it of course if the fight is optional like the fight with Fiirkrag, you will have to come back later with bigger swords
  3. well that game was made to run in a max 800x600 resolution, with optional but not recomended 1024x768 resolution which was the standard of that time. they didnt expect people to play it in 1920x1200 12 years later eternity will obviously be scalable to the various modern HD resolutions. it is made by professional game designers after all, but they cant make a scale for the 3840x2400 resolution that will be the standard for screens in 2020 or the 14400x 9000 in 2030
  4. what the 2d brings to the table is the ability to reshape by hand the 3d model's imperfections, thus adding a 118x antialiasing, a 216x anisotropic filter, and completely removing the corners created by the use of a limited number of polygons on curved surfaces, making them smooth, without having to make your video card render bilions of polygons per second to make the same image in 3d
  5. let's be honest. if the pet or any item, is a reward for those who gave X$ or more, it should be available to them and only them. the same way you don't give a medal to every partecipant of a 100m sprint so they won't feel bad because the top 3 got medals, you also don't give a reward meant for the 100+ or the 1000+ tier pledgers to everyone else (either before or after the release of the game). it's not fair for those who paid more for the reward if everyone gets it in the end
  6. static for me. the 10xp i get for a rat are a blessing in the begining, when i need 500xp to get from lv1 to lv2, but when im lv19 and need 320k xp to go to lv20, that 10 xp are meaningless anyway so i wont bother killing the rat
  7. well if you get 10 straight rolls of 1 and the enemy gets 10 straight rolls of 20 its obvious you cant win, but for the rest of the things you say there are counters and tactics. luck may play a big part in all of it, but that's different from saying "yeah he is the boss so your dispel wont work on his defence unless you lose 5 times".the mechanics of the game state that even if he is god himself, if you have the means to disable his defence and land hits, you kill him. if you have the means and use them you can win on the first try, if you have bad luck and cant land a hit is something entirely independend of the battle design
  8. the amount of times you fail to win a battle and have to reload is not an indication of anything. the encounter may be unbalanced or you may just suck/rock or you may be trying to get past enemies you are not strong enough to face yet or you are facing enemies that are too weak and so on. the right thing for me is to have combat that is hard but not impossible. if you play your cards right, you can pass all battles without ever having to reload, but you must really play good, not just charge in and spam some skills and see all enemies fall like flies
  9. i dont really care either way. it's not like its a competitive online game where extra items could make a difference (or make the others jealous if only cosmetic). so im not gonna lose my sleep over the fact that the guy with the 50$ pledge has a pet and i, with my 25$, dont have it, even if it was not just cosmetic
  10. the point of battles is to offer you a chalenge in order to be able to overcome them. of course making a battle too easy is meaningless as is making it too hard. the battles (especially vs special enemies or bosses) should require you to use all the tricks in the book to get past them, and if you cant come up with a solid plan you lose. but no enemies that just cant die like the demi liches of BG2 that could be hurt only by the slayer form. a good example of a hard fight that if played right you could win in one go, but if played wrong was just impossible is the last fight with irenicus in BG2. you know you go up against an all powerful wizard, so you can prepare yourself accordingly. if you make the wrong preparations or fail to use your spells and skills right durring the fight you just cant win, but if you do it right its almost as easy as beating goblins
  11. well if they plan on giving it drm free on gog, i dont see that they would have anything to gain by putting a drm on the disk, even if the use of drm had anything to offer at all and wasnt just a waste of money.
