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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Spells should have fairly clear per unit individual feedback rather than relying on circle effects and whatnot.
  2. The circle is fine for Circle of Protection because it is a persistent circle. It's not super necessary for Dire Blessing, but it's fair enough.
  3. The answer is no. Might applies to all damage. You won't get a special might bonus for landing a melee sneak attack, you'll be granted the sneak attack bonus damage for it. A lot of you guys still talk in simulation.
  4. Adapting to the encounters is more fun, particularly if they require variable tactics and whatnot.
  5. I'm waiting for 27" 1440P 120Hz+ at 8-bit or better colors. There's an ASUS panel coming out in June that does all of those, but it's still a TN panel. I tried the Korean brands, great if you can get a perfect one. The first one I had had a bright spot, and the warranty replacement I got had a dead pixel and a bright pixel. So I sold it.
  6. Something like this (which I really don't like the idea of) is simply outside of the scope of Pillars of Eternity, as it is in no way relative to the IE feel of the game. Aside from that, the game is feature locked and probably 98% feature complete by now. If you struggle with RTwP combat due to not being fantastic at micromanagement, there are a couple of things the devs have done to improve the combat feedback of the game: Floating damage numbers above unit heads when they are damaged (can be toggled off) Extensive auto-pause features - I don't remember the example clauses given (and the Something Awful Database is down right now) Unique animations for things like special attacks If you see a character going for a "deathblow" you can simply press the slow button, or the pause button and do that. That said "Auto-slow" on it's own instead of Auto-pause is fair enough. I'm not sure if auto-slow is included in the auto-pause clauses.
  7. ROFL. No DotA-knock off game holds a candle to DotA Allstars. DotA 2 is pretty good but I don't like a lot of the recent design decisions made by IceFrog. Not really (at least not for this game) as the heroes are restricted to four abilities. The thing that can be learned from from those games are in the Combat and movement mechanics area.
  8. That was my guess as well, although not because of the teeth. The Coastal Aumaua portraits were all done a while ago.
  9. I agree, I really enjoy the save and reload style of the IE games. Probably won't be required as much in PE because of the lack of GG status effects and save or die stuff. You'll be reloading for mismanaging your party resources over the adventuring day instead. I wouldn't be against some crit path encounter scaling because generally the crit path is easier than the optional stuff, sometimes a bit too easy. I think that BG2 wouldn't have been as good if Athkatla didn't have an overload of content, that is one of the defining aspects of BG2 as a game. That said I think Josh's preference for spreading the content around is fine too, but it can also go the opposite way in a game with Chapter-gating of content, where it feels more like a railroaded experience. He does however have a very good point about Chapter 4 onwards. From what I gather, PE will have chapter gating of content in a similar manner to the Icewind Dales. Chapter 1 will by The Dyrford and it's surroundings. Once you complete Chapter 1 you'll be able to go to Defiance Bay. Chapter 1 will be Black Isle/Obsidian's trademark 'easing you into it' Chapter. The difference is where in IWD you progressed quite literally from area to area, in PE you will get a bunch of areas. Some optional content will probably be available from Chapter 2 onwards. Baldur's Gate 2 was written for a teenage audience. It was the best thing in the world when I was 12 years old. We are older now and used to better writing. That's BioWare. I actually prefer the writing style of BG1. It was overall a bit inconsistent, but a lot (not all) of the dialogue had a much better AD&D feel to it, whereas BG2 is like a complete step into modern language. They completely changed style for BG2.
  10. There are two reasons why every update is mostly about mechanics (sometimes lore, process and art). Reason 1: Josh wants players to be familiar with the ruleset. The ruleset is new, the mechanics are streamlined, but the game will be more challenging (at least apparently) than the standard RPG today. Josh hates it when people quit a game he has made because they didn't understand the ruleset and got frustrated because of it. He wants you to like his game, so in being upfront about the mechanics and designing them to be easy to understand, he hopes that this will alleviate many cases of players quitting out of frustration. Reason 2: The story and themes are subject to a non-disclosure agreement. The PE team wants to keep the story and themes a secret as to not spoil the plot for the game. Kind of like opening a book and not knowing some of the story in advance. I believe this is a good decision as the common trend in video games (among other mediums of entertainment) is to spoil the story in previews and trailers. A lot of the Lore will probably be in the Collector's Book and the Campaign Almanac as well, and they probably don't want to spoil everything so that you get enjoyment from reading them when they are released.
  11. Well Josh said he would look into melee options for Rangers, but Rangers have their Animal Companion which IS essentially a melee option. You'll be able to melee as a Priest in PE just like in the IE games, but it'll be a bit more like the 2E games as Priests won't have the greatest Deflection score (or probably inherent HP progression). That said something like Spiritual Hammer or Shillelagh would be cool.
  12. The PE Priest seems similar to a low-level D&D Priest to me, just with less melee capability. A few classes in PE have a little bit of that inflexibility though. Fighters are not great at ranged in PE, whereas in D&D they were pretty good at ranged combat. Fighters, Monks and Barbarians are pretty much all dedicated melee classes. Chanters, Paladins, Rogues and Ciphers can do both (Rogues and Ciphers need to be close-ish range to be most effective). Wizards, Clerics and Druids are dedicated ranged classes in PE, although the Druid has some limited melee capability with the Animal Form.
  13. How effective is a character with say 18 Perception in that regard? (which IMO still seems like the weakest attribute, but I'm not sure how effective the Penetration part is yet).
  14. By the way Ineth, here is some more insight into how scripted interactions work: So attributes and skills of individual party members are taken into account in group actions.
  15. Defense values of enemies in the combat log while still being able to see your rolls
  16. Yeah I remember that (the Production Intern), there was also an Audio Intern for a few months.
  17. I suspect someone went through and changed titles based on the person's overall LinkedIn Role at the company, rather than their role on the title.
  18. ToEE had good circle style effects. Different colors, different effects, different patterns that look fairly unique.
  19. I'm not certain we're aware of Dwarves attribute bonuses, and we're not sure what picking an ethnicity does mechanically yet either, but it doesn't change attribute bonuses according to the last known info. You'll get some different reactions from people and dialogue options based on ethnicity and cultural background.
  20. You're not allowed to post an image like that, that's an oversexualized image, those boobs are unrealistic, and it's a sexist image! Clearly not representative of womyns in gayming.
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