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Everything posted by aluminiumtrioxid

  1. Doesn't make it any less true, though.
  2. The Derro did not write this.
  3. If this is anything to go by, yes. Mind you, dragons have always sparked unduly long essays from geeks.
  4. This is bioware, you'll be a PG inquisitor. Now if you want to play as an Inquisitor Have you played that game, I saw it on GOG and it looks good? It's horrible, take my word for it.
  5. New update, this time about Evocations. It tells a lot about Exalted that a Charm called "World-Splitting Flame" is mid-tier. Also, the ability to create a non-Dragon-Blooded Genryuusai-expy is welcome.
  6. Spent about half my day familiarizing myself with Exalted, the other half studying biochemistry. Realized that despite the valiant efforts of the guys at White Wolf, apoptotic pathways are way more metal than anything they came up with. Almost every concept or family of molecules has the word "death" attached to its name in some way or another (which makes it really similar to the Abyssal charmset, by the way). Now whenever I read this chapter of the textbook, the little voice in my head switches to a death metal growl.
  7. ...Yeah, "Gaunt the Gentle Commissar and his Magical Medi-Gun*" is really not a style I want to emulate in my W40K *Because Commissars have a Talent to restore Wounds to a fellow PC by shooting their Comrade.
  8. That is also true. So, mud level with inscrutable mushroom people who tend to the the rotting carcasses of former adventurers reanimated by magic fungi?
  9. Because being a scientist or a philosopher is obviously beyond the reach of anyone who might agree with the idea of feminism. Got it.
  10. Seriously now, for ****'s sake, what does rape culture have to do with "all men are rapists"? Or patriarchy? I've never met a single feminist who used these terms and thought "yupp, all men are rapists, no exceptions". Quite the opposite, usually.
  11. DAO had stun, hold, paralyze (and even petrify, but that was pretty crappy), with about 3-7 second durations. Didn't make the game any better. (Actually made it worse. Having to hack and slash away a completely defenseless enemy's HP without any kind of critical or damage bonus - coup de grace would be even better - just completely shatters verisimilitude, especially if said non-boss enemy still has about half of its HP when the effect goes away.)
  12. Unfortunately, we're playing in a world and a system I only have passing familiarity with, and between the three comprehensive exams I have to take this semester, I really can't afford to learn all this ****, too.
  13. Too true. They should really shove this "darker and edgier" crap up where the sun doesn't shine.
  14. This one just fulfills the role of "letting the GM play in her juvenile power fantasy", but I'm willing to forgive a lot for someone who nails the weird aesthetics as well as she does. Doesn't change the fact that she's a piss-poor excuse for a GM, though.
  15. Yupp, probably the best episode of the series thus far. I think it's safe to say that the series has finally grown the beard.
  16. Had a talk with our GM who has a nasty habit of aggrandizing her favorite GMPC (who's, as a spellcaster, of course miles ahead of everyone else in the party both in raw power and versatility - yes, RPGs written before concepts such as "balance" became important suck). After a fairly intense shouting match, she apologized for being selfish and promised to do better, while I offered to help her with descriptions and minor NPCs. Went better than expected, although I think this probably won't solve anything in the long term.
  17. Maybe its just me, but if your diety of choice is offering you everlasting life in their realm if you burn your world down, I think it'd be wise from your perspective to do it. Except for the fact that the realms of such deities are usually not places where any sane person would want to spend their eternal afterlife
  18. Wisdom is a horrible idea to have as an attribute, and clerics who worship gods whose sole goal is to bring chaos and destruction to the world should not have Wisdom scores of 18 (or above 6-ish, for that matter).
  19. Technically yes, since schizophrenia is besides being a real disease also a blanket term for a series of unrelated mental symptoms manifesting on the same patient. EG: OCD because a pink elephant looks at you judgingly. Wat.
  20. This man, you should listen to. The truth, he speaks.
  21. Torment wasn't as good a game as its biggest fans would have you believe. Still better than IWD, though.
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