Since EA and Bioware are basically one and the same, I tend to go with the incompetence explanation. They made a bad game, hopefully they learned from it.
If everything is art, then nothing is art.
I actually agree with Volourn on this. The quickest way through the semantics is to say everything can be art. But then you have good and bad art. That way you're knocking the distinction off a pedestal where it shouldn't be.
DA2 was crap Volourn, are kidding me? What the hell are your standards for a good game? I don't care who screwed up, a metric ton of opinions say DA2 was garbage. It was rushed out on a conveyor belt, manufactured by a team that didn't know how to put soul or character into a game.
That doesn't mean the relationship between Bioware and EA didn't change over time. Whatever the case, EA's track record speaks for itself. They gobbled up IP's and studios left and right.
It was a full blooded PC game with good characters and solid high fantasy atmosphere. That went a long ways with a lot of gamers despite the gameplay and levels being lackluster.
I love John Stewart. Man, he razed the administration and rightly so. We wait for more than 100 thousand people to die, but once they die from chemical weapons, WHOA THERE Assad! Stahp, STAHP.
Then why didn't they make more time? Oh yeah, EA.
Anyway my point was that aside from Baldur's Gate, they've never been good with area design. Mass Effect recycled. Mass Effect 2 and Origins were on the rails linear. At least they're trying n DA:I
This game does sound good. I hope they do deliver this time.
It is kinda funny how they can joke about being lazy and yet get away with it repeatedly. They've been reusing levels since Mass Effect.