Something tells me that if we put it down to 2 a round (of subdual damage at that) and instituted the FB's chance of annihilating teammates, people wouldn't be so enthusiastic about having things the way they "should be".
right now noone uses that prestige Class becouse of this backstab
I do suggest to make it as it should be, atleast then noone could say its Obsidians fault that it is at it is. All the people could then play as they want, and a raging barbarian in the mddle of your party can be a fun bonus, I loved in BG2 Minsc who sometimes chased my char around ^_^
Give us frenzy as it was intended, and all the causalties are already expected.
2 subdual damage per round is not a drawback. I can easily live with the 12 damage per round although I think a slightly lower number would be better. 6-8 would be optimal I think. You have to remember that when playing PnP you roll for HP whenever you level up. In NWN2 you simply get maximum HP so I think an increase in the damage you take during the frenzy is completely justifiable.
The frenzy lasts what? A few rounds? Say we go with 5 rounds here. Using the standard rules you would then take 10 subdual damage and possibly attack your own group. Instead here we take 60 lethal damage yet is completely immune (that I know of) to death for those 5 rounds. Fair trade off I think. You take 60 damage as opposed to have the very real possibility of your character killing off another of your party.
And I can pretty much guarentee that there would be a whole slew of "OMG! WTF is wrong with this **** game?! My character just chunked my mages during this fight!" threads by people that would be a hell of a lot angrier than those who are disappointed by Obsidian's altered Frenzy.