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Everything posted by limaxophobiacq

  1. Personally I'd say 1h + light shield (preferably the retaliate one so it also helps with dealing damage) over 2h if you're going to be tanking anything at all. If you keep PE at 10 in 2.0, your offense is pretty much exactly what it would have been in 1.06, so hardly screwed. For pure DPS might is still better for everyone who lacks massive +% damage bonuses, this was shown ages ago when accuracy was based on Dex.
  2. THIS. Wut. You (lameover) were the one who said you thought this now made druids OP. I only posted to state that no, this, while cool, is certainly still not better than just casting druid spells and as such obviously not OP.
  3. Don't use Fortitude targeting spells, it's her highest defence. Use reflex and will instead. Also scalebreaker, obviously to lower defenses. Dragons, including Adra Dragon, are beasts. Easiest strategy without scolls is probably get a bunch of druids + something to buff their accuracy and spam Hold Beast.
  4. Obviously Int is the most important attribute for priests, but how should Dex vs Might be prioritised? My first thought was Might > Dex but then I thought about it some more and with all the buffs, esp. defensive buffs that priests have that you want out as fast as possible (before enemies have time to attack) Dex is great while Might does nothing, same for CC, while for Heals and damage spells might is probably only a little better than Dex. So with Dex being usefull for everything priests do while might is only good for heals and damage should priest actually prioritise Int > Dex > Might?
  5. I sacrificed Durance to the bloodpool, now going back to Magrans fork he's alive and well again standing by the statue. Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/cd20g3ypkfl24xx/59e276c7-8acc-44f3-85b4-c00a1c9ab83b%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  6. Any time spent fighting with claws in spiritshift in a serious fight is still time spend not throwing down moonwells, insect plagues, earth-talons and world-maws. Rot skulls are probably still a better weapon than those claws most of the time esp. since they dont put you in harms way. In trash encounters you're still going to end it faster casting lvl 1 & 2 spells. I can't see this being OP. With weapon focus: peasant, two-weapons style, and wildstrike it might be cool but it will hardly ever be optimal.
  7. Nice, now there might actually be some Talents worth buying for Druids beyond elemental damage and weapon & shield style.
  8. I got stuck in the conversation by the mill between Trumbel & Sweynur just now. Possibly related?
  9. When the conversation outside the mill goes from Sweynur to Trumbel something goes wrong and 'Continue' stops working and I can't get further in the dialogue or continue the game. It worked fine in previous 2.0 beta games before the udate this morning. Savegame: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xja23qe52bwtbaj/fa089ac2-aa23-4a2e-b14e-f30ebb6551ee%20quicksave.savegame?dl=0
  10. Baby Sneak Attack seems a no-brainer for any weapon-based DPS, why wouldnt I want my Barbarian to sneak attack 5+ guys in one swing? Wonder if being able to take blast with Druid (if this is at all is something we'll see) is going to make rot-skulls even more ridiculous than minor blights with blast already is. Hoping for Blast triggered on every target for every tick on DoT. Seems reasonable. Given that these are all supposed to be weaker than the class abilities, much weaker can a frenzy talent be and still really be worth both spending a talent on it and the time it takes to activiate it? I would really hope to make and wizard or druid who casts spells in a fit of furious rage, but it might just not be worth not getting to alpha-strike.
  11. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/67761-dps-vs-accuracy-deflection-heres-the-maths-enjoy/ This was from back in the beta when Might was 2% damage per point and Dex was +1 accuracy per point. As you can see, esp. now at 3% damage per point of Might, Might will always win big (like at least twice as efficient) over Perception for damage abilities unless you are getting massive damage bonuses from non-might sources. Perception should only be prioritised over might if you want the interrupts or if you're focusing on CC.
  12. Why are these things terrible? [...] Because it creates readily apparent pump or dump stats for entire roles I don't really see this as a problem. I don't really see how it can be avoided without having every stat affect every kind of ability in the game for every class, at which point why care about how you alocate attribute points at all since whatever abilities you use all of them are always equally usefull? Sure every caster will want high int (though I think druids can get away with 'only' 15-16 or so since they're more DPS focused and some of their spells have huge areas and very long durations anyway), but you then get to choose your stats depending on how much you want to focus on damage vs CC by balancing might and perception, or if you want to focus on spells like heals and buffs that dont go up vs resistance and really dump perception, and/or you can focus Dex to cast more spells faster while sacrificing an attribute you don't feel you need. I'm sorry I must have missed the big meeting were it was decided how the game should be balanced, care to enlighten me on what was concluded?
