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Everything posted by Moose

  1. That's because there's no such thing as an English parliament, technically speaking anyway.
  2. I stare down at my keyboard at the letter U, with my right eye closed. Vertically one inch infront of my left eye is a length of wire from my headphones. When I focus on the wire it is thick enough to block out the letter U. When I focus beyond the wire it no longer blocks it and I can see the letter U. Yet the wires position has not changed and should still obstruct the letter. I wear concave glasses. So my question is this. Why is my country facing a 1 million housing shortage by 2020, yet none of the partys standing this election have the courage to make this their #1 issue. Surely nothing is more important than food and shelter?
  3. The real question would be would I break into your house knowing you weren't armed; and that's a no. If you can't expect that much from your neighbourhood you're already screwed.
  4. I'm not really against gun ownership, I think allowing 17 year olds to legally drive is 100x more lethal. I just think society has broken down if people feel they need to own a gun.
  5. WOLVERINES I think if you live in a society you feel gun ownership is necessary, then things have clearly already gone wrong.
  6. And just think, if everyone slave laboured for 2 and a half years there'd be no national debt.
  7. Kind of fitting to post useless drivel on a tiny forum where nobody's paying attention. Just a pity it has to be this one.
  8. Or perhaps we have some startling news for you. Einstein's assassination etc.
  9. Are you a religious man Walsh, or are you simply trying to square the circle?
  10. You're saying voting obsidian mocks and denigrates both Nelson Mandela's torture, imprisonment, and heroic forgiveness of his enemies? That is exactly what I'm saying.
  11. I'd vote Capcom if I could be arsed. The Resident Evil series alone justifys this. Voting Obsidian is a bit like giving the Nobel peace prize to a newly elected president.
  12. Just another case of stupid people doing something stupid.
  13. Laser, sonar, radar. I think you're more against people initialling stuff rather than acronyms in general.
  14. Do you think we can cope with just ourselves left to hate?
  15. Fight global warming, support abortion.
  16. If it's scientific then it'll be something ultra specialised, ultra niche and impossible to explain to anyone but a small selection of colleagues. A bit like MMOs in the early days.
  17. When A & B are both equally bollocks you don't vote for either.
  18. Oh and as for Brown, if he loses the election he intends to stay the labour leader, so it's not even like you're voting him off TV, which I'm sure is the only reason a lot of people are even considering voting conservative.
  19. Voting for the conservatives because you don't like the way labour's performed is a bit like buying a different microwave cooker because you don't like the way tv dinners taste. And shame on you wals, you're old enough to know how ****e the tories are, every bit as ****e as labour. The only difference is with Brown you know what you get, where as with Cameron people have this hope he's a gamble. He's really not. Personally I reckon if you're goign to waste yoru vote, waste it on a minority. The only thing you can hope to get out of this election is a sense of superiority in that you voted for a party you genuinely believed in.
  20. We owe it back to ourselves, it's a good trick to get us working for nothing.
  21. I wonder if there'll be much fighting in tunnels.
  22. Of course if you can't rehab somebody then why not just kill them, they'll never be of use to society. Right?
  23. Let's theorise there was a holy land, and it split into a billion copies, one for each quantum probability. Let's say in one universe all of one abrhamic group died due to some freak genetic disease disease or some other vague washy idea. Surely the answer is to transport one abrhamic group from our world into the paradise outlined above, thereby solving two problems. Therefore I conclude instead of all this fighting we concentrate on resurrecting Professor Pavarotti to help build a dimension Sliding machine. This idea makes so much more sense to me, and I think it's just a lot more practical.
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