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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I've never picked a custom portrait for Icewind Dale 1 or 2, because there's too many good ones. But for BG I have.
  2. The response to this has actually been pretty good. I've only seen a handful of people complain so far. More on Something Awful than here. I don't care about not seeing the footage as I think the decision not to spoil any of the plot or story is a good one. But Obsidian needs to go to press events like this to sell the game, getting BIG exposure like this and having all the big (but lame) games sites write about how cool the game is going to bring in a lot of revenue in the future. That means new (and improved) PEs and other isometric RPGs down the line. The only thing is Chris Avellone said we would get a gameplay movie at some point, so hopefully leading up to the beta, that happens.
  3. Yeah E3 used to be a lot different in the early 2000s from memory (at least on the outside). I remember when PurePwnage went there. Some Codexers went to Gamescom last year and wrote a good editorial about what games conventions are like: http://www.rpgcodex.net/content.php?id=9132 (and how the press reacts to them)
  4. Most likely, I'd raise that chance to 95%. Confirmations only come from a dev's mouth (fingers) though.
  5. In Josh's GDC presentation he said they use DXT compression (which I think is lossy) and they stream tiles in so the levels load faster. This may have changed though. Another thing is way back it was said there was going to be two sets of assets 720p and 1440p renders. Looks like the assets have now been standardized into 1080p ?
  6. E3 isn't like it used to be. I remember when it was open to the public, now it's a press only event. It would be cool to see a combat video or something but I have a feeling that we really aren't going to see anything like that until the end of Alpha 2 (right now they're in Alpha 1), when the combat animations, and FX are close to finalized.
  7. Knew someone would bring this up. The press has already seen a lot of the game that we haven't, in the production spreadsheet there were three press demos planned (none of which we have seen). This is nothing different. The team decided back in 2012 that they would keep the story under NDA, which the press will be subject to as well. Hopefully we do eventually get a gameplay video though like Shadowrun Returns and Wasteland 2.
  8. Real cheeky inclusion of dynamic cloth at the end, hahaha. Great update I noticed there's no more specular or diffuse map image, why the change from those and the inclusion of albedo (just curious). One obviously is size I guess.
  10. Dragon fights in BG2 were cool and had especially cool accompanying music. However they were not that difficult if you had multiple instances of Breach, Pierce Magic, Remove Magic or Dispel Magic. I never cheesed finger of death although I did one hit kill some dragons with Minsc (Vorpal Sword),Sarevok (his innate) and the Dragon's Breath spell-like ability. I think I might have got a Chromatic orb 1 hit kill as well.
  11. Sworn enemy is an active ability, that gives bonus damage and accuracy to one enemy. See wiki article Yes I know, I wasn't looking at the picture at the time of the post so I couldn't remember which one it was.
  12. I'm trying to think of what other graphical enhancements they've mentioned. But perhaps there's 'new' stuff. Fog of War might be one. We haven't seen that in action yet.
  13. The last two threads were successful, 6 and 10 pages a piece. I will be doing productive things while I am up (such as working on an IPv6 tunnelling educational paper for the IEEE Conference in Sydney next month). http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61310-the-official-update-20-camp-out-thread/?hl=camp http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64664-update-68-camp-out-thread/?hl=%2Bcamp-out+%2Bthread MANY europeans had been staying up for the updates the whole time because they were posted late at night / early in the morning for them Feel free to ignore my posts, if they annoy you. fággot
  14. Nah I'll be up late anyway. I like to catch the 'buzz' of an update. There's usually a few hrs of good discussions across the various forums, and sometimes the devs are online to answer questions.
  15. Some people seem to really root for a specific (or certain character concepts) and even more extreme cases such as IndiraLightFoot who just loves character creation. I'm more of a power gamer myself and I don't really care about any specific race or class, because I see them through their mechanics rather than their appearance or lore. That said due to the prospect of this game being pretty balanced in build viability, there is more incentive to choose primarily based on RP elements just to see what reactions / different options are available because you know that as long as you apply some common sense to your build, you'll be fine.
  16. still got 7hr 15min to go bro 10:00 AM PDT (Irvine local time) https://www.google.com.au/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=Irvine%20local%20time&safe=off
  17. I've done a couple of these so far. Updates at 10:00AM PST on a Wednesday is 3:00AM Thursday for me, so I'll be staying up for it (or falling asleep 3 minutes before and waking up to it like last time). A few weeks ago Brandon Adler responded to someone asking about character grounding (in relation to shaders and shadows, as in the Update 51 screenshot, characters kind of stuck out in the scene). He said that Adam Brennecke had been working hard on a solution to this, and asked if we wanted to see an update on it. So Update 79 is the result of that request. However on top of possibly seeing a screenie of the new blending solution (which may also give us a glimpse of aumaua, orlan or godlike in-game modles if we're lucky), there's more! What other graphical enhancements do you guys think they're going to show? We've seen: Color grading, 3D water, Animated trees/bushes, character occlusion, dynamic lighting I think Dynamic Cloth is a possibility. Adam's updates are usually have pretty good verbosity too.
  18. Let's not have another 20 page argument thread, we already have enough of those going already.
  19. She also gets +10 Accuracy from an active mode or ability, without that her accuracy would only be 25 which is impossible (+18 from Dex and +21 from being level 8, plus class starting bonus, and item bonuses. So I'd say it's a fake.
  20. True, but Accuracy 35 doesn't match Pallegina's defenses. 35 Accuracy will seriously struggle to hit all of her own defense values. The attack resolution system is for every point difference between accuracy and defense, in the defenses way means that there's 1% chance less that the attacker will hit. 35 vs 35 = 5% miss, 45% graze, 45% hit, 5% crit 35 vs 63 = 33% miss, 45% graze, 22% hit
  21. That screen is a mock up. Look at the values they're all unrealistic (total time 72 days, longest party member 32 / Accuracy 35 Defenses 60-80 ... yeah right)/
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