  12. Okay, WTF, did you not play Planescape: Torment? Standard my arse.... *cough* What DA:O excelled in was the cinematic talking head full-VO department, which certainly gives the illusion of more "life" to the party NPC and is enough to trick most players--but it was very one-sided. How? Because you as the PC had fairly bland and superficial dialogues while the party NPC had personality and the "show." Seriously, DA:O had nothing on PS:T in this department, and it annoyed me so very much that DA:O marketing included some blurb claiming it had a higher word count (totally misleading because half of DA:O's textual content was stuck in the codex, not dialogic). ... Edit: The world quest-related postscripts at the end of DA:O were nice (e.g. that Dwarf girl quest) and probably the only thing I really liked overall, but it ended up being so buggy for me that it didn't even matter. Also, about the origins themselves... they didn't affect middle play as much as I hoped, so really most of the "innovative" content in DA:O happened in the first half hour of the game and last ten minutes. Don't get me wrong, I adore PS:T. But I really felt like Alistair in DA:O was a realistically goofy idiot who I actually would go to great lengths to befriend in the real world. That counts for something. And the first glimpse of the Qun philosophy via Sten was very rewarding, and I'd argue quite well-written too. ANYWAY. Lots of comments. It seems to me that there's a list of things that were good about Dragon Age emerging, and another (rather longer) list of things that people are hoping PE won't touch with a barge pole. So here are some initial ideas - A playable or choice-based PC origin at the start of the game would probably be a welcome addition to PE if done very well - especially if those origins tie into significant quests later on. The end-game written epilogues in DA were very effective (when they weren't buggy), responsive to player choices through the game, and offered a sense of completeness. Should we hope for something similar in PE? the end game part was also in new vegas so ithink its nothing new to ask
  13. that's what avellone already said. the pad is too limited when it comes to control a 6 member party in a tactical manner. modern console rpg use AI to cover for the lack of precise controls and often remove characteristics of the gameplay (friendly fire in aoe magic, precise positioning of the party to use skills and attacks like flanking) that require more precision than what the pad can offer
  14. seems like most people here missunderstood the part about magic. let's make it a bit more clear from what i can tell you know 40 spells. 10 1st level, 7 2nd level, 10 3rd level, 9 4th level and 4 5th level (meaning 5th level is the max you have for the moment) you have 2 books. one can have 4 first level, 2 2nd level, 2 3rd level and 1 4th level spell put in it and the other 3 1st level, 3 2nd level, 2 3rd level, 1 4th level and 1 5th level spell you have to choose what spells you will put in each and inscribe them durring rest. then you choose which of the 2 you want to use in battle. say you chose the 2nd book in the battle you can cast the 5th level spell once and no more as the highest level magic has no cooldown but its single use. you can cast it again if you get a level up and unlock 6th level or if you rest then you can cast the 4th level magic once and set off the cooldown, you can fire either one of each or one twice of the 3rd level spells before the spell level gets in cooldown, you can use the 2nd level spells 3 times before the cooldown and the same goes for 1st level obviously the cooldowns are dependant on the level of the spell and if you switch book, all the spells of the new book will start in cooldown before you can use them in the meantime, you have a selection of cantrips that are not book dependant and you can use as much as you want what this system offers, is the chance to have your spells available (in predetermined sets) and be able to use them without having to rest in the middle of a fight to get back or prepare the spells you need for the next enemies. in the meantime it has the need for resource management because you need to have your books ready ahead of time and you cant have all spells in the same book, meaning that you either proceed with what you have, or change book and wait for the spell you need to become castable. and if you wasted your only level 9 spell on small time thugs, you cant have it when you fight the arch-lich
  15. what i would do about cooldowns, would be to make them big based on the spell level. so to cast magic missile or grease (lv1) you have a 5s cd, but to cast a fireball (lv3) a 60s cd and if you summon an elemental (lv7), you will have to wait 1 hour before you can summon another
  16. it is stated clearly in the ks page that when the time comes, you will be asked if you want it on steam or gog and wil be sent the apropriate key. if you have ordered more than 1 copy, then you will be asked for each key individually so you can have 1 on gog and 1 on steam. Are you talking of P:E or wasteland 2? Bacause I was ot on wasteland 2. And on wasteland 2 page I only found a mention about a closed beta on steam. PE
  17. if the composer can make the music on his pc with the quality of an orchestral version (which he can as shown by the samples), then actual orchestras are just a luxury that we dont need
  18. Would it still be okay to show that a choice is a skill limit choice but only if you meet the threshold. Something like [intellect] - I'm smart, so I can say this But if you're not smart you just don't get the choice? KILL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! KILL IT WITH FIRE, DROP THE REMAINS IN TANK OF ACID, THEN PUT THE ACID IN A ROCKET AND SEND IT TO THE SUN!!!!!!!!!!
  19. here's a dilema from divinity 2. the evil lord and his lakey both got the same punishment and you can give peace to one of them. who is more deserving of the punishment? the cruel lord that terrorized the region he was supposed to protect, or the lakey who didnt like what the lord did, but even if he had the means, he chose not to stop him and kept helping him torture inocents for the fun of it?
  20. if a site is raising funds for the 10k donation, they dont do it for the copies but for the rest of the rewards and most probably for the party invitation. and those who give for it dont expect copies but a video of the party. if they wanted the copies, they would have just pledged themselves 35 or 50 or 80 to the ks instead of pooling it on some site
  21. i dont want the WTF travel times between locations that BG2 had. i mean to go from trademeet to windspear hills took 4h, to return to trademeet using the same road took 12h. to go from the exit of underdark to athkatla that was many miles away took 16h, but to go to watcher's keep that was barely a mile away took 36h. de arnise hold was half way to the road to umar hills and you needed 20h to reach it from athkatla, then you needed another 12h to go from there to umar hills, but if you went straight to umar hills from athkatla you needed just 20h. the travel times were really messed up and i hope not to see that again
  22. it is stated clearly in the ks page that when the time comes, you will be asked if you want it on steam or gog and wil be sent the apropriate key. if you have ordered more than 1 copy, then you will be asked for each key individually so you can have 1 on gog and 1 on steam.
  23. someone should add these faces to this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYsDpreYxWE for the next goal
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