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Everything posted by Pidesco

  1. My suggestion is Darth . Because, as all Darth names are inherently silly, you might as well go all the way.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, the .bmu files are actually already in mp3 format. So all you need to do is copy them to another folder, change the new files' extension to .mp3, and you're good to go. Or you can just drag the copied files to winamp.
  3. Cake - Love You Madly Great videoclip.
  4. I think that if you turn off frame buffer effects everything shoulg go back to normal. You won't get the blur when using the speed boost, though. Also, while I don't have an ATI card, I hear the omega drivers are better than the official catalyst drivers. Perhaps you want to try those.
  5. ^Also stupider than the people who work at McDonald's.
  6. My first response was: "Is Daaave a woman?" Only afterwards did the paaants-too-low thing command my attention.
  7. This is a very odd problem. However, note that in the ini, there are two different places with resolution values. Have you tried to change both the values in both those places?
  8. Do you have AA and Anisotropy on, in your graphics control panel? If so, turn them off. If not, I'm all out of ideas...
  9. While your system isn't the best, I think it should be able to handle KOTOR2 just not without all the settings maxed out. Which KOTOR2 settings are you using?
  10. That's a memory problem you've got going there. She was always quite ugly.
  11. Well, I remember watching their videos when they first got successful, and thinking that the two guys who spend most of the time during the songs not saying anything, seem to be the more talented ones of the group. I also remember thinking that the chick seemed to be a really, really awful singer.
  12. I'm about to embark on my favourite NWN2 quest. Kill the goths!
  13. I think you can order units to hold their ground at all times, Gorgon.
  14. Seeing as this thread is now a tad outdated, it will now undergo immediate lockage. Thanks, Mus?.
  15. Try to change the resolution directly in swkotor2.ini
  16. From your description of the problem, it sounds like your system can't handle KOTOR2 very well. Please post your system's specifications, so we can give you more specific help.
  17. Eastern Promises. Quite good. Cronenberg at his best. The fight scene is worth the whole movie.
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