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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. Once again though like many things in PE (classes, attributes, abilities) the Rogue is just a familiar name for something entirely different.
  2. Unfortunately "nondescript DPS" has been the design for the Rogue from the beginning. They need to change a lot of the mechanics, we're not sure if multipliers are additive or multiplicative, but either way it probably doesn't matter. We can mod any of the source code, but at the moment there is no way to get at the prefabs (which is where a lot of the abilities/spells etc are), which is a shame.
  3. Behind the acidity there's some good points in his post, and his finishing paragraph is somewhat true. I don't agree with everything he says, which I stated in my post below it. I see what you're getting at though
  4. Great post, I haven't hacked together a party of all rogues or gone above the level range, but yeah Rogues are _IMBAAAAAAAAAAAAAA_ at the moment and combined with the across the board nerf to creatures in the new patch (it seems?) even combat with one rogue is a complete laugh. The damage system at the moment is a complete joke, whoever thought it would be a good idea to make everything 1.25x damage and stackable needed to think that through a little better. This is why flat integers are usually the best/easiest to understand and balance. A lot of the racial abilities are pretty meaningless as well. I'm not sure if that's meant to be the case or not.
  5. Lower camera angle combined with tall grass doesn't help. Recovery time needs a different stance to idle.
  6. the clothing colors could pop a bit more as well, like they do in the IE games.
  7. They darkened them in the latest patch I think, which is strange.
  8. Pretty much yeah - I see the idea on paper but as a person who has played a fair bit of RTS games (Warcraft 2 was the one I played the most as a kid), it's a kick in the nads and feels awful and also is detrimental to the feel of combat in the game. I've brought it up to the developers before, and haven't really got a response about it other than "we might look into recovery time in the future", so I thought I'd advance the issue. I also agree with a lot of your points I do want more challenging and more interesting gameplay and although I did not struggle against archers in the IE games, I think you're right in many cases.
  9. Yeah most spells seem to be AoE in PE for some reason, although they've nerfed the AoE of spells by quite a lot since the last patch. Many of them now feel too small even with 18 INT. Attributes as a whole now are pretty lulz due to the 10 is 0 thing, it doesn't really matter what array you use as long as you don't dump anything critical to your class. Doesn't really make any difference to your play style. It was a little bit like that in v278, but it wouldn't have been if Per and Res weren't terrible. To be honest I preferred the positive only system, but higher per point bonuses would be another way of improving this issue - but these things are for another thread/suggestion later
  10. Yeah sorry about that, I had it up too loud. It sounds fine on my headphones but on some setups with different frequency response levels it might be different. I was listening to Tenhi - Kauan http://rateyourmusic.com/artist/tenhi
  11. Hi Sking, it might not be the boots actually as when I take them off he still skates along the ground, but I was positive that this happened when I first equipped the boots after finding them. http://www.upload.ee/files/4288495/b30ea65fab024a33855aff43312ad463_DyrfordCrossing_7697502.savegame.html here is my save game
  12. Better AI, Encounter design and placement can take care of stuff like that. There's not many ranged units in the beta, so it's real easy to just kite melee opponents anyway (lure away with tank, focus fire with rest).
