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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The developer posts (particularly Josh Sawyers - on here and Something Awful) are really, really good. And you don't find many developers who interact with the community like that.
  2. They don't dictate who gets into E3 though ? One of the fans from another forum got in (because he's somehow related to the games industry) but he's had to sign an NDA and he can't talk about the game until the NDA is lifted (next thursday for E3 impressions).
  3. We actually know quite a lot about the Wasteland 2 story (pretty much everything except the ending) but I have actually really enjoyed the Divinity videos, early access and all that. Original Sin is a bit more sandboxy and is a lot further along in development than PE is (they were developing it for years before the Kickstarter). You don't have to understand or agree with Obsidian's methods of doing things, so I'm not going to bother arguing about it.
  4. It wasn't for marketing purposes, Josh Sawyer decided on it in 2012. Good idea too because the most annoying thing about lots of game previews is they give the story away before you even play the game. An anecdote: I'd read all of the sample chapters and some transcriptions of chapters read by George R. R. Martin at conventions before A Dance with Dragons came out. So when I finally got the book I'd already read like 80% of the first 12 chapters in it. So that was a bit of a drag having to read that again and I think it lessened my enjoyment of the book overall as well. It's the only ASoIaF book I haven't been able to bring myself to re-read (not solely because of that, but I do think it ended up affecting my opinion of the book overall).
  5. Wasteland 2 and Divinity Original Sin don't have an NDA on the story/themes either. One of the mistakes Brian Fargo made was going and telling everyone about stuff in the game, only to find that upon beta release it was like literally the only example of such content in the game (such as examples of reactivity he gave in talks being the _ONLY_ examples in the game at the start of the beta ... which was a joke). I'd love to have seen a 15-20 min gameplay video long before this, but I understand the reason why Obsidian haven't done one yet. We will get one. Just have to wait a bit longer.
  6. We'll get to see one when the animations and FX are a bit more polished. Journalists are used to seeing stuff in an unfinished state, the general public isn't. Wouldn't want a bunch of people complaining about sloppy animations to be the main comment for the video
  7. Second voice actor unveiled (also the narrator of the game) Thanks to Athelas from RPGCodex for finding this
  8. It was an RPGCodex joke (originally by Excidium), which you read! He also misspelt Baldur's Gate.
  9. Did you guys end up investigating that multi-threaded rendering bug in Unity at all ? (since it seems like you're using single-threaded rendering instead).
  10. Regional, Factional and Institutional "Racism" is likely the type of thing you'll encounter. East Side vs West Side and all that
  11. Yeah that's what we'll probably get, although we are a critical bunch, so they're wise in waiting until all of their animations and FX have had a bit of polish.
  12. If it didn't go against Josh Sawyer's NDA on the story (physical agreement) then they probably would have. Adam said on twitter they'll be doing a non-spoiler gameplay video later when the game is more polished (they've been focusing on crit path areas in Alpha 1, so the video will probs be in a Wilderness Area or something)
  13. Jeff Husges. The journalist misspelt his name, and his involvement was revealed in January. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/65017-jeff-husges-dungeon-designer/?hl=%2Bjeff+%2Bhusges
  14. I didn't find the article, Fruciante from RPGCodex did. But I'm relaying it around for everyone else.
  15. Theme-wise it is. And it highlights the rivalry between the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath as being a major-ish plot point, as many of us suspected.
  16. http://www.redbull.com/en/games/stories/1331658188490/pillars-of-eternity-interview First PE article from E3 is up, meaning that Red Bull broke the embargo or it's been waived. Really nice write up. Got a little bit of new info and a couple of confirmations of other devs working on the game (such as the suspected Olivia Veras, and also Matt McLean as a Narrative Designer[!]). edit: well actually this is not necessarily a post-E3 article as it doesn't even mention it. Perhaps Red Bull visited the studio recently.
  17. Whichever guy it was that mentioned the bitrate of the audio file he's right actually. Had a proper listen then it doesn't sound THAT great (quality) wise, that may be the youtube compression though. Same with the sound not matching the animation.
  18. https://twitter.com/jasonschreier/status/476781947134689282 https://twitter.com/dasupa1/status/476851510257545216 https://twitter.com/crunchychocobo/status/476815032764727296 https://twitter.com/tigresaa/status/476820892022874112 https://twitter.com/trentfinney/status/476813485989691392 https://twitter.com/TheWesterFront/status/476777108933734400 https://twitter.com/superblindman/status/476921272975495168 https://twitter.com/superblindman/status/476921450100969472
  19. I will pass my judgement: Good names Dandy Hat of the Diseased Yak Borresaine Finreah's Grace Forgiveness (pistol) The others are just okay/simple.
  20. I read it properly, but I thought Prey Marker sounded better too. Helmet of Darksee is like "gud engrish?"
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