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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. One option for people who play rpgs and like hentai would be Xentar Knights. Sure, the gameplay sucks, and hentai is what it is, but I thought it was hilarious. Then again, maybe I'm just weird...
  2. The PC version was delayed because MS wanted it that way.
  3. Civ3 Medieval GTA3 Fallout 1 Fallout 2 Baldur's Gate 2 Morrowind Daggerfall TRON 2.0 No One Lives Forever No One Lives Forever 2 System Shock System Shock 2 Neverwinter Nights Planescape: Torment UT2004 Icewind Dale 2 Ultima 7 Alpha Centauri Beyond Good and Evil Thief Kohan Rogue Spear Homeworld 2 I'm only playing 2 or 3 of these though.
  4. I'll wait for the game to actually appear in stores.
  5. Economic Left/Right: -4.88 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -6.15 This is me, the liberal self-righteous prick!
  6. NWN. I Bought it on the day of release and was terribly disappointed with it.
  7. I have hours upon hours of Daggerfall under my belt. That has given me a high tolerance of bugs. To this day the only bug that really affected me was the love letters bug in Torment. I had to restart Torment from the beginning because of it.
  8. Starcraft is so much better than WC3 it's not even funny. I usually hate RTS games (mostly because I suck at them), but even I loved Starcraft.
  9. Same here. To me FO2 was truly an improved FO.
  10. It would be pretty funny if a developer came out before releasing a title to say that some part of the game outright sucked. :D
  11. Well, If your a strategy gamer I'd suggest Icewind Dale. It has a nice story and involves a lot of strategizing. Planescape: Torment is indeed a brilliant game. However, it might be too weird for someone new to the genre.
  12. Does that mean you'll buy me a new machine? :rolleyes:"
  13. Have you ever noticed how console games get consistently better reviews than their PC counterparts? Just check gamerankings.com: http://www.gamerankings.com/itemrankings/simpleratings.asp Why do you think this happens?
  14. Stop showing off!!! . . . . . It makes me jealous...
  15. Fair enough. Maybe I'll give it a go. The best console RPG I've played is Tales of Phantasia. Question: How did Suikoden even get a sequel?
  16. The only ones of that list I'm interested in are F.E.A.R., FF vs The Third Reich, GTA and KOTOR2. The rest are either uninteresting or are not coming out next year. @Oerwinde: Suikoden 1 is one of the worst games I've ever played. What do you see in it?
  17. I'm here because Obsidian is, hopefully, the successor to Black Isle Studios. Nowadays, blocking Google is about the same thing as blocking the Internet.
  18. Why is amnesia always brought up as a bad thing? The point is not if the plot includes amnesia or not .It's how the amnesia plot device is used. A good example of this would be the film Memento. In the specific case of Torment, amnesia allows you to have a deep and interesting lead character that, at the same time, you can role-play as you see fit. And this is something I had never seen in a rpg before.
  19. I'd say System Shock 2. I had heard it was good and I had played the first one but nothing could've prepared me for so much brilliance in a single game.
  20. I say we stone him.
  21. I love both. However, FO2 killed FO for me unlike BG which I still play once in a while despite liking BG2 better. That being said Fallout's humor and setting is way better than BG's. Torment is better than both though.
  22. I paid full price for Torment when it first came out and I would've paid more. It's the only game I've ever played that comes close to being Literature.
  23. Say what?
  24. This was my first post.
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