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Everything posted by licketysplit

  1. I'm glad Obama told Putin to go sit in the corner with his dunce hat. That's what he deserves at this point. Unless Vlad wants to ride horses with his manly chest hair on full display. That cancels out everything.
  2. First P*ssy Riot, then this. I am disappoint, Mother Russia..
  3. /crickets chirping
  4. It seems promising, for a high fantasy game.. *sniff* Seriously though, I want it to be good, but I've long since lost interest in Bioware. We'll see if EA was squeezing their nuts to meet a deadline or perhaps this time the team had a bit of creative leeway.
  5. The part where you uninstall it.
  6. DA:O was a generic, padded out bore in my humble opinion. The only saving grace was it's characters. The fantasy genre doesn't need another Dragon Age. It needs GRRM and Witcher, and hopefully PE from Obsidian.
  7. Tell that to the babushka I really do feel Russian/eastern European women have an edge. I don't know what it is, but they are better looking.
  8. Mother Russia. Where all women are beautiful.
  9. Eh? I'm not sure I'd say that, seems like there may be more to the problem than just one root cause. Nah, I think Phil is a giant ****. Don't tell people to **** off, suck your ****, your games suck, etc if you can't take a bit of flak yourself. And apparently he can't. I mean he can't even take the slightest bit of criticism before he starts whinging about how bad his life is.
  10. Gaming media and certain devs aggravate the issue when they get snarky and condescending themselves. Many go out of their way to perpetuate stereotypes. I get tired of being labeled a pirate by Ubisoft because I game on PC. I'm annoyed by EA's condescending PR speech whenever gamers speak out. Then there's MS who lately has had a run of embarrassingly bad PR spins.
  11. Well, I spent the last 20 minutes channeling a higher power, trying to gain some insight on how to answer in this thread. I got nothing from the almighty sky gods. I guess the answer is: 'You're on your own'. I'll proceed accordingly.
  12. Atheism is not the eradication of a belief system. It's simply non belief. I'd be baffled if anyone tells me inculcation of traditional religion improves any aspect of society. Traditional Islam and Christianity helping much? I don't think so. Militant atheism has become a popular rebuttal against modern skeptics like Dawkins and Hitchens. In your face, yes. Militant, never.
  13. Iron Bull...good lord that sounds terrible.
  14. Piers also got bitch slapped by Zimmerman's brother. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fruakb13h8 Edit - I think Larry owned Piers as well.
  15. What is a militant atheist? Do they go door to door and say "Have you welcomed science into your life?" Or wave guns at you telling you not to pray? Well, I suppose that's ONE way to describe the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Seeng as the official 'religion' of the USSR was atheism. No. The official religion was a dictatorship, with one supreme leader. Very much like religion. There is no such thing as militant atheism. Atheists don't conspire and spread their ideology through force. That has never happened.
  16. You have have encapsulated the concept of religion. Although Scientology sounds more like a Sci Fi comic than a religion Well Hubbard basically came out and said he invented this ridiculous thing, this weird religious self help movement. It doesn't exist beyond his own warped imagination, and yet it's still going strong. A testament to the strength of cultism. Oh, and Tom Cruise is a nut job. Just have to say that whenever Scientology comes up.
  17. Scientology. Weird ****.
  18. Obama getting involved in this mess was perhaps his biggest public blunder. Trayvon could be his son? Really? Trayvon was no choir boy. He was a troubled kid who got into fights and used drugs. He assaulted Zimmerman. I voted for Obama, but after this fiasco I was really disappointed.
  19. Kind of a trite commercial really. Of course kids who aren't subjected to biased attitudes will see nothing wrong with it. Conversely, if people really think this is controversial...jesus christ.
  20. This is a much more complex scenario than the OJ Simpson trial. It doesn't deserve to be compared to that. What struck me about the case is how the media convicted Zimmerman right from the start and injected race into the issue. They turned it into a national tragedy when this **** happens every day in our country. Maybe it was racially motivated, we'll never know. But the jury saw otherwise and race wasn't even discussed. So yeah, I'm pretty disgusted with the media and wish the Pres would have stayed out of it. In the end, I feel both Zimmerman and Martin made stupid mistakes, but because of Stand Your Ground, it cost Martin his life. I don't think Zimmerman will be playing amateur cop ever again.
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