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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. All those sandbox building games are also giant piles of camel dung and suck. But hey whatevs. Even in Stupidly triple A mega funded Fallout 4 it was still mostly a pointless and derivative mini feature that you could totally ignore and suffer absolutely no penalty for doing so.
  2. Sure, but it's fun to try different setups. Personally I don't dig Durance as a front-line caster, he's still too fragile. His health usually wears down the quickest in "regular" fights and in tough ones he's too busy casting to do much. So GM and Hiravias have worked out better for me in that role. But I have tried, and it does work. My original play through my main was a cipher who used estocs and I was very satisfied.
  3. This is not uncommon at all. Tons of games collectors or limited editions ship with soundtracks and they are never complete or contain all versions of every track. If a game has good enough music to sell a legit sound track giving it free to a ton of people doesn't make a lot of sense. IE the recent Xenoblade Chronicles X where the collectors version was a very limited track collection but there is in fact a CD you can buy containing all the music from the game.
  4. Lol you guys use him that much on the front line that he needs a shield and weapon focus you may as well hire a paly instead
  5. Ah, I see that now. I believed you, but I just reloaded an old save and poked around to verify. Perfect example of why I should lurk and read while informed members post! Don't be too nice to Junta or he will put on airs!!! Personally I like how the game does this, if you want "pure" min max it is totally available to you VIA hiring people at the various inns. The story companions should have some kind of trade off, they make up for less than perfect stat spreads in tons of ways. Some of them have unique features like Caroc, and they all include you know... story, bonus quests, and actual dialog. Makes them well worth the trade in my opinion.
  6. Nope. Real spoilers here don't click if you don't want to know about Od Nua statue.
  7. True, but you can't play White March part 2 without upgrading to 3.0 as White March P2 and 3.0 are literally the same patch. Considering the amount of gameplay changing in 3.0 getting the IE mod running with it will take a lot of work.
  8. Yet they worship a human vegetable capable of no intelligent thought only alive in the meanest sense cause of all the tubes in him? Blood for the blood god man.
  9. Yeah the original posts basically covered it, as far as IE mod goes though, I wouldn't count on it. It isn't really getting updated anymore and if it ever gets made 3.0 compatible I imagine it will be a month or probably more after 3.0's release before it happens. That said there is plenty of tough content in game in the expansion areas, especially on POTD and if you choose to level up the expansion area for "extra challenge".
  10. It sure is a big skeleton alright. Looks like they don't grow em like they used to in Eora.
  11. There really is no "must use" spell. Some are more situational than others, some are always useful all the time but never great, and some are downright gamebreaking but only in the right set up. I agree about the spell clutter, unfortunately there is nothing you can really do about it. It will probably terrify you to know there are people during the development who thought Obsidian's UI was too minimalist and wanted even more buttons and bars for some ungodly reason. That said you can make some quick cast macro's by binding spells you use a lot to certain buttons. I am sure there is a tutorial on it in youtube or something somewhere.
  12. The Brotherhood of the Five Suns is definitely one. The other that is mentioned is the Steel Garrote...possibly. I am not sure if they work Directly for Aedyr or if they are Paladins of Woedica and happen to work a lot for Aedyr because of the heavy Woedica worship there. Again not totally sure they actually work for the government and like Jered said aren't simply dedicated to "protecting the country" which does not always mean backing your government. Garrote are definitely not associated with the Aedyr government, that's a relationship of pure convenience. In other news the biggest mystery of the game.... Why the hell does anyone worship an insane old crone hell bent on maliciously screwing over anyone she doesn't like in the first place? It isn't like the game doesn't make it clear that insignificant slights are basically enough to make her want to kill you, your family, burn your house down, and eat your dog. She is like the equivalent of one of those Mayan blood gods. I could see why some really badly educated people in a terrible situation might worship Skaen but her? Uh no.
  13. Pretty sure there are some memorials in the bottom floor of Raedric's Hold as well.
  14. The shield bearers of saint Elega are not a part of government, they work primarily as bodyguards for important people or places. They can be associated with a government but as a organization on the whole are not tied to any specific government. Many individual paladins could work for a government, but no whole order will be controlled by one. Other than the aforementioned darcozzi paladini assuming the old royal Valian family takes over again one day. EDIT: I should throw out there that there are plenty of paladin orders we might not know about yet that could theoretically be controlled by or directly allied with a standing government. None of them we "know" exist though are, except on an individual, or temporary basis. Such as a unit of Goldpact Knights fighting for Aedyr until XYZ conflict is resolved.
  15. Yes, unfortunately - and it sooo tiresome to read. Yeap, it's opinions! Truth of the matter is there is no "weak" class in Eternity. It is all just a question of how you build your characters and make use of them. If you build a Fighter and give them nothing but tanking related skills don't complain about how they can't do damage for example.
  16. Personally I want Eternity 2 to go into either Readceras and deal more heavily with the Eothas plotline or yeah go ahead and go to the Valian Republics. You can have pirates in Valian Republics but it don't make a ton of sense in Readceras. As a stupid american I hope they avoid a heavy pirate story UNLESS they take the game to Deadfire Archipelago at which point pirates having a big place in the story would actually make sense.
  17. Well you can always do number macro's where you attach your knockdown to say a number 3 then click your fighter, press 3, then just already be in position to click the enemy in question.
  18. Good news if you ask me, a little more dev time on 3.0 won't hurt anyone. I am looking forward to it as I plan to do a new fresh playthrough to experience the enhancements, elven beards, and ex pac part 1/2 all in one go. Only quandry is will I make a full custom team or give in and bring devil.
  19. I believe you have captured the very essence of these forums and this community with your loquacious exultation regarding the news about elven beards. Well that and someone wanting to be a bearded lady with pointy ears apparently.
  20. Well it is "bad form" but at the same time sometimes crediting the original artist is a lot easier said than done. Long and short of it is you won't get in trouble (with the mods at least) if you don't but no one is certainly going to be anything other than happy if you do.
  21. Well said. I won't discuss my actual work on this forum but let's just say I had to give a guy a speech today to make him understand a core concept of his job. Long story short, believing you are right when you are actually wrong does not suddenly make you correct regardless of how strong your convictions are. As for Avellone. People here will take this the wrong way but honestly... who cares? Truthfully he isn't the greatest writer of all time and his reputation probably a bit undeserved. Eternity could have been a better game but so could every other game released in 2015. Experience tells me when two people have a professional break and one of them never comments again and the other makes slight pot shots here or makes noises there... Well the one keeping quiet was probably the bigger professional and more in the right. I don't see anyone at Obsidian taking pot shots at Avellone, and I feel like that is fairly telling.
  22. Yeah the shared health pool was a disaster. You had to baby the pet like you wouldn't believe, and the ranger would keel over most of the time anyway. The current system is much better, I actually like rangers now. One of those ideas that sound cool on paper but really don't work when you get down to it. They put a lot of work into it, said that it was difficult to implement, and over a lot of the beta it didn't even work properly, so I'm especially glad they had the rocks to drop it when it was obvious it wasn't working. I do miss the days of battle against NPC rangers and watching them fall like a house of cards when I dropped their pet. For a long time in the beta when doing testing against everyones favorite npc group I would target the boar above all others simply because it took out 2 dd instead of 1.
  23. Lol I do admit I get a laugh every time someone posts about hating a build because it has weak dialog options in a game where the dialog options never offer more than some extra flavor text.
  24. Happy new years peeps even though we Americans have a minimum 1:45 or so to go. That said I tossed back a drink too, it was a totally boring as hell water!
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