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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Watching youtubers lol, couldn't think of anything more boring. Speaking of which Bethesda blanket banned RPG Codex content and even the mere mention of the word after Oblivion came out on their forums. Pretty sure they even got reviews taken down online as well.
  2. Good posts in this thread nipsen (these forums rarely produce any). I'm not sure what the deal was with getting a 'spot' to come and see Pillars of Eternity, but it was a pre-scheduled thing I think (probably done by Paradox?), and they managed to sneak a few others in because they had time in the schedule according to twitter. One of Josh Sawyer's concerns on the E3 panel thing was that the press who were enthusiastic about the game were backers and had played the IE games before. There was also another group of press that pretty much though "So what is the point of this game in 2014?". Your proposal that they should try and find the people that actually like this kind of game is a good one, I do think there are new people out there though that will be attracted to this game because of the stylized graphics. The FPS gamer is not going to care, and while FPS may be the biggest genre, a lot of FPS players are not gamers. Even Activision said that very thing in a press statement. They recognize that the majority of Call of Duty MW fans just play that style of game and that's it, there's certainly people from MOBA and MMO circles that might give it a go as well as the people that play the type of games that Paradox focuses on (macro strategy games). Hopefully whoever is doing the marketing and PR for Pillars of Eternity realizes that.
  3. Wasteland 2 has really terrible performance. Shadowrun Returns would be a better comparison.
  4. I thought the refereeing was better the last few days.
  5. Yeah we do: Don't freak out about the second image from youtube, that is their blockout tool. The game levels won't be grey There will also be optional fill in art for the UI to make it solid. Action bar will appear when you select a character.
  6. Yeah the PC World one from December was one of the best articles.
  7. Thursday 6AM PDT was the quoted time from a games writer on twitter. There's gonna be a few articles...
  8. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2362964/the-most-exciting-pc-games-we-saw-at-e3-2014.html
  9. And here is the thing that Brandon Adler has been saying. In order to do a video like that it takes a lot of people off working on the actual production schedule. They want to show some off the crit path areas, and they aren't scheduled to work on those until their internal beta. It would save more time doing the video when they start doing that, because the polish required coincides with the development goals of that milestone. It's also close to the backer beta, so they only have to make one video to go along with it. "Here's our video, check it out, Pillars of Eternity beta coming soon! link with purchase details" We have to wait longer for a video, but it all works out pretty well together in the end.
  10. The only reason they clarified this screenshot is because people could see through the lies. They wouldn't have posted anything if they weren't found out for it. Go back and read the initial update with the video in it. The sound and music was not in-game, it was dubbed over the video and the hex system was just something they whipped up for it as well. This was all done to make the video look cool, but it was not representational of the actual game. This is something Obsidian wants to avoid doing. Wasteland 2's development history, while not as bad as Double Fine's is not exactly a good example of Project Management, and because of that their level design and system design is a bit of a shamble.
  11. ROFL? Are you joking? inXile fanboy much? The hexes were fake and the music and sound was fake. They even said that themselves. Also this screenshot was released for Wasteland 2 Due to speculation about this not being an in-game screenshot they posted this on their tumblr Most of the games at E3 had heaps of fake ****, Mass Effect had literally NOTHING and the others had lots of CGI and **** that isn't even part of the game at all. Feel free to believe whatever you like, I don't care. But you're simply white knighting inXile and Wasteland 2.
  12. The first Wasteland 2 video had a lot of fake stuff in it - fake hexes, all sounds and audio was fake, among other things. The UI (which looked ok IMO) was completely redone, as was the game's camera angle to a frustrating to control top down look. The second Wasteland 2 video was _crap_ in comparison, and that's when people started giving the game **** on the Codex. The majority of Larian Studios is working on D:OS they have a larger team size than PE and probably have someone dedicated to do the update videos and stuff.
  13. Yeah that was really frustrating. They pretty much removed everything that wasn't combat from the game. Keep polishan br0, no dog and pony show.
  14. Now we just need some kantele and hammer dulcimer Actually (this might be a spoiler I dunno) but as the player transitions from the country, to Defiance Bay and then out into Eir Glanfath, do you have different sets of instruments / groups of instruments for the different themes? What kind of instruments make a more "Eir Glanfath" sound?
  15. We'll get one, just have to wait a bit longer (my guess is a couple months). Won't be seeing much until beta.
  16. They won't do that Darji lol, ur so disillusioned hey. I can upload them to uTorrent failing anything else
  17. Maybe Obsidian is smart not promoting the game publically alongside Dragon Age and The Witcher 3 Still many months to go until release
  18. Why wouldn't they? They can't force any of us not to stream it or anything. I was even thinking of doing a Let's Play.
  19. There's an example Jeff Husges gave in the Red Bull interview that if you have like a max reputation score with a faction, the faction leader will ask your advice on an important issue concerning the plot or something.
  20. I don't mind the NPC stats being set (they will be). One of the problems with previous systems is attribute design was incredibly skewed. In PE this should be less of an issue (hopefully). Characters with low Dexterity probably won't be that great, but other than that it should be fine.
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