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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Yeah but early access costs more, so you're getting more money out of early access buyers than you would from a day-1 sale. Those are just the stats from the Documentary. That's Early Access plus 1.5 months of sales I think. The two week Early Access was ~800,000 and over 20K copies. That's with some really **** press issues as well, as I found out during the episode Compared to Wasteland 2 those are "pathetic" numbers though, and PE is more likely to out-do Wasteland 2 (almost guaranteed in fact). Obsidian are more of a AAA studio though and they certainly do things more in line with that style. So if they do a closed backer beta and go for big day 1 sales with a huge press buzz, then that's fine. Perhaps the extra $25 per early access buyer isn't worth it if the projected total sales from not doing an EA is more (and not risking a Bugsidian tag).
  2. I think those shadows are baked into the image, so there's nothing you can about it. Those never bothered me in the IE games anyway.
  3. There's a press embargo problem as well. Watching the latest DFA Documentary now ... and yeah They also had a problem with not having a media bang on release, because everyone had already run their stories and impressions, but they did release the whole Act rather than just a little bit of it. But the same issue probably would still apply to a PE "demo-size" beta. I can see why Brandon is apprehensive. edit: and man I burst out laughing when a prominent RPG Codex member's forum post featured on the DFA Documentary and Tim Schaefer called him a jerk. Absolutely ****ing gold, considering he is one of our best (content-wise) posters
  4. That's a low estimation, Double Fine got looooooads more than that in 2 months.
  5. No, the ADRA BRO, not the Inn. Something to do with the different types of Adra Stones etc The inns will probs have crit path quests associated with them (such as meeting people there). One of the MAIN Inns in Defiance Bay is the NEOGaf Inn, the "Goose and Fox" Inn.
  6. Don't forget this one Perhaps that's party of the main storyline ? Looks like there's different types of Adra.
  7. Or maybe it's the fact that its not fantasy, it's steampunk
  8. I'll take a Kaz colored painting of the area if there's time to do them. If not, black and white is fine. I want more Kaz portraits than anything ^_^
  9. The BG1 Paperdolls are miles above BG2. You can however use the 1PP mod to get those back for BG2. The character models in BG1 have more detail and are just a lot better. It's really hard to spot the difference in a google screenshot but if you compare the look of the same race/class combination unarmored and armored in BG1 and BG2 the BG1 version is way better.
  10. I agree that the world building has been great. This good work will be reflected in the content too as I believe the designers said it's easy to create quests based on inspiration and ideas from world design docs and lore. Pulled this from the Reddit /AMA/ earlier this year
  11. No the character art. Character models and paperdolls. If only I could take a DPI screenshot rather than a resolution screenshot. BG1 looks absolutely BOSS in 640x480 on my 24" Flat CRT monitor. One of the guys involved in the Art Direction/Creation died in 1999. http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,2762/ Their character art was never as good after he died.
  12. Yeah what Infinitron said, you'll get a lot more $60 sales by doing early access. I already have beta access, so it's no skin off my back if there's a steam early access or not, but if the beta is "good" you'll get A LOT more $60 sales and potentially increase the total sales numbers/sales amount at the cost of a less impressive release day (which is more important to AAA Titles I guess). You guys might need the first day sales to impress publishers for future titles, I'm not sure.
  13. In D&D it's number 1. in PE, it's probably the latter, but I would guess it's a cone shape.
  14. Yeah SRR had a great art style. I think the BG1 characters have a better art style than the PE ones currently, though I've only seen the human, elf and dwarf models so far. PE definitely beats BG2 though.
  15. Fund PE 2 so Carrie Patel can write a Mass Effect 3-esque romance, you know she wants to. olololo
  16. I think that this should work only where it makes sense, rather than just a "well if your reputation sucks, just pay to raise it so you can do X quest option". ie. If you cause bad things to happen at the Dyrford, but donate some money to the Temple out of your own free will at the end of Act 1 to make up for your decisions then the Dyrford faction might go from Poor to Mixed or something.
  17. Yeah after watching it a few times, characters still seem like they float a little bit, whereas in contrast, characters are properly grounded to the scene in Shadowrun Returns (which uses 2D backgrounds and 3D characters).
  18. The Infinity Engine games all used a very different art style for their loading screens. Baldur's Gate had lovely black on parchment drawings of adventurers in the wilderness. One of these drawings in particular looks so much like a shot from Lord of the Rings (which would be released a few years later). Baldur's Gate 2 mostly had the game logo with a loading bar around it, which changed sometimes based on location This style of loading screen is definitely cheaper to produce than the BG method, but just not as cool. Icewind Dale had some incredible load screens as well. They look to be the original 3D scene in SoftImage (which is what I think they used back then). This one has some IRL sky photoshopped to the back. I believe Planescape Torment also used this method (to some extent). I'm not sure if these are expensive to produce or not, but they looked cool. Icewind Dale 2 also loaded up on the artwork, with some 2D art. What loading screen style would you prefer to see in Pillars of Eternity? Personally I think the Baldur's Gate style would be really cool, but that's being used for Scripted Interactions anyway, so it might be a bit superfluous. But having a different load screen for every major location in the game would be sweet.
  19. They had 3 press demos PLANNED in the production spreadsheet. That said I'm not sure if this was one of them, as the slated ones were Production 3, Production 6, Beta. So this may throw the scheduling out a little bit. No big deal though, Steam Early Access awaits.
  20. Fighters do sound like a very good class. I can see how an enemy composition of multiple fighters would be a pain in the ass to overcome.
  21. Yeah they do have some limited use AoE abilities at higher levels.
  22. The Crowd-funding model is you pay to contribute content. You don't pay you don't get to contribute (unless you get hired).
  23. This video as a lot of visual artifacting, you can see how badly the cobbled stone on the ground is blurred in some areas. That said it does bring up the question as to whether anti-aliasing would fix those.
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