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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Just FYI the XNA video is not something Brian did. That is just an engine demonstration I pulled from another thread.
  2. Here's why they picked their Programming Intern Brian Macintosh for the job: http://www.brianmacintosh.com/resume_brianmacintosh.pdf Primary Language: C# (what they're using for PE) Engine experience: XNA 4.0 (which is a 2.5D style engine like the PE one they built) Due to graduate in June so they'll probably pick him up as Junior Programmer.
  3. I was referring to the BG1 Fireball spell, but yeah BG2's was good too. I do find flashiness annoying in games with pause. The problem IMO with Dire Blessing as it doesn't really seem to have any particular design, it's just "hey I've made an effect with some lighting, dissolving effects and added some sparkly lines, and dropped a light probe on the caster - check it out!" I would rather that have more of a distinctive style (same goes for all spells), rather than just being a vessel for showing off what the FX artist can do. Circle of Protection is easy because it is literally a circle of protection.
  4. Those are persisting effects (Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill) and you can perfectly see any characters through those effects. If you had like 7 Entangle spells then it might get a bit ridiculous though
  5. The green one is a good spell effect. Btw that post was just a demonstration to show the difference between BGs more RTS style spell animations to the huge AoE glowy stuff that people do nowadays.
  6. I'm sorry but you need a minimum of fourteen peer-reviewed academic journal articles to back up your argument. By the way I thought BioDrones were bad, but ObsidiDrones seem to be absolutely obsessed with women and armor.
  7. I can't believe you're taking what I am saying seriously Don't try to deny it either as your post history has a tendency of massive sjw.
  8. No one talks to people they don't know on the internet anymore because of Facebook.
  9. Stop talking about women. There are no women on the internet. None of them will see you trying to be a social justice warrior and if you want to impress a woman crush their spirit IRL instead. /thread.
  10. If the game is replayable enough I'll probably give all of the classes a go as a main character. I'll probably choose out of the ones lacking a companion to begin with though.
  11. It's probably not necessary for either of the shown spells. They just need to be more distinctive, less bright and have a more obvious visual effect on the characters.
  12. I think you guys are confusing an icon above the characters head that persists for the duration of the spell with a graphic representative of the spell icon that lasts for about 1-1.5 seconds as part of the animation, which was the suggestion. That is a way to make a spell distinguishable, not the only way or the best way.
  13. I don't think there'll be a Bleak Walker companion as there'll only be one Paladin in the game. Who knows what road you can lead Pallegina down though . You may however have to work with the Bleak Walkers (or against them) on some quests I guess. That would be fun. Help em do something and then get into a moral dilemma over them about to off some people.
  14. It's not boss fights that are bad, it's artificial difficulty. Amelysan the Black (final fight in ToB) suffered from some of that. I had no problem with Kangaxx though, I think that was a fun (if save or die) fight.
  15. Oh yeah one about Voice Acting (Announcements, Casting, Recording, Process stuff etc) would be sweet too.
  16. To be honest that fireball really isn't practical. It looks way too much like a Nuke effect from C&C Generals or something. I would have preferred a simple circle of flame like the IE games, with a burn animation on all of the effected characters. I'm not as adverse to having visual AoEs on the actual spell effects because the AoE will be shown while you're targeting the spell. To have a visual AoE after the spell is cast for something like a buff is superfluous IMO. And even still, I will probably be turning spell AoEs off/playing on Expert mode anyway (in which they are auto off). I'm ALL for simple but practical and effective spell effects in an RTS style. Each effect needs to be different and distinctive, the animations do not need to be flashy at all. Each effect needs to have a short lingering effect on affected units, to visually represent who was affected for a short time afterwards (which would be overridden by spells cast after it if multiple buffs were landed in quick succession) For instance, Dire Blessing could be done so much simpler. Circle shoot out from the middle, pseudo-bright thickish outline with a static or slightly animated rune or pattern in the circle. Affected units gain a short lingering red blob style glow temporarily, and if the red circle rune and red hue were not distinctive from any other spells, some sort of overhead animation. The FX artist has kind of already gone a bit overboard from what is necessary for this style of game, maybe that is the intended direction of spell FX, to be more "modern" and "appealing". But anyway we'll see what the devs say on the matter.
  17. Well after hearing that there will definitely be a Fighter companion, looks like that will be revealed in a month's time, with that update. There was no Druid companion listed with the last class update so it is probably going to be Druids and Barbarians (at least) that miss out. But then again, both of those are classes kinda relative to Eir Glanfath. The expansion may take us deeper into the woods?
  18. The BG2EE photo was more to demonstrate how much cleaner a more "RTS style" take on spell animations is, not the fidelity of the spell animations themselves. Here is an example of a modern game, with a modern spell animation that is more distinctive than what we have in PE at the moment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-uJ5eLVOTc#t=129 There is no other AoE spell with that color, it has a distinctive pattern around the outside (the pattern inside the Dire Blessing circle could be more prominent as well, bolder patterning) and it creates an icon above the unit (although the icon stays). Best of all it's not blindingly bright, like the PE spell. It's also simpler than the PE example which has dynamic lighting and a red glow on the characters among other things.
  19. You will actually be able to find new chant words in the game world (such as through reading books and sh .. stuff, ffs I hate language filters). But yeah stuff like that would be cool too.
  20. Here's another good example of spell effects from an isometric view You can clearly see the aura effect on the Orc units. You can clearly see the heal effect on the Red Peon, Night Elf Archer and the Red Orc Spirit Shaman You can see the stun effect on the Spirit Shaman in Spirit Form on the left side of the Fortress The Blizzard and Blood Mage Fire spell aren't like woah lights everywhere all over the screen Granted these examples are from a previous generation of games, and the trend today is flashy effects with lighting, but my point still stands.
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