  13. They also seem more eager to just run past your tanks to target weaker party members if they have the chance, I managed to get myself killed in the bandit encounter in black meadow from everyone just ignoring Edér and going straight for my casters in a way I've never seen them do before, took me completely by surprise. That could maybe be because I had skipped Defender since it was nerfed though. I think the difference is most apparent in fights on open ground rather than in close quarters where they have nowhere to run from AoE and can't run past your tank.
  14. Giving a deflection penalty on a defensive ability is just baffling. I think it could see a bit of a nerf from 1.06, in part because with Wary Defender it made Vigorous Defense kind of useless since they didn't stack (another solution would obviously be letting them stack), but this is way to much, and even if it wasn't as harsh fighters would need other abilities improved to compensate because the thing is without the old Defender & Wary Defender, Fighters really dont have much going for them as tanks over Paladins or Chanters, while those two have AoE buffs and active abilities fighters lack.
  15. Cat because it's really good dps the first couple of levels when you run out of spells, which is the only time you ever use spiritshift anyway. Also my druid is female and having her turn into a Stag was kind of weird, I couldn't help but wonder if she grew more than just horns.
  16. But that is what you can do RIGHT NOW, 'Important to all classes' doesn't mean the same as important for every application. Might f.ex. while good for every class doesn't do anything for non-damage/healing abilities so if you want to focus on that might can be deprioritised in favor of perception if you want to do lets say a CC wizard. Same with perception if you're going to play a priest who only heals and buffs since none of your casts are going to go up against a defence. Want to focus on singe-target damage? Then prioritise might/dex/per over Int. Only to a very limited degree. Any DPS (ranged/melee/single target/aoe) needs Might and Perception equally. Healers still need Might; Crowd Control and Tanks still needs Perception. It really hasn't been thought through. Actually unless your attacks have very large % bonuses to damage the way rogues do, Might is simply way more effective for damage than Perception (or dexterity) is (perception/dexterity being more effective with large % damage bonuses is a result of how damage calculation is done with % bonuses being addative rather than multiplicative and thus making less of a relative difference the bigger a bonus you already have). If you are going damage over time and AoE, int is more effective than might and FAR more effective than perception. I just don't understand what you want. First you say that this is how you think it should be: But this is literally how the system is right now, but you then complain that that is what it's like, unless what you really mean is that there is no way to bump ranged vs melee damage or accuracy but that would be completely pointless because you'd just bump the one you use and dump the one you dont and you'd not lose anything. Other than that lets go through those examples one by one: Max int, secondary Perception, third dexterity. Forget int (unless your class has some really good singe-target damage over time ability), might first (unless you're a rogue), then perception and dexterity. Forget perception, you're not doing anything that your target is trying to oppose so accuracy is useless, put points in Int first since healing spells have AoE and Duration, followed by might and then third dexterity.
  17. For clarification, when I said 'right now' I was refering to perception in 2.0 beta with accuracy rather than deflection.
  18. For damage over time Int (and might) are pretty much guaranteed to be a good deal more effective if I remember the gist of the calculations someone did for might vs. accuracy during the beta (when accuracy was tied to Dex) correctly.
  19. +2 engagement limit, -5 deflection +5 to defenses other than deflection with Wary Defender. Sure before it was an absoule no-brainer (and maybe slightly to strong compared to paladin & chanter tanking abilties) to get it + Wary Defender and have them on all the time, but this nerf is just way over the top and I can't see anyone using it now. This is -20 deflection on a fighter with defender and the upgrade compared to pre-2.0.
  20. Things could be even worse =/= things are good. Sure, but likewise, 'things aren't perfect' =/= 'things are terrible'.
  21. Why are these things terrible? I mean in DnD only 1 stat for each class affects casting at all, while in Pillars other stats have considerable effect even though you will probably always want some Int on a caster. Spell damage, spell accuracy, and casting speed can all be more important than AoE and Duration depending on what spells you are casting and who you're casting them at. Single-target damage spells aren't even affected by Int at all while Might/Dex/Per all matter. Resolve is the only Deflection stat left, I can't see how a Paladin, Fighter, or Chanter wouldn't want it as high as possible.
  22. Priest could do it, max might/dex/int for heals and buffs and let other people worry about actually having to beat defences.
  23. I think the changes are quite good, especially with stopping 20 per 20 res tanks from stacking Deflection quite so ridiculously. I don't know if 'offensive' really describes any attribute except Perception really, Might can be buffed on a priest simply for heals while dex and int are good casting lots of buffs with large AoEs and durations.
  24. Durance (aka +10% endurance on legs) is by far the most despicable and the one it makes the least sense for anyone to actually let tag along, going on about how he's going to JUDGE YOU and how he wouldnt give you the mercy of killing you right from the start, but he's quite well written.
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