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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Just letting other members know that this has been resolved (DirectX redownload/install) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I see we still don't have our strip pazaak.
  2. Did he say that he bought them all at full price?
  3. TSN says the same thing. link
  4. I'd have thought they would force you to play so you can properly advise the customers.. " <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not my department. I think I saw the Mario Soccer game on the gamecube the other day though.
  5. I work at Future Shop. We have 2 DS's on display where you can play Mario Kart or Advance Wars. Pretty fun games actually, er, or so I'm told... "
  6. You people suck. Yoshi > All
  7. Then we'll just make you come to us ::turns to his trusty assistant:: Tell them to cancel hockey again <{POST_SNAPBACK}> NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo!!!!!!
  8. Are today's average Americans even cabable of running? Seems to me they'd be waddlin' back to Texas. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I used running figuratively. They will actually be driving their hummers. We still have another 100 years or so of winter protection before those hummers warm things up too much.
  9. go ahead watch us all run acrossed your borders and then have a battle of the five armies (all LoTR style) right in the middle of your big open country.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pfft. We all know that all us Canadians have to do is wait for the snow to come and you Americans will run back down to Texas where it's warm.
  10. That would do it.
  11. Figures. I think almost all of the mods I use require ToB. You should go buy it. "
  12. I usually pick up Tactics and Ease-of-Use from here. Don't forget Ascension either. "
  13. And what would you do in Nintencats? Sit around and watch it sleep all day? "
  14. Everytime I attempt to predict what moves he would make he ends up not sending any moves in. <_<
  15. Hey, they got lucky that there is no Turkey left otherwise they would have had to fight with Turkey over that area.
  16. He bought a core system, but he lives in Canada so he didn't make $100 profit. If he made any profit it was no more than a couple bucks.
  17. I do.
  18. Wow! That's totally awesome!
  19. Yes. And cats/other animals. And many detergents/soaps/perfumes/flowers/grass. And pollens. Nose and rashes. No foods yet that I'm aware of, at least. :D <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll second that. Except for the detergents/soaps part. The rest of it I've allergies to at least some kind of them. Cats are iffy though, not too sure if I'm actually allergic to them or not as the only person I know that has cats, happen to also have a really old house in the country that has every single other allergen in the air that my nose doesn't like. <_<
  20. It works now. Strange. I figured that's what it was. Like the smash my iPod thing. EDIT: NWN was not advertised as an online game (if you mean in the sense of MMORPG), but a Forgotten Realms based RPG with ability to easily make user-made content. The majority of players still bought game for single player. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And got screwed with a really crappy single player game.
  21. Thats nothing! http://www.smashmyxbox.com/ <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Linkie no workie.
  22. I need to get the home theatre guys at work to put the hockey games on the TV's instead of those crappy scenery loops they have running now. "
  23. We sold out about ten minutes after the store opened this morning. We had 4 drunk idiots at the store last night who would only talk to the one female employee. Kept asking how much to get her to come back to their house. Apparently they were from another store and were trying to buy a bunch of 360's to sell at another store for a big markup. Almost had someone killed in the lineup apparently. One of the guys went outside and said "We only have enough for everyone up to you." The last guy to get one turned around and looked at the others and went "HA HA SUCKERS! YOU WAITED IN LINE FOR NOTHING!" There was a group of 3 people that looked like they were about to kick the crap out of him, or so I was told.
  24. I'm up for a team game too. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'd be willing, but I've only got about 12 hours a week in which to do my homework and chores and watch hockey games. Stupid job.
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