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Everything posted by Deraldin

  1. Whereas evolution theory is backed by volumes of works and research by numeorus scientists, and intelligent design is backed by what? It is simple - if it doesn't have SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE, do not teach it. Because there is less probability of it being valid. That's why some SCIENTIFIC theories are not taught (not only in biology) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No one here said anything about teaching Intelligent Design! It was suggested to mention it as an alternative that some people do believe in and then teach Evolution.
  2. Know what? You're right. We should throw out the definition of a discipline simply because we don't like its conclusions. I think our first step should be to go after Galileo. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Now you're just being silly. Have you even read my posts? I said nothing about throwing out a discipline. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That is precisely what you're advocating. You're saying we ought to teach, in a science classroom, a theory that has absolutely no scientific merit. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No he isn't He's saying it should be mentioned, but not taught. There is a difference. You're not reading what he's actually saying.
  3. It's just not the same if Darkside doesn't explain it.
  4. *stupidly asks*
  5. Let's see... Alpha Centauri Stronghold Thief (1 and 2, couldn't find them for the longest time) Silent Storm
  6. That so? To me, these threads seem more like an excuse for 'old' members to spam. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You said that as though the old members need an excuse to spam. "
  7. At least you know how to spell. We can skip step one...
  8. He's obviously not QA-ing it if he's posting here now is he? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> What if this is :gasp: Neverwinter Nights 2? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> OMG there are spoilers everywhere!
  9. He's obviously not QA-ing it if he's posting here now is he? What he said. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> So get back to work!
  10. What are you going playing? Get back to work! *cracks whip*
  11. Come on people! We want Jags back! We want Jags back! " Some just please post something.
  12. I thought you made some wierd thread about food and the mods decided to merge it with this one for some unknown reason...
  13. About the same as me, except in my case it's "OMG my History ISU is due and it's freaking long" which is competing with "OMG I hate this stupid project and I can't stand seeing it anymore!" But now it's done and handed in and I only have 80 other assignments to catch up on.
  14. W00T! Such an awesome prize!
  15. At 1a? What's at 1b? :ph34r: Antimatter: Don't expand to quickly. You'll drive yourself into the ground with maintenance costs from your cities and possibly leave yourself open to attack. Stupid barbarians. You're not supposed to attack my undefended cities! <_<
  16. We had several presentations about drugs in chemistry today. Strangely enough, all of them except the one that my group did, had hallucinations as one of the side effects. "
  17. The official website says 360 and PC only.
  18. Not even in France? I'd have thought the language protection laws would let lots of French Canadian productions in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> All I know is that I'm within a couple hours drive time fro Quebec and I don't see many Quebec films. Made in Quebec TV shows on the other hand seem to be everywhere. "
  19. Very few.
  20. No, they still showed this movie. It was just delayed for an hour or so. Interestingly enough, that was about the time the wind stopped. :ph34r:
  21. Well, I thought so too, but a lot of people I know seemed to think it was crap.
  22. So tonight there is another horribly bad movie on TV called Catagory 7: The End of the World about some massive hurricane that is supposed to destroy the world or something. Sounds worse than The Core. Anyway, apparently the movie has been delayed for some reason. Coincidentally, we've been getting about 3/4 hurricane force winds today. Coincidence? I think not! :ph34r:
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