It doesn't mean much, it's basically so that each unit looks like there is more than one person.
The Civilopedia actually does have everything organized alphabetically. If you click on on of the icons it will bring up the description for that item and a menu bar on the side with everything in that catagory listed in alphabetical order. Seemed pretty good to me although there was something about the way it looked that just didn't seem right.
I really like the music! Some of it is really good. I especially like the music from the main menu.
In other news, I'm the only one in town that has Civ 4. I went in to pick it up and was given the special edition. When I reserved my copy there were two items in the computer for the same price so the person there reserved one, but put the money down on the other. That way I was guarenteed one or the other depending on what they got. They apparently had a bunch of people calling the store asking if it was in yet but since I was the only one that had pre-ordered they didn't have it for anyone else.