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Everything posted by Elerond

  1. There should be any universal morale code. One man's villian is another's hero should be main deisign practice in choices. Choice design in Witchers had right direction, but there should be more than two factions. Fallout New Vegas also had right idea which direction player's choice options should go.
  2. Magic chip which you can use to magically transfer money from your account to merchants and vice versa I like idea that money has weight in RPGs, as nothing is so evil than dungeon master who says that dragon has 10 million silver coins in his hoard and you can only carry 10k of them.
  3. CRPG should always have option for mode where saiving and loading is not restricted any way. Because it put least constraints for level and story design It adds new roleplaying options like choosen by god of luck to never fail Omniscient character who always knows how people will react on his or her choices, and alway knows where enemies lurk. But it also don't restrict traditional roleplaying, where you accept consequence as they come. And it also allow save point system, if players really want such idiotism, in form of autosaves as level desingers can put autosave script to those locations where they feel that savepoint is needed. It also don't restrict save only in quit and load only in start modes.
  4. Imprisonment, though in some encouters you it had bad habit to broke scripting especially in TOB.
  5. I wonder how people around here knows the epic fight between Eric and the Dread Gazebo? I though that was cautionary tale in all rpg circles. As it has its own wikipedia page and all . http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_and_the_Gazebo
  6. Companies plan their future project always several years in future. So game companies usually plan expansion packs and time frame to do them in same time as they plan main game. And they do that because they need constantly have products to sell (to publishers or gamers) or they must close their doors. These expansions packs don't cut anything from orginal games. And for Obsidian giving their next product as reward, and so cutting their future income, to fund this game, shows at least to me that Obsidian has great desire to make this game as good as possible. Of course when Obsidian promises their future product as reward they of course put themselves in postion where they can fail to delivere their promises, but fundraising has always such risks. And it's to backers to decide if they have enough faith to raiser him/her/it to keep his/her/its promises.
  7. Facebook likes are for to make Project Eternity wider know and so get more people to become interested about it and so get more money to make game better to all of us. Better rewards on higher tiers is also method to get more money for the project. And on higher tiers cost of rewards to Obsidian is relatively much lower, which is reason why they want people to go pledge on higher tiers. And when people pledge on higher tier it mean more money to make game better to us all. And planing to start making expansion pack for the game immediately after the game is realeased is common bussiness practice as company don't usually give time for its employees to roll their thumbs. And usually companies plan to make this expansion pack from that money what they get from the game. And this is also what obsidian mean to do. And putting expansion pack as extra to higher tiers only reflect that they want make best possible game and cutting from their future income to do so. So I would say that obsidian hasn't gone too far in their updates.
  8. Most combat oriented roques you can find from mmos, where player don't have any kind of save option. So plainly adding unlimited saving/loading to game will give us most non-combat roques. That argument... kinda doesn't work. Yes I know. But also argument that roques are combat oriented class because save scumming doesn't work, which was point what I tried to bring up in my post.
  9. Most combat oriented roques you can find from mmos, where player don't have any kind of save option. So plainly adding unlimited saving/loading to game will give us most non-combat roques.
  10. I would probably put my real name, but I don't see anything wrong if one uses his or her nickname.
  11. If one fights agaisnt armored opponet without any weapons, one should of course not hit opponents most armored places, as they are made to endure hits from weapons, but aim those places which aren't so armored. And triping armoured opponet is always good tactic as what heavier opponents armour more s/he is hindered by it when trying to stand up. And for example chain mail is good agaisnt penetraiting or slashing weapons, but it's protective capacity is not so great against blunt weapons, where you could easily count hits from iron fist. And what comes for the weapons, of course monk should be able to use them (as one could in BG2 and D&D), but maybe monks weapon skills should not be so much weaker than his unarmed combat skills. Vargr is right one his/her point that unarmed fighter is heavily disadvantaged against multiple armed opponets, although so is single armed fighter.
  12. If I undestand correctly in classic seven continents division Israel is in Asia http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/19/Continents_vide_couleurs.png But in plate tectonics division Israel is mostly on African plate http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8a/Plates_tect2_en.svg
  13. The game is still being fleshed out, if we voice our discontent loudly enough the monk class just might not be made at all. They already announced monk class in their update, so it is very unlikely that they don't bring one in final product.
  14. I there is save point, then I want play game with my Xbox. My opinion is that in normal mode game should not have any limitations for saiving and loading. Ironman and hardcore modes are different thing all together, because in those player gives for him/herself knowingly limitations to challenge him/herself. And in PE you can toggle such modes on so that you can't toggle them off without starting new game, so I don't really see any point why there should be such limitations in normal mode also.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JzpZmWf7LHI I don't know about bending iron bars, but breaking them is possible. I don''t know was that bar in video hardened, which could explain why it breaks down.
  16. My opinion is that rest spamming itself is not the real problem, but the thing that drives people to rest spam.
  17. How about a metal coin as a backer reward for $140 or $250 and upper tiers And for example a coin which came in TES IV: Oblivion 's collector edition box.
  18. In D&D resurrection causes also permanent level drop or - 2 to CON, if charcters is on level 1. And of course it uses diamonds worth a total of at least 10,000 gp as material component. These features are usually left out from computer games where player can freely use save and load functions, because players usually load instead accepting such punishment.
  19. Firkaag can be tricky if you give him even changes, but because BG2's bad AI design you can kill him very easily if you want and with right build you don't even need to cheat
  20. Yes I have. But for me there was not even one fight that needed more than 5 reloads. So in my books it is ok in this segment.
  21. Kicktraq projection give somewhat good picture where PE will end. With flat, near median, daily pledges it will go over 2.6 million and with usual end surge it can go over 3 million.
  22. I don't have definite answer for that. But if you need reload 25 times to get past an encounter then there is in my opinion a design flaw, because I don't think that most of the gameplay time should consist same fight over and over again, especially in rpgs where combat should not be the main point of the game. But of course there should be risk of dying to force player to plan his or her actions in combat and even considere non-combat options. I think that balance is the key, but I don't have enough game design skill to say how to achieve that balance.
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