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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. @Messier-31, In the word document mate, link is in the OP. Both have been acknowledged by the devs (Josh has spoken about per-character stealth being difficult to implement and Adam has spoken about Fog of War and how it didn't work out how he had planned).
  2. That's not what I said though and anyone who got that out of what I said did not read my post correctly. Currently there's an imbalance between the power of certain talents against others. An example would be Weapon Focus - +10 Accuracy with weapon group - pretty good. Then there's stuff like Penetrating Blast, for the Wizard, which reduces the DT for Blast attacks, which does basically nothing. If there is going to be severe talent imbalance, then the more powerful talents that are like class abilities should be separated from the Talents that are relatively minor, more in line with moderate-weak D&D feats. They are doing something to change character advancement at the moment, but their example listed with the Fighter seemed like they were focusing on the wrong class.
  3. Nah they all have values in their creature script in the prefab file that overrides the default speed in the source code. I have figured out how to open the creature files in Unity, but not how to get the modified versions back into the game.
  4. It was 6am my time when I finished it, I just pasted the link and went to bed. I should have also probably mentioned in the OP that MoonWolf and swordofthesith contributed to the list, but I did mention that at the start of the video.
  5. Forgot per character stealth and Line of Sight Fog of War, but I suppose those are obvious anyway.
  6. In light of this post by Josh Sawyer, I thought I'd make a feature wishlist just in case any of these things haven't yet been considered for the list of "found work" for the remainder of PE development. Most of the things I point out are relatively minor, but some aren't. Covered sections: Character Creation, Art, Graphics, Areas, UI, Combat, General Mechanics, Character Advancement, Narrative, Animations & FX, Skills, Controls, Enchantment, Bestiary, Sound Word doc with jotted down points Probably forgot a few things, but I'll cover those in later videos anyway. Background music is Nest - Trail of the Unwary
  7. Yeah blunt vs Stone Beetles, Piercing vs Adra Beetles, etc - that's intended.
  8. The weapon damage ranges are not the problem, it's the stackable multipliers that the class gets. Weapons do need balance, but the Rogue gets several damage multipliers to stack on top of whatever weapon they use and pretty much rape everything. You can do it with daggers, just like you can with an arbalest, it's you who's ignoring that.
  9. The stash seems to update the items in the Stash Array, as the page size increases appropriately (to 2, 3 etc) but the items do not show in the alternate pages.
  10. First person can SMC, apart from actual FPS, which is a dead genre
  11. No doubt about that (being low priority), as player character art needs to be finalized and there's far more serious character art bugs atm - just wanted to check.
  12. You shouldn't have too many problems regardless of class, except maybe in the case of not choosing Constitution as a tank character or something. If you don't pump Perception though you may struggle getting past creature's stronger Fort, Ref, Will scores as those are almost always higher than Deflection on both characters and creatures. Now that the maximum bonuses you get from attributes are pretty small it's not a huge difference between 10 and 18 or whatever, in many cases. You can afford to dump Dexterity on some classes in favor of either higher Might or Perception, and you can probably afford to dump Resolve on some classes as well that don't really need their durations that much. Monks have no use for Intellect either, as they want to be hit and they have like a cone aoe ability that you'll rarely use. @morhilane, spells have a +10 accuracy bonus for most classes, but you're right that weapon enchantments will quite easily surpass that eventually. Would be cool if you could upgrade your Grimoire I would say that attributes still are not right.
  13. I've spent tonight cheating in all of the weapon files looking for bugs and I've noticed that the amount of unique art for weapons is a bit limited, and in some cases, lacking. Each weapon has a different model for stock, fine and exceptional variants and then most weapon groups have at least one unique model after that. Some have more, and there are a handful of monster variants as well (which are not included in the list). I won't post the names or any example pictures of any of the weapons for spoiler purposes. 3 Uniques Quarterstaff 2 Uniques Battle Axe Great Sword Rod Scepter 1 Unique Arbalest Club Dagger Estoc Hatchet Mace Morningstar Pike Pollaxe Sabre Spear Wand War Bow War Hammer No Uniques Arquebus Hunting Bow Flail Sword I find it particularly disappointing that Swords have no unique weapon art, and all look essentially like Short Swords. I know that Chris Avellone hates swords and some people are probably jumping for joy that for once, swords have been left out in this case, but the item type Sword is supposed to be a general group for different types of swords, and due to this fact it is very disappointing that there is no unique models for them in this case. Is more unique weapon art planned before release? I noticed that a couple of the 'uniques' are just the base model with some alternate texturing, such as one of the Battle Axes, but it would be nice if some more character art time could be assigned to at least put in a unique sword and flail and touch up some of the others with different textures/shaders. The other question is that in the IE games, some weapons, such as flaming swords had animated FX - is this a planned thing as well? (I assume the War Hammer Godsanthunyr would love to have some lightning FX around it)
  14. Yes it does because the amount of pausing required in combat is something that needs to be smoothed out. The default slow speed seems to be fine.
  15. Yeah no reason to go back on that. If you're going to have XP for locked doors then you need to create an "obstacle XP" system of some sort, where you can only get one reward for completing the objective, and the others are then cancelled out.
  16. Both are bugs. I reported the ranged accuracy showing bug in the first patch and Matt516 or someone reported the no weapon damage show on Day 1 of v301.
  17. I don't use the slow button at all, because it does not help a single bit when testing the default speed of the game.
  18. Whoever decided to keep the flat UI needs to be shot.
  19. Lock XP is actually a bad idea unless you also reward other actions like finding an alternate route, and only reward one of them - otherwise picking the lock will always be the best action, and that's a bad thing.
  20. Good list of fixes, hopefully different character stances for recovery time and combat idle are high on the list as well. Lock XP is a bad idea though. If you're going to do that you should give XP for other options too, especially in scripted interactions and cancel out the XP for the other option once the first one has been completed. eg. Pick lock 25 XP, Push stone out of the way 25XP .. etc Looks like I'm going to have to make a feature wishlist video tonight.
  21. Myself, mutonizer, Hiro II, swordofthesith, MoonWolf, morhilane, illathid and Fiebras think otherwise (among others). We know that Rogues are supposed to be a DPS class, but they are doing far, far too much at the moment. Especially considering that pretty much all creatures were nerfed in the latest patch.
  22. I prefer the original BG to BG:EE. The original art assets rule, and nothing can replicate the BG1 spawning system properly (not BGT, Tutu, or BG:EE)
  23. 2E was never supposed to be balanced, and it weighs combat and non-combat stuff together (although so does 3E).
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