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Everything posted by aluminiumtrioxid

  1. I prefer weird in its pure and undistilled form. Strangling opponents with their own hair (or shadow). Conjuring giant, blind albino eels which float in the air, and terrorize opponents with their deafening shrieks. Reanimating a corpse of an enemy as a gaunt, pale monstrosity which weeps blood constantly, and tries to protect party members by throwing itself between them and enemy attacks. That sort of thing.
  2. Everything: your stats, skills, decisions, the information you acquired... it should all be a factor. Also, your companions should be able to handle the social stuff instead of you, but only in situations where it fits their personality and goals.
  3. A lesser party size would be also a fairly good solution. If you're required to have 2 or 3 companions to function as a full party (as opposed to the classic 5), you can experiment a lot more.
  4. I'd actually like some romance options, as long as they are written by Chris Avellone, who admittedly cannot find a love story interesting unless one of the participants betrays the other, or sets him/her or fire, or both.
  5. Especially with the option to mock them and gloat. (But if you do that very often, your enemies might hear about how you tend to do that, and set up a fake ambush to ambush you as you ambush the fake ambushers. (Ambushception!) Then mock you and gloat.)
  6. Nope They are the "nature-loving" trope taken to the extremes. Perhaps their superior elfy traits are tied to it, and outside of their forests, their longevity and physical/mental superiority are dwindling. (That would explain both why they are so protective of said forests, and why do they take a small bit of it with themselves wherever they go - thus the treant form). I imagine them as an embodiment of the savage aspect of nature so often overlooked in fantasy. As apex predators in their natural habitat. It has nothing to do with evil, nor with being a tree-hugging hippie
  7. I would like to see some suggestions, seeing that this seems to be the most popular option atm. I actually like the idea of "demon elves". Combined with the traditional tree-hugging aspect, they could look normal at first glance, but if seriously threatened, transform into something between a treant and an alien (you know, branches, skin as bark, perhaps tentacles, and the whole thing oozing black mucus...). They could wield magics related to wild, ever-growing life (along the line of unstoppable growth) and/or death/decomposition. Dual aspect of nature, and all that. Not like it's original, or the devs would be very likely to be able to use it, but a cool idea, which hasn't been represented in a video game yet.
  8. I'd like to see an Earthdawn-like system, where every class is a spellcaster, only the spheres of influence differ (would explain conveniently the superhuman feats of rogue- and warrior-type characters). So possible schools include War, Shadows, and the like. Or a magic system largely independent of class, and entirely based on the individual (backstory, personality - you gain spells or schools based on your ingame decisions, your companions have a fixed list, expanding only if you care to move their story forward/alter their outlook, etc.). This way, basically any kind of school could be in the game. Would tie into the "strong souls can use magic" theme nicely, although it would be fairly limiting when creating lore-friendly fights with human opponents... either they can't use magic and tactical complexity takes a blow, or they can, and suddenly, your kind becomes the majority.
  9. An ability like the different "marks" of the DnD 4 defender-type classes is a good idea, I think. It doesn't force characters to do anything, but incurs damage and/or penalties if they attack another target. Which is, in my opinion, quite realistic (after all, a huge armored guy cleaving at you does count as a distraction).
  10. I've never been much of a Bioware fan (played BG1 after the sequel, which kinda ruined it for me; NWN was just meh [for the record, I didn't like NWN 2 either]; and never played KotOR), but compared to the terrifying pile of crap they gave us in DA:O and ME2, DA2 and ME3 seem fairly solid games. These two at least manage to have an atmosphere, DA2 has some pretty strong moral aspects (I think it's actually better in this respect than Witcher), and ME3's gameplay is really enjoyable (plus the memorable [albeit sometimes cheesy] story elements and the fact that we spent quite a long time with the characters who, as a consequence, grew pretty close to us).
  11. Things I'd love to see: World: Low fantasy, like Warhammer or GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire. Minimal magic, maximal amount of grittiness and backstabbing. The system should also reflect this (e.g. warriors shouldn't be able to shoot shockwaves out of their weapons or become invincible for a short time; the combat should be fast and lethal, thus encouraging the player to try to resolve problems differently). HIgh-magic dark fantasy: magic shouldn't be available to all, but it should play a huge role in shaping the world. Some Lovecraftian feel would also be appreciated. It is also entirely possible that in such world magic is considered to be capable of causing harm only. Anything based on the tabletop systems of: new World of Darkness (especially Changeling: the Lost), Dark Sun, Ravenloft, Planescape, Warhammer 40k Dark Heresy (or anything 40k really, except Deathwatch), Kult. Though I'd like to see my money go toward directly the development process, not licencing. A somewhat Planescape-like world based on ancient Greece... I've always thought Plato's "Theory of Forms" would be a great theme for a videogame. A world where there are no gods or magic, but there are ideals, and one could gain more and more power by striving toward one (although thus shredding away more and more of his humanity), becoming capable of warping reality in accordance with said ideal. System: I don't believe in levelling up, instead I think the players should be able to spend their experience freely along the way as they see fit (to attributes, skills or special training - like spells and combat moves). The problem with game balance should also not be an issue, since there could be a 'minimal xp spent' level until the higher-tier abilities become unlocked, or there could be specific events ( e.g. training, choosing certain ways to resolve situations etc.) regulating what the player can and can not pick up. I also think "health points" are a good thing if you want a balanced and tried system, but developers should experiment more. I'd try a somewhat Deus Ex-like formula where there are no hit points, but hit locations and severity of injuries (no damage for the weapons either, but a chance to cause injuries of certain severity - this could be modified by the successes gained on the attack roll, and the wielder's strength). It could be an entirely valid option on higher difficulties for the character to become crippled, lose a hand, etc. Of course, this works best in a grim and gritty world, otherwise it's quite pointless. And finally... in the world of VOd characters, there is a tendency for the main character to be more than a vessel, an avatar for a player, and develop an independent personality. In the world of tabletop RPGs, it was always a natural assumption that the characters have personalities, so I don't think it's a problem. On the contrary, I think the industry should embrace the idea, even utilize multiple main characters (where the player could not choose alignment or personality for his characters, but attitudes toward certain topics and persons; and the game should remember those choices, and when said character's not controlled by the player, it should behave accordingly). This would create possibilities in elastic storytelling which put even Alpha Protocol to shame. In an intrigue-rich world it could be a great thing (but otherwise it would just needlessly complicate things, or not have any impact on the actual gameplay - then what's the point?). In general: Actually, I'd love to see anything from you guys. You've never let us down. (I sincerely hope though that said "anything" will involve something very-very PST-like).
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