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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Another thing that *really* doesn't help is a combination of enemy creatures on the whole being larger than the IE games, area size in general being smaller and using larger creatures in areas with limited navmesh space (such as the spider groups in the Ogre Cave entrance and inside the cave). Actors also don't seem to be making regular checks for 'shortest path' pathfinding checks, they seem to make a single check until a condition is met that interrupts it, which is why we are seeing ring-around-the-rosy instead of an actor changing their path to their target when there is a new 'shortest path'.
  2. In the source code the rolls use values of 1,101 and the integer version of it excludes the maximum number, which is why 101 is used instead of 100. http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Random.Range.html and they're using int roll = Random.Range(1, 101);
  3. It's not Bester. He's actually been very helpful to me regarding modding.
  4. I don't care if the thread gets locked. I post there because the RPG discussion is the best there is on the internet IMO. Off-topic arguments generally get retardo-landed anyway. Not really much I can say about the General Discussion sections, they're pretty much like every other GD place on the net except with less moderation. I prefer the less moderation approach to forums in general as the users themselves will generally sort it out. I can't say I read the GD that much except for the heavy metal discussion and the TV shows.
  5. When you press the console button and it brings up "press enter to issue a command" I think it should decouple the keyboard from the game world, like it does in other games - such as the old Call of Duty series, or like the CLUAConsole does in the IE games. I think you should have to press ` or enter out of it IMO.
  6. Pressing pause cancels your current mouse cursor, and you have to reselect your action
  7. The combat log text is also cut off after a certain amount of strings, whereas in the IE games you could see every single action that was recorded in the log since you entered the area. I would prefer it if the PE combat log did the same as it's not very useful for checking out any rolls/events that happened more than 5-6 seconds before.
  8. Nothing I say is going to make people change their shallow opinion about the place I also think you have to have a certain sense of humor.
  9. Well he does kind of have a point if he means that PE RTwP feels like PwRT.
  10. I don't think it's unreasonable to have background give +1 to an attribute.
  11. I don't think there's much wrong with the formula, if your accuracy is lower than a defense you will miss more, if it's higher you'll crit more.
  12. No you've increased the hit range from 36-95 that's the wtf bit
  13. One of the admins is a jew and uses the jewgold emoticon himself, and one of the moderators is gay openly fabulous. Everyone is fair game on the codex
  14. That looks horrible, lol (no offense). Why on earth would you want to hit more often, it's hitting more often that's causing some of the problems atm.
  15. He's not from the RPGCodex. I am, so is Infinitron, C2B, Hormalakh, mutonizer, Arkeus, Malekith, PrimeJunta, Tigranes (a moderator) ... Despite what many people believe, the RPGCodex contributes good things to the RPG community and has raised a lot of money for lots of the Kickstarters. There's two reasons why people may not like the place - the list of preferred titles, and the undermoderation. I prefer undermoderation myself.
  16. The reason I think it looks funny is that the CritThreshold and MissThreshold Numbers are two less than the value of the next best attack type, but the GrazeThreshold is only one less. If this is a mistake, I can see how it was made because you'd think that 5 would be a graze and 95 would be a crit hey? But they aren't if you want to use the perfect numbers 1,2,3,4,5 = 5% chance to miss 96,97,98,99,100 = 5% chance to crit
  17. In the source code of the class "CharacterStats", the following floats are declared as Class Variables: public static float CritThreshhold = 94f; public static float GrazeThreshhold = 50f; public static float MissThreshhold = 4f;These numbers are at odds with the numbers given by Josh Sawyer http://pillarsofeternity.gamepedia.com/Attack_Resolution Going by this chart they would be 95, 50 and 5. This may or may not be a bug, but it looks like one, so I thought I'd report it.
  18. I don't understand why they shouldn't try to improve the encounters in the content that we have access to. Sure for some people it might not be a priority - okay fair enough but I think it's ridiculous to say "don't improve this content". They've already altered them once and made the individual encounters worse, but the map feel a bit better to explore. How the hell are you supposed to test properly with underwhelming content? In the actual game, your party will be much better equipped at this stage of the game and you will just l0l0l0l0l0l0l through every encounter here. And @DCParry - how many things have I given feedback on in the beta? Expressing displeasure about less interesting beetle encounters was one of many. If you don't like my feedback or the manner in which I express it, feel free to use the ignore button.
  19. Except that I did not do that. Your opinion here probably takes one of the statements (likely the one I made in this thread above) out of context with the rest of my posts on the subject. Also not what I said, that's likely just what you imagined I said. Read the words in my post again. The trash mob encounters are like this, yep. Absolutely not the case, although the inclusion of hard counters makes Basilisks useless enemies. What encounters other than Basilisks are so difficult that standard approaches do not work? I can't think of any. Let's take a look at what I said again This was in reply to the statement that the top half of the Stormwall Gorge map sucks. There are two encounters in the Dyrford Crossing exterior that are decent - the Wurm Hunters and the Menpwgra/Forest Lurkers (just Forest Lurkers for anyone not playing on Hard difficulty). The first beetle encounter and anything with an Adra beetle used to be pretty good in v278 but now they're terrible and now that beetle mobs are fewer in number they will be absolutely banal encounters because the difficulty was coming from Wood Beetle poison which is not really an issue now, and Adra Beetles being really tough while also dealing out high damage. It is not the difficulty alone that needs tweaking, the encounter makeups (on Hard difficulty, I am speaking solely as a player who plays on Hard) need some shuffling around. The Wolf Encounter is now better, but it could still be improved further. That is Area Design, not just balancing of enemies.
  20. I don't have rose-tinted glasses. I replay Baldur's Gate every year, and god damn right I ............. In the current patch, encounters in PE are laughably easy. Some of the Dyrford Crossing encounters need to be spruced up a bit and enemies need to be rebalanced.
  21. The colors look to be stored in a prefab, rather than an enum, unfortunately so it doesn't look like i can mod more in.
  22. Yeah the amount of (and the actual colors) colors in the color picker are disappointing. They were worse in v257, and then they added two more colors and changed them around. The shades of purple and red are severely disappointing. There's absolutely no reason why we can't have more colors than there are.
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