  13. In pretty much every RTS game, units either attack instantly after each animation or they have a short cooldown between attacks. Unit movement is considered a separate action from attacking, and the attack cooldown works when units are moving. There are some exceptions to this, most notably for units that require 'planting', which is either automatic or toggled - such as Mortar Teams and Machine Gunners in Company of Heroes, Siege Tanks in Siege Mode in Starcraft and Trebuchets in Age of Empires 2. The Infinity Engine games had RTS style combat, units could move and their personal round timer ticked down all the same. In Pillars of Eternity however, the designers have chosen to pause recovery time while moving under the motive for making movement an opportunity cost in combat, which gives more of a turn-based feel and also to prevent kiting with bows, as they seem to be very effected by the strength of bows in Baldur's Gate 1 and Icewind Dale 1 (Bows have also been nerfed to crap ). The thing is though, moving in combat generally is already an opportunity cost itself when action cooldowns are short, you can miss an attack or two when re-positioning in combat. Paused recovery time while moving magnifies this exponentially. This creates extreme cases where a stationary target that is supposed to be 'sticky' like the Fighter is useless once an enemy has gotten past him, because he has to chase and he is not able to act for the X seconds it takes for him to reach his target once it has stopped moving, plus his full recovery time. These things make combat feel unresponsive, and do not have a fluid feeling. It also does not feel as much like an RTS style game, but more like one of the mid-00s RPGs like Neverwinter Nights 2 or something, which did not have good combat in general. I am not very surprised by this decision because isometric RTS games (and RTS games) in general are not very popular anymore and basically nobody makes them, so it is easy for people to forget what that combat style feels like. So, I have made a mod that removes recovery time in Pillars of Eternity. It was very easy to do, considering that crossbows, arbalests and guns have to play their reload animations regardless of recovery time, although that makes me wonder whether reduced recovery time actually effects firearm animations or not ? Here is a video I recorded of me playing the Dyrford Crossing Exterior with this mod This is not a very good demonstration, and I was also planning to do a comparison video, but the new party AI is making it _VERY_FRUSTRATING_ to record anything because characters are not obeying my commands properly. However you should be able to see that combat feels more fluid and natural compared to how it feels in v301. http://www.upload.ee/files/4288442/PE_FreeRecovery.rar.html Instructions: BACKUP THIS FILE: X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta\PillarsOfEternity_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll COPY THE CONTENTS OF "PE_FreeRecovery" into your "X:\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity - Public Beta\PillarsOfEternity_Data" directory Click yes to Overwrite. Enjoy! DO NOT submit bug reports with this installed, revert to default when testing --------------------- One of the issues the developers are concerned about is being able to kite enemies with bows. Gromnir has noted that this "fear" goes all the way back to the Black Isle boards where the BIS community hated the overpowered bows in Baldur's Gate. So I'd like people to try and do it - kite people with bows if you can. However at the moment I don't think it will be an issue because #1: Enemies are very fast and #2: Bows (and implements) are _terrrrrrrrriiiible_ weapons in Pillars of Eternity at the moment due to the whacked weapon balance. Obviously these two things need to be improved, slower movement speed would be nice as would more balanced weapons - but at the moment you can exploit the enemy AI in so many ways other than kiting with ranged weapons, why should this be considered any differently?
  14. v301 has added in some kind of party AI (which I think might be a mistake), where party members just automatically override your commands - particularly commands to cast spells, and just run and auto-attack the target that the AI determines they should attack. This is a nightmare in melee combat because if you issue a command, the party member will start to obey it and they cancel it and run back and attack someone else. There's also a bug with disengagement attacks as well where enemies can make disengagement attacks on you when they are moving and you are standing still as well as the other way around. So a character who moves around in melee combat (worst offender is the spider groups) will suffer disengagement attacks from multiple enemies when the AI cancels the spell you asked them to cast and they run and attack the enemy the AI determines they should, and even when you cancel their action and cast the spell again, they cancel your spell cast and attack someone else. THIS IS WORSE THAN NEVERWINTER NIGHTS 2 AoO's !!!!!1 I'm trying to make videos and this KEEPS STUFFING THEM UP There should not be any Party AI, there should only be certain auto attack clauses for after party members finish an action that you commanded them to do, which are of course, always overridable. If there is Party AI at all it should be to automatically attack when attacked or at the start of combat (or whatever it was in the BG games).
  15. The new party AI is starting to make me pull my hair out, they just override your actions and do their own thing like the enemy AI does. :@@@@
  16. I don't know about that, because they only have one 2D artist on the project atm. They have animators helping out with 2D art because of this.
  17. did you actually send a refund request to Obsidian support nipsen?
  18. That must be a bug because in the last patch, disengagement attacks were working and there was an animation for it.
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