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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. I once saw a lecture on the physics of beer in Dublin City University. I can't remember a thing about it.
  2. Civ IV is the best one for a newcomer. Buy the complete version and go nuts. It's very, very addictive, though, and you should be careful when playing. Use the game's integrated clock and alarm. Edit: As I understand it, you are a strategy game veteran, so you shouldn't have trouble wrapping your head around Civ.
  3. Is the writing completely up to the South Park dudes or is Obsidian writing stuff as well?
  4. Hooray! I hope you are suitably amazed by the monitor.
  5. I finished Deus Ex: HR and it was fun. Not a bad game at all even if a bit bland. Still, it did a lot of things right and maanged to stay close enough to the Deus Ex formula. Boss battles and the final level were the only bits that were rubbish.
  6. I'm almost finished with Deus Ex: HR which has been ok, and I finished a Witcher 2 Roche run.
  7. Not sure why everyone is "OOOH AVAILABLE ON STEAM NEEEEEWS". We're at the point when not being available on Steam is effectively the exception, and there was really no indication Namco Bandai wouldn't pursue this road. Now, does this mean they will use Steamworks for the Steam release? Very doubtful if you ask me, but it's just an educated guess based on other similar releases (Arkham City and Arkham Asylum for example). I think they're using GFWL exclusively.
  8. @Monte: the one thing in that setup I'd change is the monitor. Pick either the PA238Q, or the PA246Q, as the improvement in image quality will be quite noticeable. The difference in lag however, won't be noticeable which is the one reason some people keep on complaining about IPS monitors like those two. Also note that the PA246Q is a 16:10 monitor which will also make a bit of a difference in terms of screen real estate. So really, really go with the PA246Q. Please.
  9. Yes, that would work. What's your budget, by the way?
  10. Ivy Bridge CPUs perform more or less the same as Sandy Bridge CPUs.
  11. The difference between an i5 and i7 is really minor in gaming, one way or the other. There are reports that Hyperthreading might hinder the i7 in games but the difference is still tiny. As usual, the GPU is almost always the bottleneck in games, unless your resolution is very low. Maybe Civ V or Shogun 2 will give your CPU some work, but even then, the difference between CPUs should be negligible.
  12. ...'specially if they come from CDProjekt. What about Action Adventure Game games? Are those as good as Action Adventure games?
  13. Role Playing Game games are the best.
  14. It takes about as much skill as building Legos. The Duplo kind. The hardest thing is picking the components.
  15. Check your e-mail. And note that I picked one of the more expensive monitors, so if that's not ok with you, just change back. Also, I still think you building it yourself would be the optimal course of action. You can get more for the same money and you can get components that Cyberpower or Alienware might not have available.
  16. What's your monitor? Do you have the gaming PC connected to a sound system? Or to your TV? Will you be overclocking your new PC? Would you be interested in 3D gaming? Do you want a new mouse and keyboard? Or really just the PC?
  17. Okay, you want this for gaming so I recommend the following: A Z77 motherboard CPU: 3570K RAM: 8GB Graphics: Nvidia GTX 670 Hard Drives: one 120GB SSD and one 1TB HDD. Now, what's your PC right now? What's your monitor? Don't you have parts of it you might want to keep? Alienware and those Cyberpower guys are seriously overpriced.
  18. Neither. Get the 3570K instead.
  19. You can give Iorveth the sword and side with Roche.
  20. It should be noted that Reynolds can do serious, and quite well too. See Safe House and Buried.
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